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Everything posted by dennismonsewicz

  1. I know how to strip tags in PHP but how would you strip the tag and replace it with something else? like if i wanted to strip all font tags and replace them with span tags?
  2. yes... it will help in the process of doing anything in the database... although there are other alternatives but the unique ID is the best way to go, IMO
  3. try looking at this http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.strtotime.php
  4. if you wanted it to be smooth and nice looking you could always create a pop up using jQuery or some other js library
  5. why do you want to avoid messing with the DB? and yes a unique ID is highly recommended... also make sure it is auto_incrementing
  6. for the link go to www.php.net and in the search box type in switch... that should work
  7. I actually have tried code from a book and it not work LOL... can't remember the name of the book, but the code was very misleading.
  8. yeah the link works just fine... try copying it and pasting it in to your URL
  9. http://us3.php.net/manual/en/control-structures.switch.php
  10. gotcha... i need to increase my server security before doing this... thanks!
  11. $location = addslashes(fread(fopen($location, "r"), $PSize)); nevermind... i see it now... LONG night.. my bad
  12. in his initial code he is reading it before opening it... i didn't think that syntax would work
  13. well first you have to fopen something before you can fread it lol... http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.fopen.php http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.fread.php http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.filesize.php Those are all the preset functions you are using... they can explain it better than me
  14. Is there anyway to turn my IP address on to where people outside of my network can view my server?
  15. well if you do run into any roadblocks this is an awesome site to get help. just post your code as you run into problems! This site has helped me on MANY occasions
  16. OMFG!!!!! The one thing I did not check! What a effing DUMMY! Talk about not being able to see the wood for the trees... Thanks for spotting the bleedin obvious. LOL its cool bro. We all have been there... I know I have been there on more than one several occasion!
  17. your slashes are the wrong way... so not /n but \n
  18. I would do a quick google search on display results from MySQL using PHP or something to that affect. the task is very simple and there are a lot of good tutorials out there. http://www.tizag.com/phpT/ The above URL is a good link to begin learning PHP
  19. thanks Ginger! I ordered that book this morning... found it for a penny on Amazon.com! I read through some of the book and it breaks it down pretty well. thanks again
  20. your forgot a semicolon after complete
  21. is your question why have you tried to learn Java? or Where have you tried to learn Java? Why: I have no choice, being forced to by Place of business... could care less about this language Where: A company owned book, I took a class in High school and google
  22. well we are going to be using the CMS Liferay and it is built on the JAVA language. Although there are applets you can build for it such as PHP (which do not work with the most updated version of this CMS) and python... so i would have to be learning JAVA for not heavy development but for a "just in case" situation... I also need to learn python.
  23. ah gotcha... i was thinking about checking the URL and if that page doesn't exist then do a redirect but the .htaccess seems a heck of a lot better lol
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