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Everything posted by dennismonsewicz

  1. i would google mysql insert select or something like that. Cause you are going to need to insert results from table1 into table2 then delete table1.
  2. try notepad++ or dreamweaver... i use them both and the tabbing is great
  3. add this to your form tag: enctype="multipart/form-data"
  4. take a look at http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
  5. you mispelled else change esleif ($browse=('use')) { to: elseif ($browse=('use')) {
  6. I would just check the current time and then if it is on this date update the field to this and then when it gets to the other date update the field again
  7. like how would you add an indent in your paragraph? You do it several different ways... using the HTML code for a non breaking space ( ) or using css (text-indent: 5px;)
  8. yeah you can have PHP execute this code. You just have to echo out everything
  9. why are you redirecting using a header when your form is posting? just place this in your form change this: <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> to this: <form action=""index.php?user=<?php echo $id; ?>" method="post">
  10. oh well that was simple enough... carry on with the thread... *bows out*
  11. This has nothing to do with this thread but what does IMO mean? LOL I keep seeing it but have no idea what it means
  12. i think what we can all take away from this is this... arguing over the internet is like running in the special olympics... even if you win... afterwards you are still retarded!
  13. i suppose this is true... i as referring as if you place a particular watermark on an image verses watermarking the whole image
  14. you can remove watermarks fairly easy too
  15. still if someone wants the image they are going to get it... try the flash photo gallery way
  16. Good point "Little Guy"... didn't think of that one
  17. hey bud post some of your code... we may could lend a hand
  18. "The Little Guy" is right but you may be able to prevent someone from accessing the folder by using sessions. But if someone really wants your image they are going to get it... gotta love screen shots! You could use some sort of javascript to distort or blank out the image if a user tries to save the image..
  19. change this.dropdown.submit() to this.form.submit()
  20. I am assuming you are pulling all of this data out of a DB and in that case look into the LIMIT statement in MySQL
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