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Everything posted by thewooleymammoth

  1. <select> <option onfocus='jsFunction('car1')'>car1</option> <option onfocus='jsFunction('car2')'>car2</option> <option onfocus='jsFunction('car3')'>car3</option> <option onfocus='jsFunction('car4')'>car4</option> </select> JK, Im not sure i understand your problem
  2. It should be fine, But for user login information i would use $_SESSION not cookies. cookies are stored as a file on the client computer. So they can change what the file says, unless your encrypting it. Basically i could login as tinyjoetheragman and change my username to ADMIN, just by editing a file on my computer. $_SESSION stores all the information on the server.
  3. you should use header() function instead of doing it via html
  4. can anyone confirm that it doesnt work on thier installation of firefox please?
  5. k, so i got a little progress. Now its just a browser issue. changed $('#left_drop_down').hover(function(){ showContent('left_drop_down'), hideContent('left_drop_down'); }); $('#right_drop_down').hover(function(){ showContent('right_drop_down'), hideContent('right_drop_down'); }); to $('#left_drop_down').hover( function(){ showContent('left_drop_down'); }, function() { hideContent('left_drop_down'); } ); $('#right_drop_down').hover( function(){ showContent('right_drop_down'); }, function() { hideContent('right_drop_down'); } ); Which works in chrome & ie, but bugs out in firefox
  6. <?php //... foreach($array as $key => $variable) //... //or foreach($array as $variable) ?>
  7. I think we'd need to see your code
  8. haha that is pretty awesome. I didnt see that. What did you think of my site ignace? You always have good opinions to offer
  9. yea, im still creating the site, the drop downs dont quite work yet. Im switching over from prototype/scriptaculous to jquery and its a little rough. I cant figure out what is happening with those drop downs. I'm a little confused, which yellowish color are you talking about?
  10. Its just a web Design and Web application portfolio. So yes i know how to include files. Actually I was looking for some comments on what people like or dislike. So far people dont like the blue yellow combo, but i like it so im not gonna change it. The pages don't need to be separated for you to make comments on individual things either. Anyways i already html'd it out so here it is without any content. http://port2.ericwooley.com
  11. <?php /********************************************** first part**************************************** learn code to insert and extract info from a database****** **********************************************/ //$v = value from entry in database if($v == 1) { ?> <img ='images/your image' /> <?php } ?> I think you need to look up some basic php & mysql before you could attempt to make something like this
  12. Im no javascript expert & im new to jquery so i need some help. I realize that this probably isn't the most efficient way to do this, but its workin for now & im not sure how to do it better yet.. I created a dropdown tab thing that drops on mouse over and is supposed to go back up on mouse out. but it just goes up immediately. I can't figure out why???? here is the js. <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jqueryui.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#left_drop_down').hover(function(){ showContent('left_drop_down'), hideContent('left_drop_down'); }); $('#right_drop_down').hover(function(){ showContent('right_drop_down'), hideContent('right_drop_down'); }); }); function showContent(div) { $('#'+div+' .drop_down_content').show('blind', 'slow'); } function hideContent(div) { $('#'+div+' .drop_down_content').hide('blind', 'slow'); } </script> and here is the relevant html <div id='left_drop_down' class='drop_down'> <div class='drop_down_content' style='display: none;'> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> </div> <div class='drop_down_tab'> Favorite Links </div> </div> You can see what happens here http://port2.ericwooley.com
  13. Yea, i took the buttons out, they just didnt fit. I like it more without them, as shown in my last post. I carpe diem as soon as i decide that i like the general design in a non html environment. I think im almost there, ill probably html it out tomorrow. I wanna tweak some more things i think that greg martin site is pretty cool, especially if he did the flash programming. Good luck trying to get good seo on that site though haha.
  14. there is an application design forum specifically for that. you would probably get better results on your mod idea by starting a new thread
  15. thats just lorum ipsum, which is dummy text for content you havn't written yet. I dont know what content im going to put there yet. but im not just gonna write an essay to put it on there
  16. K, well thanks for the critique on my lack of features, but i was really looking a critique on the general design, not so much the content. But here is what im planning to have as a part of the design for the dropdowns on mouse over. [attachment deleted by admin]
  17. It sounds like you like to just pack tons of scripts and things into your sites, I gotta say i hate sites that do that. I would say web 2.0 is definitely more in the design than the functionality. Although it does help to have windows open up inside the page (lightbox style) & other modern techniques, which i will have, but i'm not gonna stuff things in to look flashy.
  18. I disagree about the vertical, your entire page should be able to fit in 1024px so its compatable with the most common monitors. How do recommend making it more web 2.0, I thought it was kinda web 2.0
  19. So i worked on this for a while, what do you think? [attachment deleted by admin]
  20. you should learn to use photoshop if you dont already know. Its just a little plain
  21. seems efficient enough to me, look up pagination. its exactly what your talking about
  22. you have to use the headers function before you output any html. that includes the html that is called before you include the page.
  23. did you try this http://www.phpriot.com/articles/images-in-mysql/8 ?
  24. you could have the page refresh every second or two, but that would get annoying, ajax would look much better
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