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Everything posted by jvrothjr

  1. Control Panel --> Administractive Tools --> Services Find Mysql select it Right Click Properties change from Auto Start to Manual
  2. Someone had cleared the URL link to the DB I have fixed that. I am looking at ideas on the layout changes. I am not site designer I work more on the programming then the visuals. I basicly do simple layouts. And as I have found errors I have fixed them so if you do find one PLEASE let me know where / what part and what the error is. The last errors on the site was do to the URL being Cleared. Also keep in mind this software is designed to run on your server/host and backup the site it is running from. As far as the Spelling I have not proofed and spelling/gram on this site the operation is more important to me right now. And is Still in Under Dev....... I will also add more color schemes once I have finish the debugg
  3. color design is your choose they can choose from predefined color schems under the admin option lower right corner.
  4. [tt]http://rcchjr.awardspace.com[/tt] can some one help do some testing on this software I have got the big buggies worked out just need so advice on other options for improvments. I currently have this running on three of my sites works great. Just need to test this setup. The required page links to this site for all reference. So you just create the rcbuild_ftp.php and place the text within it and save. Of course this needs to be placed in the root. For the backup to work for the whole site. The site is basic its the software on it that I wish to review.
  5. We have found a fix for this issue [code] <script language='javascript'> window.onload = poponload; function poponload() { //Set variables, version is IE version number var ua = window.navigator.appVersion; var msie = ua.indexOf ( "MSIE " ); var version = ua.substring(msie+5,msie+6); //Open new window var win = window.open ('index.php', 'master', "scrollbars=1,resizable=1,status=1,dependent=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); //Check version number and run correct code if (version >= "7") { if (win) { window.open('', '_parent',''); window.close(); } } else { self.opener = this; setTimeout('self.close()',500); }; } </script> [/code] This checks the IE version and action required based on that
  6. [code] <script language='javascript'>   win = window.open('index.php', 'master', 'channelmode=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=1','True');   window.opener=self;    if (self != win) { window.close(); } </script> [/code] Above is my code for opening a new window with toolbars and menus off this works if we use the DNS ID but not the IP address for any IE below 7  ??? But with IE7 both work but IE7 displays the URL address bar read only. ??? Is there a way to turn the URL on as read only in this script and see if this works in IE6 ???
  7. i would create a script that would do the upload for them instead of creating a script that would compair the files. But here are two functions I use to get the root directory and root file list. By using these two functions with some little changes you can have it search the directory structure from the root down with lists of all the files in every directory. I use forms of these two functures to create a script to do a complete revision controled backup of my servers via php/mysql. with the ability to restore that backup to the same server or another server by running that script of the other server. [code=php:0] # this function is to display root directory list of folders Function dirlistloop(){ # Set path     $dirpath = "."; # Get list of path     $dh1 = opendir($dirpath); # While loop if path was returned     while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh1))) { # Skip if . or .. dir       if ($file != "." and $file != "..") { # if dir found         if (!is_file("$dirpath/$file")) { # code to valid directory structure         }}} # Close path listing     closedir($dh1); } # this function is to display root directory list of files Function filelistloop(){ Connectvalues(); # Get Root File List     $dirpath = "."; # Get list of path                $dhr = opendir($dirpath); # While loop if path was returned                while (false !== ($file = readdir($dhr))) { # if file found call subroutine and pass path and filename                        if (!is_dir("$dirpath/$file")) { # code to valid files }     } # Close path listing     closedir($dhr); } [/code]
  8. [code=php:0] <? echo "<table border=1 align=center><tr>"; echo "<td align=center>StoryID</td>"; echo "<td align=center>Title</td>"; echo "<td align=center>Summary</td>"; echo "<td align=center>AuthorID</td>"; echo "<td align=center>Row Count</td>"; echo "</tr>"; $querystring = "select distinct StoryId from Story"; $SearchMatch = mysql_query ($querystring); if ($MatchRecord = mysql_fetch_array($SearchMatch)) { do{ $querystring1 = "select distinct StoryID from Story"; $SearchMatch1 = mysql_query ($querystring1); if ($MatchRecord1 = mysql_fetch_array($SearchMatch1)) { do{ $querystring2 = "select count(*) from Comments where StoryID = ".$MatchRecord['StoryID']; $SearchMatch2 = mysql_query ($querystring2);     $Commentcnt=mysql_result($SearchMatch2,0,"count(*)"); echo "</tr>"; echo "<td align=center>".$MatchRecord['StoryID']."</td>"; echo "<td align=center>".$MatchRecord1['Title']."</td>"; echo "<td align=center>".$MatchRecord1['Summary']."</td>"; echo "<td align=center>".$MatchRecord1['AuthorID']."</td>"; echo "<td align=center>".$Commentcnt."</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } while($MatchRecord1 = mysql_fetch_array($SearchMatch1)); } } while($MatchRecord = mysql_fetch_array($SearchMatch)); } ?> [/code]
  9. [code=php:0] '$Description','')'; [/code] look at your structure at the end of the line
  10. [code=php:0] $add_all = 'INSERT INTO Equipment values('$ItemNo','$Manufacturer','$Model','$SerialNo','$Description','')'; [/code]
  11. [code=php:0]LIKE '%.$ipb10.%'[/code]
  12. Have not been around posting as long as you all, but here is a lil about me. 36 Years old, 2 kids (1 more on the way) 5 year old - Son, 2 year old - Daughter. and the worse half ... lol. Not married mmmm maybe thats why lol.  anyway Started coding back on the C64 as a hobby and to this day still a hobby. First home PC was a TRS-80 from radio shack......    Company gave me a TITLE Admin-Cad Programer but still dont credit form coding...... so its just a title. Stated php/mysql about 3 years again Developed and deployed two INTER Company websites. But my background core is still VB ..... the catch for me was started with VB converted to ASP in testing and ended up on php. Working with VB/php/mysql/lisp/scr My biggest project upcomming is converting VB programs to php web pages. Not looking forward to that year project and they want it dont yesterday....lol go figure And all you guys have helped me along the Way. Thanks. Dont get  to spend much time on here any more.....
  13. First question is why have a TAG table why not just search the file table for the data. This search Tag if not there add will be more time then just searching the file table for keyword? Second what field(s) are you searching in the files table with the keyword? May thought on this would be you would need to search files every time anyway to catch the new records so why do a search for tagIDs and keywords? [code=php:0] ("select * from files where title like '%$Keywords%' or desc like '%$Keywords%' or url like '%$Keywords%'") [/code]
  14. [code=php:0] echo "<option value='".$row_RS_Listing['Photo1']."'"; if (!(strcmp(0, $row_RS_Listing['Photo1']))) {echo " SELECTED";} echo ">".$row_RS_Listing['Photo1']."</option>"; [/code]
  15. I resize my images when they are uploaded and store both the full size and the thumbnail in the DB. I use the thumbnail to display and once they select the thumb nail the full size is downloaded. when the upload the file via php page there is a true file that is set to a variable and loaded into the DB just resize at that point before it is dumped to the DB [code=php:0]function thumb_jpeg($image_name,$source_path,$destination_path){ //Create Thumbnail     $new_width=150;  //Image width Change if needed     $new_height=150;  //Image height Change if needed     $destimg=ImageCreate($new_width,$new_height) or die("Problem In Creating image");     $srcimg=ImageCreateFromjpeg($source_path.$image_name) or die("Problem In opening Source Image");     ImageCopyResized($destimg,$srcimg,0,0,0,0,$new_width,$new_height,ImageSX($srcimg),ImageSY($srcimg)) or die("Problem In resizing");     Imagejpeg($destimg,$destination_path.$image_name) or die("Problem In saving"); } [/code]
  16. for viewing yes updating the user would need to update the changed file again.
  17. [code=php:0] $query1="Insert into Table1 ('DoctorsID','Organization','password') values ($_POST[DoctorsID],$_POST[Organization],$_POST[password])"; [/code]
  18. Start --> Control Panel --> Adminustrative Tools --> Services Find apache2 Right click properties --> Startup Type set to manual
  19. one was would be to create a sql file the load the data into the other using that file second way could be loading the data into an array from the first DB and dumping into the second DB using that array.
  20. This is a single query loading data into a variable array to be used later. The variable being $key
  21. [code=php:0] <?php $a = 'Not a Member'; $b = 'a Member'; $c = '<a href="vip/comp.php">Click here for a complimentary VIP level membership.[/url]'; $d = ' '; // Option 1      if ($row_rsDJeventsignup['member'] == $a) {$msg = $c;} if ($row_rsDJeventsignup['member'] == $b) {$msg = $d;} echo $msg; //Option 2 if  ($row_rsDJeventsignup['member'] == $a) { echo $c; } else { if ($row_rsDJeventsignup['member'] == $b) {echo $d;} } ?> [/code]
  22. I have been playing around with this Idea. I have started work on a Web Site Backup System. take a look if you wish http://rcchjr.awardspace.com it basiclly keeps track on Site Revisions. starting to look for some reviews also ideas to add on or improve
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