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  1. Anyone knows of a PHP/Ajax toolkit to build Ajax applications with PHP as a backend? Pradeep
  2. Anyone knows of any tool to create reports with graphs and stuff on php? There are plenty for java but I couldn't find one for php. I'm tired of posting on this forum for this and no one ever replies. Is there some secrecy sorrounding the PHP reporting or isn't there any tools at all? I'm pretty sure one of you would have used one at some point..please help me.,.
  3. Does anyone know a simple reporting tool I can use with PHP/MySQL? A big of graphs and pie charts would be ideal. Also, should be able to store the report as PHP and use it later, would be good. I'm running out of time to create a report and would really appreciate any suggestions. Thank you..
  4. Hi all, I've got a mysql dumpfile(.sql), which I'm trying to implement on MS Access. Is there anyway you can run the script on Access? Please help..
  5. Thanks for that, where do i put that bit of javascript in my code? I have tried similar prototypes and weird my browser still says it is not a function. After 8 hours of breaking my head with this trivial bit of code, I thought of implementing the shift myself, it works(not as a prototype thought). Now trying to figure out how to implement push(), coz that doesn't seem to be there as well...Help me if you got any more ideas. Thanks again for ur reply...
  6. Hi all, I tried to use the javascript shift function and the browser console shows shift is not a function. code: x=a.shift(); My browser is firefox - latest version. Do I have to implement these fuctions myself? Does js have these inbuilt?
  7. Thanks Ken, but I'm trying to create a link, which holds the unique id as a parameter. There will be several links, based on the database output. Each link will have its unique id that will be passed to the next page when clicked. I haven't got a clue how to do this with sessions..
  8. Hi all, I'm trying to disguise the values of a query string when using GET to send the data across to another page. I have seen the long greek words that appear in hotmail and other websites. Can anyone tell me how I can do that in PHP? Is there any function in PHP that can do that? Please help me!
  9. I rectified it myself, sorry for this stupid question, obviously NULL should be evaluated with IS NULL or IS NOT NULL statements.
  10. Hi I'm trying to insert a row using the following query and immediately retrieve the primary key with a select query as shown below: insert query: INSERT INTO service_user( Sexuality_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Gender_ID, Address1, Address2, Postcode, Telephone, Mobile_Phone, Faith_ID, Ethnicity_ID, Nationality, Disability, HeardAboutService, DOB, PrContact, Creating_Staff ) VALUES ( 1, 'test', NULL , 1, 'qqq', 'jjjj', NULL , NULL , NULL , 1, 1, NULL , NULL , NULL , '2000-02-12', NULL , 1 ) select query: SELECT Service_User_ID FROM service_user WHERE First_Name = 'test' AND Last_Name = NULL AND DOB = '2000-02-12' AND Address1 = 'qqq' AND Address2 = 'jjjj' AND Postcode = NULL AND Telephone = NULL AND Mobile_Phone = NULL AND Faith_ID =1 AND Ethnicity_ID =1 AND Nationality = NULL AND Gender_ID =1 AND Sexuality_ID =1 AND Disability = NULL AND Creating_Staff =1; The record is inserted without problem, but when the select query runs it returns no result. What am I doing wrong. Is it because of the NULLs? when I dont enter nulls for the colums it all works ok. Please help
  11. Thanks Andy, I think that's what I want to use.
  12. Hi, I want to know how you can restrict access to certain PHP pages, based on the password used at login. One idea is to check against a privilege table everytime a page is loaded, but that will create a heavy database traffic. Any ideas?
  13. Hi all, I'm creating a program in PHP/MySQL, for which I need to restrict user access based on the login. How can I restrict access based on login? I know you can do with creating different folders on windows server and assigning different a user rights, then put relevant pages into that folder. Is there any other way you can do that purely using PHP/MySQL that is quite robust enough? How can you decide which user gets access to which page?
  14. Hi all, has anyone used DB Designer 4 with mysql? I created my ER model with DBD and now I'm trying to connect to the databse to implement it, but cant establish a connection. Could you kindly advise me on the right way to do that? Is there anyother tool which I can use to implement the xml file from DBD.
  15. Hi, I want to use SSL on Apache server with windows. I have read many articles but nothing is clear. Could anyone point me to a article or give me more info on that.
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