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  1. I have a project at work to create a web service, using SOAP and have been provided a WSDL file to work from. I have never created a SOAP server before and I'm having some difficulty finding a good tutorial on building a SOAP server using a WSDL file. Can anyone provide any information, guidance, or links to some good materials to get started? Preferably a step by step tutorial that builds a SOAP server, using WSDL. Thanks!
  2. let me sum up your reply for you.... "i have no clue". quite a lot of bullet points just to say that and a waste of a reply, again imho. i didn't state i knew it worked before the update... in fact i stated that i wasn't sure at all. i can't believe i'm having to defend this question. it's clear to me this forum attracts people who feel they need to belittle the person posting if they don't know an answer off the top of their head. how about just not posting a reply? if you can't see the value in knowing whether current code worked before an update, then mysql isn't the only area you have an extreme lack of knowledge there killer =)
  3. thanks for the explain query. got that. so my question was... this was caused by the update? i'm trying to verify that it could have worked before and doesn't work now because of the update. i forgot in my last reply too... i'm aware of the change logs too. to be quite honest, if every question asked in this forum was removed if the answer could be found on mysql.com... there wouldn't be a forum at all. that's the point of these forums... to be the number one resource, right? i'm not asking a ridiculous question and my title contains keywords to someone in the future could find an answer to the same problem... without wading through change logs. imho, you shouldn't post an answer if the only answer you can provide is that the answer is somewhere is else. that's retarded, no matter how knowledgeable you are. just saying.....
  4. thanks for the response. there is no error, searching for the an integer in quotes yields no results. searching for the same value without quotes gets a result. so if..... ... what's wrong here? thanks again for your input and help, greatly appreciated. cheers! mysql> desc db.table; +--------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------+-----+-----------------------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +--------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------+-----+-----------------------+----------------+ | temp_id | decimal(65,0) | YES | | NULL | | +--------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------+-----+-----------------------+----------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select temp_id from db.table where temp_id = 1234567890123456789; +---------------------+ | temp_id | +---------------------+ | 1234567890123456789 | +---------------------+ 1 row in set (0.05 sec) mysql> select temp_id from db.table where temp_id = '1234567890123456789'; Empty set (0.04 sec)
  5. i'll try to help, just cuz i'm hanging out seeing if anyone will initially bite on my question. i think the best help i can give you is to tell you that it is unclear what you are asking in your post. you need to rephrase your question and providing an example query (the full query, not just the where clause) would prolly help too. finally, although you question isn't affected by version so much... they are really anal about that here, so post your mysql server version too. when in rome...... now "AND" and "OR" are both operators in sql. you would use "AND" to match more than one statement and you would use "OR" to match just one statement. so an attempt at helping you out, pay attention to the brackets... it's structured query language, it should make sense.... SELECT * FROM `database`.`table` WHERE (`field` = 1 AND `field2` = 1) OR (`field` = 2 AND `field2` = 2) this would match rows where field and field2 both equal 1 it would also match rows where field and field2 both equal 2
  6. put ticks around your column names.... INSERT INTO invoices (`invoice_number`, `date`, `total`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `email`, `address`, `post_code`, `state`, `order`, `comments` it's messing up at the order because that is a sql command, it thinks your telling it to sort information, not providing a column name.
  7. i recently updated my mysql server to 5.1.8 and noticed that after i did one of the queries in a php file no longer worked. the problem is that i stored a value as the decimal data type in my database, but the php had quotes around this value in the query... treating it like a string. obviously i'm aware of how to fix the issue, but i am wanting to confirm... this was because of the update right? i swear it worked before.... well, i think i swear it worked before. any other changes of this nature that anyone is aware of? my old version was 4.1.22 by the way. any productive input is greatly appreciated, cheers!
  8. oh... ok. yea, this article shows you how to essentially revert back to using the old password method. mysql actually advises against this... obviously there were reasons behind changing the algorithm in the first place. i really want to stay away from decreasing security on my server. i just don't get it. i have the most up to date version of mysql and php running. hashing the password with the new algorithm should work..... as any multi-day computer issue i found myself lost in.... this really should not be this difficult. i'm sure i'll hit myself in the head when i do figure it out. thanks again though.....
  9. thanks for the reply =) using OLD_PASSWORD() does not resolve my issue, but i'm curious as to why you suggested. maybe my understanding of the situation is incorrect, so i'd like to find out more from you if you can spare a moment please. my understanding is that in the user table of the mysql database i transferred over to my new snow leopard server... it contained passwords hashed with an old algorithm, that resulted in a hashed password 16 characters long. to generate the hash of this type you would user the OLD_PASSWORD() function. the new version of php uses mysqlnd which won't allow connections using this type of password. it requires that you use a new hashing algorithm that results in a 41 character hashed password. you would use PASSWORD() function to generate this password. why did you suggest using OLD_PASSWORD()? am i missing something here? i feel like i have a basic misunderstanding of the problem here because this seems so easily solved for everyone else on the net. your time is greatly appreciated. cheers!
  10. so the error is..... mysqlnd cannot connect to MySQL 4.1+ using old authentication this only happens when php tries to connect to mysql, using a sql gui app (like sequel pro) works just fine. i've found solutions on the net like http://www.digitalpeer.com/id/mysql and a couple of posts even in these forums.... but the suggested fix isn't working for me. i used SET PASSWORD to update my mysql.user table to the new hashed password using the PASSWORD() function. i verified the length of the passwords stored in this table are 41 characters... not 16... and it still gives me this error. would it help to re-install mysql? i see lots of room for error there, so i don't want to do that unless i have to. what about installing a downgraded version of php... one that doesn't use mysqlnd? again, lots of room for error there so i'd really prefer not too. any help or guidance... especially the kind that does not involve installing or re-compiling anything, would be greatly appreciated. cheers! php version 5.3.0 mysql version 5.1.8 mac os x snow leopard server 10.6.2
  11. so after some further testing. i think the problem is occurring when i fetch the data from my db. i have the database encoded as utf8 and directly after i make a mysql connection, i have... mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8"); like i said the japanese version works fine. it is stored in the same table of the database, retrieved and mailed with the same script the german email is too. furthermore, the german email body (also stored in the same table) works just fine... it's just the subject line. please... anyone have any ideas? thanks for your time.
  12. i have the same script processing utf-8 characters from a mysql database and inserted into a form via an ajax request. submitting the form via post, i use the php mail function to send an email with these characters. this is done with several languages, the only one that does not work is the german emails subject line. why would just german not work properly? i would guess that the problem is going to be in the way i capture the characters from the form submission and mail them, so here's that part. i don't understand how some utf-8 characters work and others don't so maybe this isn't the section you need to see to help, please let me know if not. thanks! $to = html_entity_decode($_POST['couponSendEmail_to']); $from = html_entity_decode($_POST['couponSendEmail_from']); $bcc = html_entity_decode($_POST['couponSendEmail_bcc']); $subject = $_POST['couponSendEmail_subject']; $message = html_entity_decode($_POST['couponSendEmail_message']); $charset = 'UTF-8'; $encoded_subject = "=?$charset?B?" . base64_encode($subject) . "?=\n"; $headers = "From: " . $from . "\n" . "Bcc: " . $bcc . "\n" . "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$charset; format=flowed\n" . "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" . "X-Mailer: PHP\n"; mail($to,$encoded_subject, $message,$headers);
  13. i agree with you, somehow it is considered a "feature" by others to be able to put the data in any column rather than using some sort of numerical order. none the yahoo and without a big long explanation that would never work via bbs, that's not an option for me. i did find something that may work. i could put each column into a php array, then use array_multisort() instead. it'd be using php to sort instead of mysql. opinions?
  14. i have four columns, each of which may have a null value. i've displayed the data of these columns in a html table so that if the row does not contain in all four columns, it will display the first occurrence of data as the first column. for example, my database might look like this... +----------+----------+----------+----------+ | col1 | col2 | col3 | col4 | +----------+----------+----------+----------+ | null | pink | null | null | +----------+----------+----------+----------+ | blue | null | grey | null | +----------+----------+----------+----------+ since the maximum number of columns with data in this set is 2 (second row has blue and grey), my html table would display two columns like this.... +----------+----------+ | col1 | col2 | +----------+----------+ | pink | | +----------+----------+ | blue | grey | +----------+----------+ now what i would like to do is sort the data from the html table, with up and down arrows as links that just run the mysql query over again but using ORDER BY. however, i can't sort on col1 because what's displayed in the first row of my html table is actually data in col2 of the db. how can i do this? basically, i want to sort on col1, but if it comes to a row with a null value in col1, i want it to look at col2, col3, or col4 for data instead. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks!
  15. thanks for the reply. the data is used again and this is a much smaller scaled version of my working code. here's what i'll use instead, after you advice. cheers! $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM myDB.myTbl) or connectGlitch(__FILE__, __LINE__, mysql_error()); $count = mysql_num_rows($q); $i = 1; $arr = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($q)) { $arr[$i]; $arr[$i]['title'] = $row['icon_title']; $arr[$i]['var_name'] = $row['var_name']; $arr[$i]['active'] = $row['active']; $i++; } $content = '<select>'; for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) { $content .= '<option value="' . $arr[$i]['var_name'] . '">' . $arr[$i]['title'] . '</option>'; } $content .= '</select>'; echo $content;
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