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Posts posted by jakebur01

  1. This may be the longer way around than using Count in the query, but doing something like this always works for me.

    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM iptablename WHERE ip = '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}'", $link);
    $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
    // do not let them sign up
    // display signup code


  2. How do you use a double quote in str_replace?

    $queryline = str_replace(""","'""",$line);


    i did some research on this topic because i was curious about it myself, i believe that the same rule applies for most special characters with obdc queries. doubling up the special char to escape it




  3. Cool! What about if it contained a double quote? How would you escape that?


    It looks like you need to use another single quote to escape a single quote when using odbc queries, so if you have the string

    $str = "woody'squote@example.net"

    to use it in a odbc query, you could do

    $str = str_replace("'","''",$str);

    before using it.



  4. I am doing an odbc query. And one of the e-mails has a ' in it.


    Example: woody'squote@example.net


    Warning: odbc_exec() [function.odbc-exec]: SQL error: [ProvideX][ODBC Driver]Unexpected extra token: woody'squote@example.net, SQL state 37000 in SQLExecDirect in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\smithsadvantage\failed_messages.php on line 40

    Error in SQL


    However, I still want to be able to select info from the database based on the email address above.  How can I still query the data using a value that has quotes and other weird characters?


    if (!$conn)
      {exit("Connection Failed: " . $conn);}
    //print $sql;
    if (!$rs)
      {exit("Error in SQL");}
    while (odbc_fetch_row($rs))


  5. Cool. Thanks.


    Here is the full code:

    ini_set('max_execution_time', '999');
    $file = file_get_contents('failed_messages/failed_messages.txt');
    $lines = explode("\n",$file);
    // now you have an array with all the lines in it. You can loop through it and do whatever you want.
    foreach($lines as $line){
    if (!$conn)
      {exit("Connection Failed: " . $conn);}
    //print $sql;
    if (!$rs)
      {exit("Error in SQL");}
    while (odbc_fetch_row($rs))
    $acct =mysql_real_escape_string($acct);
    $name =mysql_real_escape_string($name);
    $phone =mysql_real_escape_string($phone);
    $query = "insert into failed_messages values ('0','$acct', '$name', '$phone', '$line')";
    mysql_query($query, $db);
    //$myFile = "failed_messages/failed_messages.txt";
    //$fh = fopen($myFile, 'w');
    // erase file:


  6. Thanks. It works good all except for trunicating the file.


    Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_put_contents() in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\smithsadvantage\failed_messages.php on line 39

  7. I am going to use odbc to look at the inventory file and grab the Name, Account #, and Telephone number associated with the returned address. Then, insert it all into a MySQL database.  Then, every evening I am going to schedule a php script that will run and look at the table every night.  If there is any data in it, I will have it e-mail one of the ladies in the office then trunicate the table. If there is not any data in the table, it will do nothing.

  8. I have a program that is storing failed, returned messages into a text file.  I would like PHP to look at each address and handle it, then trunicate the text file, in other words wipe it clean.


    Here is an example of how it is storing the addresses into the text file:







  9. This is really what I am looking to do.  Get the failed address, query the customer database to get the customers info based on the failed address, then store this line into the MySQL failed_messages table.  Then, ever so often I can send this list to someone in the office who can correct these wrong addresses.

    $failedaddress= $popmonger->FailedAddress;
    if (!$conn)
      {exit("Connection Failed: " . $conn);}
    //print $sql;
    if (!$rs)
      {exit("Error in SQL");}
      setlocale(LC_MONETARY, 'en_US');
    while (odbc_fetch_row($rs))
    $acct =mysql_real_escape_string($acct);
    $name =mysql_real_escape_string($name);
    $phone =mysql_real_escape_string($phone);
    $query = "insert into failed_messages values ('0','$acct', '$name', '$phone', '$failedaddress')";
    mysql_query($query, $db);

  10. I changed it, but I still get the same error in the log file. And the data does not insert.

    $query = "insert into failed_messages values ('0','0', '0', '0', '0')";
    mysql_query($query, $db) or die('could not query');



    [attachment deleted by admin]

  11. I know this is not an error that php generates.  But, I am using a program called popmonger that handles failed messages and it will run a php script to handle the message.  I have it pointed to my php script. And in the log file it is throwing this error:


    Name cannot begin with the '' character, hexadecimal value 0x20. Line 1, position 12.


    Code I am using for testing:

    $query = "insert into failed_messages values ('0','0', '0', '0', '0')" or die('Could not insert');
    mysql_query($query, $db) or die('could not query');

  12. Thanks.  I will change it to your update and test it out.  So, far this code below is working great. I wound up changing $prevEnd to 15 since it will always be SALES_PD_15.

    $curEnd = 27;	// 27
    $curStart = 27 - abs(11-date('m'));	// 27 - 6 = 21
    $prevEnd = 15;	// 15
    $prevStart = $prevEnd - abs(11-date('m'));//15-6=9
    $McurTotal = 0;
    $MprevTotal = 0;
    while (odbc_fetch_row($rs)) {
    for ($col = $curStart; $col <= $curEnd; $col++) {
    	if ($col == 1) $colName = 'SALES_OLDEST_PD1';
    	elseif($col == 26) $colName = 'SALES_LAST_PD_26';
    	elseif($col == 27) $colName = 'SALES_CURR_PD_27';
    	else $colName = 'SALES_PD_' . $col;
    	$McurTotal += odbc_result($rs,$colName);
    for ($col = $prevStart; $col <= $prevEnd; $col++) {
    	if ($col == 1) $colName = 'SALES_OLDEST_PD1';
    	elseif($col == 26) $colName = 'SALES_LAST_PD_26';
    	elseif($col == 27) $colName = 'SALES_CURR_PD_27';
    	else $colName = 'SALES_PD_' . $col;
    	$MprevTotal += odbc_result($rs,$colName);
    $M27 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_CURR_PD_27");
    $M15 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_15");
    $MyearDiff= 100-($MprevTotal*100/$McurTotal);
    $MmonthDiff= 100-($M15*100/$M27);
    $MyearDiff = number_format($MyearDiff, 2, '.', ',');
         $MmonthDiff = number_format($MmonthDiff, 2, '.', ',');	
    $McurTotal = number_format($McurTotal, 2, '.', ',');
          $MprevTotal = number_format($MprevTotal, 2, '.', ',');	
    $M27 = number_format($M27, 2, '.', ',');
          $M15 = number_format($M15, 2, '.', ',');	  


  13. Thank you. That is exactly was I was looking for.


    I changed $prevEnd to equal 15.

    $curEnd = 27;	// 27
    $curStart = 27 - abs(11-date('m'));	// 27 - 6 = 21
    $prevEnd = 15;// 15
    $prevStart = $prevEnd - 11;	// 20 - 11 = 9


    I have a question. Looking to the future... Like when the date becomes November of this year, will "abs(11-date('m'))" equal zero? October of this year would equal 13.... And December of this year would equal 1?

  14. In a round about way, this is what I'm trying to do. Append the numbers between the $start and $end variables to the "$M". Loop incrementing and totaling those odbc variables.

    while(loop $backtoNovember"7 times") {
    $MCYTD += append $M to numbers $MCYTDstart through $MCYTDend in order to total up the variables;


    So, this would output something like.


    $MCYTD = $M21 + $MCYTD;

    $MCYTD = $M22 + $MCYTD;

    $MCYTD = $M23 + $MCYTD;

    $MCYTD = $M24 + $MCYTD;

    $MCYTD = $M25 + $MCYTD;

    $MCYTD = $M26 + $MCYTD;

    $MCYTD = $M27 + $MCYTD;



    Giving me the total Current Year to Date Sales. Which is stored in $MCYTD.

  15. Ok, I think I'm getting somewhere now.  Now I need to total the columns that are between $MLYTDstart and $MLYTDend, store it at variable $MLYTD.  And total the columns between $MCYTDstart and $MCYTDend, store it at variable $MCYTD.


    I am not sure how to do this.  I have the columns in variables $M1 - $M27.


    Do I need to do some kind of for loop or while loop and append the numbers to $M to total up the range?

    while (odbc_fetch_row($rs))
    $M1 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_OLDEST_PD1");
    $M2 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_2");
    $M3 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_3");
    $M4 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_4");
    $M5 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_5");
    $M6 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_6");
    $M7 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_7");
    $mate += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_8");
    $M9 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_9");
    $M10 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_10");
    $M11 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_11");
    $M12 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_12");
    $M13 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_13");
    $M14 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_14");
    $M15 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_15");
    $M16 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_16");
    $M17 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_17");
    $M18 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_18");
    $M19 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_19");
    $M20 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_20");
    $M21 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_21");
    $M22 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_22");
    $M23 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_23");
    $M24 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_24");
    $M25 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_PD_25");
    $M26 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_LAST_PD_26");
    $M27 += odbc_result($rs,"SALES_CURR_PD_27");
    $MLYTDstart=$MCYTDstart - 12;
    $MLYTDend=$MLYTDstart + $backtoNovember;


  16. Just to make things a lot simpler, I decided to start a new topic.


    My question is, how can I count how many months it is back to the past November?


    Example: May 2011 back to November would return 6.


    Example: Dec 2011 back to November would return 1.


    Example: October 2011 back to November would return 11.



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