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  1. did u put 'import fl.video.VideoEvent' before you defined playAgain? cause that should work...
  2. you need to use flashvars to pass the movie variables... http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/164/tn_16417.html in AS2 the variables are accessible in the root scope. in AS3 you need to use the "root.loaderInfo.parameters.myVariableName"
  3. For people who are new to Happyland, just recently uploaded a Happyland gameplay video on youtube, so you can see some of the features without making an account and working through the game
  4. A new game has been added to Happyland, a fishing game...to play it you have to build Fisherman Andrew's fishing hut. Happy fishing kids
  5. We've just built a Parents Info Page for Happyland, along with a Latest News Page with an RSS feed for whenever we add new buildings/games/locations/characters to the game Which should be very soon, I'm building a fishing game, plus Ive got a 'Tractor Driving+Feeding Animals' game in the works too...
  6. Well, there are plans to add a new location, with 2 new buildings/npcs, plus a new building at the farm. Also 5 new games will be added to existing buildings...so yes, HappyLand will be growing constantly
  7. Thanks for the suggestion LemonInflux - we sorta thought, for kids, it was better to have the instructions automatic, they might not click the help button, at least at the start... Im glad your 7 year old cousin loves playing HappyLand
  8. Hmmm odd, if js is on but you dont have Flash it should say - get flash, heres the link... Ill look into that
  9. aximbigfan - ye i understand, would be worth doing at some point. corbin - glad you liked our aussie accents never thought that'd be a selling point tho, heh, maybe i shoulda put that in the post title HappyLand! Kids Game! With Amazing Aussie Accents and Acapellas! Albatross Apes are all Angered and Aggravated after Abolishing an Alligators Ana... ummm ok ill stop now
  10. Hi, Im using PHP 4.4 in a CMS. I have an ob_start() and a function function endBuffer(){ $buffer = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $buffer = displayBuffer($buffer); echo $buffer; } Initially I was just doing ob_start('displayBuffer'); but i learnt i cant use output buffers in the ob_start callback (displayBuffer). So, I put everything in endBuffer and tried to call that using register_shutdown_function(endBuffer) but it looks like, on shutdown, the buffer is already flushed? How can I set this up so that the endBuffer function gets called at the end of the script, but before it automatically gets flushed?
  11. i'll bet Sorry, Its reasonably large (around 2MB), your assumption was correct, the boat is supposed to get to the island on load complete, but dialup probably is too slow. the reason it gets there is i have it just very gradually going right, even if nothing is loading fast enough, just to ensure there is a bit of movement
  12. We (Neoterik) recently completed an online kids game, build in Flash, for Lutheran Media Australia. Its for kids ages 5-7, and the goal was to create a fun environment for children to play in, but also to have characters deliver bible messages... Click to Visit HappyLand I built the entire game engine, the PHP/MySQL backend, did a lot of the audio, designed most of the graphics, and more. From our company, only 2 of us were working on the game. Some of the things I'm proud of is the way locations are built, with dynamic scrolling/resizing, also its easy to add new buildings and NPC's, and the character customisation game was pretty interesting to program too... This was built in AS2 using OOP... The first minute or so a character 'Teech' does a big tutorial spiel, sit through it if you can so you can start playing the game...Remember, this is for kids, so it may be annoying/cheesy to older people We've done a fair bit of testing with classes of kids and they enjoy it There's loud talking characters so you may want to turn your speakers down. Oh and I'm not personally religious, but this is mildy bilbe-ish so be warned
  13. Well Im pretty sure it's sessions - I removed session handling from my php and it seems to be fine. Problem is I need it How can I get sessions to work in a php file that may be called several times, simultaneously, from the same client?
  14. Hmmm someone mentioned it could be to do with PHP SESSIONS... This is what im doing - using sessions for lots of php created pages using the same parent php page... Any ideas how to get around this? I need the session open on each one so i can write to it throughout the script execution, so what i was doing was session_start(); function sessionCloseFunc(){ session_write_close(); } register_shutdown_function(sessionCloseFunc); Is there a way to have 'shared' sessions for a parent page? or something like that???
  15. its not that i dont want files in the xml folder to be rewritten - in fact i do. what im asking is - is theres something wrong with the mod_rewrite rules i posted, or should they work ok. if they are ok, what could be causing this massive lag in request response despite the fact in the response the timer says the php took mere milliseconds to generate?
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