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Everything posted by maliary

  1. The link after copying the files -- not working file:///C:/Banking/content/BankDefinitions/index.htm The link before copying the files -- working D:\Banking\content\BankDefinitions\index.htm
  2. Hello, I have come up across this problem before but I have forgotten how I overcame it. I have a site on CD with HTML links. All the links work well when viewing the site on CD however when I copy it on my desktop, they are not accessible. How can I set the link locations so no additional '/// ' or paths are added onto the existing path ? i.e. so that it can work the way it does on the cd ?
  3. Intresting dzelenika, but how would I measure the time spent by the diffrent parts of the loop ? Al get back to you on the number of rows.
  4. When should I reset max_execution_time in php.ini ? Its normally set to 30secs, is this the optimum time limit, what does it mean for an execution that takes longer than this ? At what situation can this time limit of 30secs be exceeded ?
  5. Not too sure about that, the = operator is an assingment operator hence int x = 2 implies int x has a value of 2. the == operator equates variables hence int x == int y means the two are equal. Am not trying to equate but to assign the returned results to $test_request.
  6. Hello, I am getting the error Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in <url to the php page> line 334 . This error is on and off. Nothing wrong with the code as seen below, the red part is the line in question, that the error points to . I change the max time limit in php.ini and set it to 45. This is not the best solution for this I know,but my question is : Do server delays result in this kind of error we are having here ? $flag=null; $y=0; while($test_request=$requests->FetchRow()) { $flag[$y] = false; //check if numbers have been already printed $len=count ($printed_nrs); for ($x=0;$x<$len;$x++) { [b]Line 449 is here :-[/b] if (strcmp ($test_request['batch_nr'],$printed_nrs[$x]) == 0 ) { $flag[$y]=true; $flag[$x]=true; } } $printed_nrs[$x]=$test_request['batch_nr']; $y++; }
  7. The results are returned as per the date range and jobid entered.
  8. Hello, I would like to create a query from a single table with the following columns. SEQNO is a unique key Name ID Amount Date JOBID SEQNO Mark 9 200 1/2/09 1001 1 Peter 3 300 1/2/09 1001 2 Steve 1 200 2/2/09 1001 3 Mark 9 200 3/2/09 1001 1 Peter 3 300 4/2/09 1001 2 Steve 1 200 5/2/09 1001 3 Hally 1 200 5/2/09 1002 3 The query should output in this format by SUBJOBID :- NAME ID 1/2 2/2 3/2 4/2 5/2 JOBID Mark 9 200 NULL 200 NULL NULL 1001 Peter 3 300 NULL NULL 300 NULL 1001 Steve 1 NULL 200 NULL NULL 200 1001 I have been going over pivot queries for this. But I don't seem to get anywhere. Could some one help ?
  9. Thanks but am not using php.
  10. Hello, Am using MySQL 5.0 I have this query SELECT name FROM dbo.tablenames Which gives the following jimmy robert michael I would to display that column information in one row such as jimmy robert michael
  11. I solved it this way ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), T1.[DocDate], 101) , 'Not Returned')
  12. Hi , I have the following code ISNULL(CAST(T1.[DocDate] AS varchar(50)), 'Nothing') where T1.[DocDate] is null, the code correctly returns 'Nothing' if it is not null then the code returns the date but in varchar format e.g. Apr 17th 2009. I would like to display the date as 17/04/2009 is this possible ?
  13. I have this SELECT T0.[itemCode], T0.[Dscription], T0.[Quantity] as 'Iss. Qty', T0.[DocDate] as 'Iss. Date', ISNULL (T1.[Quantity],0) , CASE WHEN ISNULL (T1.[Quantity],0) = 0 THEN ISNULL(CAST(T1.[Quantity] AS varchar(50)), 'Nothing') WHEN ISNULL (T1.[Quantity],0) != 0 THEN ISNULL(CAST(T1.[Quantity] AS varchar(50)), 'Nothing') END, CASE WHEN ISNULL (T1.[DocDate],0) = 0 THEN ISNULL(CAST(T1.[DocDate] AS Char(20)), 'Nothing') WHEN ISNULL (T1.[DocDate],0) != 0 THEN ISNULL(CAST(T1.[DocDate] AS datetime), 'Nothing') END , ISNULL(CAST(T1.[Quantity] AS varchar(50)), 'Nothing') as 'Recieved Qty' , T0.[u_Newfield], ISNULL(CAST(T1.[DocDate] AS varchar(50)), 'Nothing') ,COALESCE (CAST (T1.[DocDate] as Char(20)),'NOT') as 'Rev. Date' FROM IGE1 T0 LEFT OUTER JOIN IGN1 T1 ON T1.[u_GI_Issue] = T0.[DocEntry] WHERE T0.[u_Newfield] = [%0] and T0.[DocDate] between [%1] and [%2] When ISNULL (T1.[DocDate],0) = 0 it throws an error Conversion failed when converting datetime to character string.
  14. Thanks, this works well only that the quantity field is changed to varchar, no problem with that though. However I have tried the same with the DocDate field but the date format is not the best when not null. I would like to change the date format from Arp 17 2009 - varchar to the datetime format. This I believe would require the use of case or if else statements. but they keep giving me the same error I have been having.
  15. Still getting the same error if I use ISNULL on an interger or datetime field.
  16. Hello, I have the following query in MSSQL 2005, where T1.[DocDate] is null then it should display NOT RECIEVED, if it is there it should display the date. However I get the error message converting failed when converting datetime from character string SELECT T0.[itemCode], T0.[Dscription], T0.[Quantity] as 'Iss. Qty', T0.[DocDate] as 'Iss. Date', ISDATE(T1.[DocDate]) as 'Rec. Qty', CASE WHEN ISDATE (T1.[DocDate]) = 1 THEN T1.[DocDate] WHEN ISDATE (T1.[DocDate]) <> 1 THEN COALESCE (CAST (T1.[DocDate] as datetime),'NOT') END AS 'Recieved Date' , T0.[u_Newfield], T1.[DocDate] as 'Rec. Date' FROM IGE1 T0 LEFT OUTER JOIN IGN1 T1 ON T1.[u_GI_Issue] = T0.[DocEntry] WHERE T0.[u_Newfield] = [%0] and T0.[DocDate] between [%1] and [%2]
  17. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction IFNULL() does not work with MSSQL, but I used COALESCED instead. But I get the following conversion error ERROR CONVERTING VARCHAR TO NUMERIC when I use it in on the T1.[Quantity] as 'Rec. Qty' column. Like this COALESCE (T1.[Quantity], 'NOT')
  18. Hello, I have the query below, for some columns such as Rec. Qty, no values are returned. Where there is no value returned I would like to put the word 'Nothing', instead of having a blank. SELECT T0.[itemCode], T0.[Dscription], T0.[Quantity] as 'Iss. Qty', T0.[DocDate] as 'Iss. Date', T1.[Quantity] as 'Rec. Qty', T0.[u_Newfield], T1.[DocDate] as 'Rev. Date' FROM IGE1 T0 LEFT OUTER JOIN IGN1 T1 ON T1.[u_GI_Issue] = T0.[DocEntry] WHERE T0.[u_Newfield] = [%0] and T0.[DocDate] between [%1] and [%2]
  19. It gives an error. Concat is not a recognised built in function name.
  20. Hello, I have this SELECT datediff(day,1999.03.09,1999.03.19) this returns 10. I would like to append the word day to this result. I have tried this SELECT datediff(day,1999.03.09,1999.03.19)+' '+Days but it doesn't work. Any ideas ?
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