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Everything posted by frikus

  1. I made a phone cards online store for my client, it uses PayPal NVP API for charging. The problem with the PayPal in my case is that 90% of orders are fraudulent. Sometimes it's very hard to detect it, so they waste a lot of time and money. This is from a blog by some Australian guy: I’ve heard a lot of horror stories from other Paypal users. I’ve read through the chargeback policies at Paypal and while they do have a ‘department’ to deal with fraud, they make every effort to argue the case on behalf of their sellers and have an ‘industry leading’ low fraud rate I don’t feel 100% confident. They seem very reactive rather than proactive when dealing with credit card fraud. Their system doesn’t talk much about how they protect you from first taking fraudulent credit card orders, rather they help you to argue your case after a chargeback occurs. I know from experience that for online orders the merchant has little hope because the credit card company almost always is in favour of the cardholder. Now my client wants to change PayPal to something else, but I'm not sure if this will help. Also I'm working on another store and don't know what to recommend to my client.
  2. Can anyone recommend a good US merchant account provider other than the PayPal Website Payments Pro ? Or PayPal is the best possible option in the US?
  3. Please disregard my last post. You are absolutely right. Thanks.
  4. You are using two similar tables for colors: 'ci' and 'ce' in your query. Is it the optimal way? Is there a way to use only one 'colors' table in double JOIN?
  5. I have two simple tables with the following fields: 1. 'items' : item_id, item_name, external_color_id, internal_color_id 2. 'colors' : color_id, color_name external_color_id and internal_color_id are foreign keys to the 'colors' table. How can I get both external and internal color names of the item with only one query? I came up with the following query but I know that it's wrong: SELECT items.*, colors.color_name AS c1, colors.color_name AS c2 FROM items, colors WHERE items.item_id = 100 AND items.external_color_id = colors.id AND items.internal_color_id = colors.id
  6. These values are coming from a user posting an online car ad. On 'Build Your Ad' page users can check all the corresponding checkboxes, so the list of available features will show up in the ad. Something like this: 'Features: Air Conditioning, Driver Side Air Bag, Passenger Side Air Bag, Anti-Lock Brakes, AM/FM Radio, Security Features, Alloy Wheels, All Wheel Drive, Bucket Seats, Center Arm..' Other users can do advanced search for cars by these features - they select Make, Model, Year and check the checkboxes with the features they want. I assume that i need a separate row for each car feature in the main 'car_ads' table. The simplified version of this table can look like this: idmakemodelyearair_bagspower_windowscd_changer 12307DodgeNeon20031 0 0 12407BmwX520041 1 1 12507DaewooLanos20010 0 0 But by building the table this way I will end up with too many rows, because there are so many features in modern cars. Is there a better way to accomplish this or having many rows in a table is ok?
  7. ??? fenway, can you give me more details on this classical example ?
  8. What is the best way to store product features similar to those in the screen-shot? A user must be able to search for products by these features too:
  9. frikus


    I noticed that almost every page's URL on MySpace.com has some random value called MyToken assigned to it: http://signup.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=join&MyToken=d099b4c8-5f60-4e7d-82a7-edbef6052fe6 I guess it is used for security purposes, can someone explain this mechanism in details?
  10. Here's an example. Let's say I have the following table: |photo_id|user_id|visible| | 10 | 36 | 0 | | 11 | 64 | 1 | | 12 | 52 | 1 | | 13 | 36 | 1 | | 14 | 36 | 0 | | 15 | 28 | 0 | | 16 | 36 | 1 | Now I want to make the photo where photo_id=14 visible. But all I have is the user_id (36) and the fact that I need to update his third photo in the table, I don't know the photo_id of the photo I want to update. The question is how to achieve this using only one query. Why can't I use use something like UPDATE photos SET visible=1 WHERE user_id=36 LIMIT 3,1 It seems logical to me. I tried it with subqueries, it didn't work either. Sorry if it all sounds stupid
  11. It would be very useful I think.
  12. Why can't I use [LIMIT offset, row_count] in UPDATE query, just like I do it in SELECT statements? The manual says that the only right syntax for UPDATE is [LIMIT row_count], no offset. Is there any other way to do it? Thanks.
  13. I found the solution by myself. You need to specify the base URL for all relative links in a page using the <base> html tag. In my case I put this tag into my header template file which is the same for all my pages. <head> ... <base href="http://site.com/base/" /> .... </head>
  14. I have the same problem. I posted the following message in the main Apache forum and did't get any answer: Hi, I want to use nice URLs on my website, something like http://site.com/article/24 instead of http://site.com/article.php&id=24 I achieve this using RewriteRule directive: RewriteRule ^article/([0-9]+)$ article.php&id=$1 [L] The problem is that after redirection to a link like http://site.com/article/24 my browser takes /24 as a folder and changes path in all my relative links in the article.php, and a path to .css file too. Example: http://site.com/story/51 changes to http://site.com/24/story/51 How can I change this behaviour if I don't want to use absolute links? Or I'm just missing something? Thanks.
  15. Hi, I want to use nice URLs on my website, something like http://site.com/article/24 instead of http://site.com/article.php&id=24 I achieve this using RewriteRule directive: RewriteRule ^article/([0-9]+)$ article.php&id=$1 [L] The problem is that after redirection to a link like http://site.com/article/24 my browser takes /24 as a folder and changes path in all my relative links in the article.php, and a path to .css file too. Example: http://site.com/story/51 changes to http://site.com/24/story/51 How can I change this behaviour if I don't want to use absolute links? Or I'm just missing something? Thanks.
  16. so it doesn't make sense to divide a table with lots of columns into several tables with the same primary key column if i don't do select * ?
  17. Does the quantity of columns in the MySQL table affect the search speed? The search is performed on indexed columns.
  18. Thanks! I didn't know that it could be a function already, JavaScript is really a tricky language. For everyone who is interested, it works correctly in this way: <select onchange="var ok='ok'; alert(ok);"> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> </select>
  19. Is it possible to declare an event handler function directly inside HTML tags? Something like this: <select onchange="function() {var $ok='ok'; alert($ok); }"> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> </select> It doesn't work, is there any other way to do this?
  20. Why doesn't the UTF-8 character ʿ (it's called 'MODIFIER LETTER LEFT HALF RING' or html entity &#703;) display correctly in Internet Explorer 6 when using it in SELECT list? Firefox displays it correctly.
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