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Everything posted by Coreye

  1. Are you getting the same error or a different one?
  2. I'm pretty sure he's talking about the game show Jeopardy.
  3. Hey Mike, What happens if you try this code: <?php $success = '<p class="style2">The user account was successfully created.</p>'; $duplicate = '<p class="style2">The username supplied already exists within the system.</p>'; if($_GET['msg'] == 'duplicate') { $msg = $duplicate; } elseif($_GET['msg'] == 'success') { $msg = $success ; } ?>
  4. Are you getting the same error? Try this: <?php /* $Id: index.php,v 1.1 2003/06/11 17:38:00 hpdl Exp $ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions http://www.oscommerce.com Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License */ define('TABLE_HEADING_NEW_PRODUCTS', 'New Products For %s'); define('TABLE_HEADING_UPCOMING_PRODUCTS', 'Upcoming Products'); define('TABLE_HEADING_DATE_EXPECTED', 'Date Expected'); if(($category_depth == 'products') || (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id']))) { define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Lets See What We Have Here'); define('TABLE_HEADING_IMAGE', ''); define('TABLE_HEADING_MODEL', 'Model'); define('TABLE_HEADING_PRODUCTS', 'Product Name'); define('TABLE_HEADING_MANUFACTURER', 'Manufacturer'); define('TABLE_HEADING_QUANTITY', 'Quantity'); define('TABLE_HEADING_PRICE', 'Price'); define('TABLE_HEADING_WEIGHT', 'Weight'); define('TABLE_HEADING_BUY_NOW', 'Buy Now'); define('TEXT_NO_PRODUCTS', 'There are no products to list in this category.'); define('TEXT_NO_PRODUCTS2', 'There is no product available from this manufacturer.'); define('TEXT_NUMBER_OF_PRODUCTS', 'Number of Products: '); define('TEXT_SHOW', '<strong>Show:</strong>'); define('TEXT_BUY', 'Buy 1'); define('TEXT_NOW', ' now'); define('TEXT_ALL_CATEGORIES', 'All Categories'); define('TEXT_ALL_MANUFACTURERS', 'All Manufacturers'); } elseif ($category_depth == 'top') { define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Your Slogan Here!!'); } elseif ($category_depth == 'nested') { define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Categories'); } ?> If that doesn't work, contact me on one of my messengers or PM the details and I'll fix it.
  5. else if(strlen($_POST['txtPassword']) < 10 || strlen($_POST['txtConfirmPassword']) < 10)
  6. define('TEXT_BUY', 'Buy 1 ''); You ended it with two ''.
  7. Hey, Is any body else getting this error when doing a search? Screen shot attached. [attachment deleted by admin]
  8. SQL Error: http://lbflash.summerhost.info/test/index.php?action=viewuser&viewUser= Table Information: http://lbflash.summerhost.info/test/index.php?action=viewuser&viewUser[] Table 'sum_2677639_login.Array' doesn't exist
  9. Cross Site Scripting (XSS): You can submit ">code in any of the fields when editing your profile and it will execute when viewing your profile. When you login you get this error: Full Path Disclosure: http://iv-designs.org/cmstut/view_tutorial.php?tutorial_id=a Full Path Disclosure: http://iv-designs.org/cmstut/view_tutorial.php?tutorial_id=a Full Path Disclosure: http://iv-designs.org/cmstut/show_rating.php Full Path Disclosure: http://iv-designs.org/cmstut/search.php?category_id=a Full Path Disclosure: http://iv-designs.org/cmstut/tutorial_box.php Full Path Disclosure: http://iv-designs.org/cmstut/search.php?search[] Full Path Disclosure: http://iv-designs.org/cmstut/profile.php?unique_id=a Full Path Disclosure: http://iv-designs.org/cmstut/edit_profile.php?unique_id=a Full Path Disclosure: http://iv-designs.org/cmstut/favorites.php?unique_id=a
  10. Nothing happens after I press submit. It just goes back to the index. I'm using FF 3.
  11. http://www.phpfreaks.com/page/rules-and-terms-of-service#toc_forum_do_nots
  12. Cross Site Scripting (XSS): http://stagevid.net/members.php You can submit ">code when registering and it will execute on the members page. Full Path Disclosure: http://stagevid.net/view_member.php Full Path Disclosure: http://stagevid.net/view_video.php?id=88 Description: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Full_Path_Disclosure http://www.acunetix.com/vulnerabilities/Full-path-disclosure.htm
  13. Cross Site Scripting (XSS): You can submit ">code when adding new bookmarks.
  14. Cross Site Scripting (XSS): You can submit ">code when editing your profile and it will execute on the edit profile page and the user list.
  15. You could do this: <?php if(!$row_rsList['WL']) { echo "images/emptyGraphic.gif" } else { echo $row_rsList['WL']; } ?>
  16. What happens when you use <?php ?>?
  17. Wrong forum and there's a sticky about this. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,117475.0.html
  18. Why do you have php code tags, , around your code on the site? [attachment deleted by admin]
  19. Cross Site Scripting (XSS): You can submit ">code into the location field when editing a profile and it will execute when viewing a profile. Cross Site Scripting (XSS): You can submit ">code and will execute after making a thread on the forum.
  20. Full Path Disclosure: http://www.gimpcrafts.co.uk/search/?keys[]
  21. Cross Site Scripting (XSS): You can submit ">code when adding news through the admin panel.
  22. Cross Site Scripting(XSS): When you register and have code in your username it will execute on the page that says: Cross Site Scripting(XSS): If you have code in your username it will execute on the side panel.
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