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About thesoggycow

  • Birthday 09/18/1989

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    Truckee. CA

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Newbie (1/5)



  1. Cool implementation of a third party tool... Like it a lot... Like Opera Speed Dial... I custom styled it a bit for my tastes... Label text was a little large...
  2. Add some content... that would be a good start
  3. First off, Load time was LONGGGG.... I have DSL (1.5mb down) and it took a good 10-15 seconds... Not super long but not fast enough... I can't read German so I'm no help on that... I'm not sure I like the roundness of everything. Kinda makes me feel like I'm in a bubble. I think its overused nowadays anyways. Mix it up... throw some hard lines in there too. Your "Onze Links" in the left pane in FF2 at http://www.bunakeninternational.nl/beach/menu/lunch.php bounce around on hover. Same effect in IE7 but not as pronounced. Things are perfect in Opera though. Safari looks good too. I think you should bring more focus to the food on a restaurant's website... just my opinion. You have some basic validation errors... not too hard to fix so not a biggie... I like to see people using more css these days so props for that!
  4. Thanks guys... @448191 Wasn't aware of the layout being fucked up in IE6... Pretty sure I took care of most of it... I'm not going to screw with the fact that IE6 can't understand what "position:fixed" means... IE in general sucks. Doesn't comply with standards that are applied above and beyond in every other browser out there. Pisses me off... Its funny you say you like the text... It was just some stuff I threw in there when I was half asleep and delirious but my client likes it a lot too... As for being "boxy" any ways you could think of to combat this? I'm always up for suggestions. @GuiltyGear I'm going to add some color... I think muted yellows... I'll play with it. I didn't notice the images at SGD were so low quality... Thanks for pointing it out, I'll change them out. As for charging $200 an hour for coding... I have one word for you, "Realtors". After the pain they put you through you $200 an hour doesn't seem like enough. Plus I'm fast :-P. Once again thank you guys... definitely appreciate it!
  5. Two websites for all of your guys to bash/defame/critique my own at http://www.soggycowdesigns.com another at http://www.noodledude.com Leave your comments... I'm especially interested in different OS and screen resolutions I don't have access to...
  6. So I wrote a script for a website I'm building... It dynamically updates a total based upon radios selected in a form. The page can be found at http://www.noodledude.com/cost2.htm and the js file is at http://www.noodledude.com/cost.js It works just fine in everything but IE7... *$^#! IE decides that the first selected radio in the form is tax[0]... If you select the second radio which should be tax[1] it is instead assigned tax[0]... It's throwing off the total presented to a prospective visitor and I can't figure out how to fix it easily... Help before I decide to beat the *$^# out of Microsoft...
  7. Solved... Like Lumio here I don't test the code I post Learned something though... A function can only return a value once... News to me !
  8. Hi Everyone, I'm having trouble with a section of my script... Here it is function getloc($data, $email) { foreach ($data as $i => $value) { if ($value==$email) { return $i; break; } else { return "moo";} } } $email = "mista@gmail.com"; $data = array(kipp@gmail.com,0,5-13,,mista@gmail.com,0,5-13,; $loc = getloc($data, $email); $loc should equal 4... But instead equals moo, no matter what. What am I doing wrong?
  9. Okay here is my code <? //soggy cows mailer version 1.0p //to do's... Test of course - add cookie uid check (set via javascript on form and pass uid onto script to check add to xml file) - add sendmail function - fix cost javascript in ie... use switch / case - also fix css fixed on cost page ie fucking it up $toemail = "mistawoosta@gmail.com"; $subject = "Information Request - Noodledude.com"; function getloc($value, $check) { $n=count($value); $i=0; while($i<$n){ if ($value[$i]==$check) { return $i; break; } else { return "moo"; } $i++; } } function write($data) { $myFile = "mail.xml"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file"); fwrite($fh, $data); fclose($fh); } $name = $_POST['name']; $name = urldecode($name); if (eregi("(\r|\n)", $name)) { die("Spam Blocked!"); } $email = $_POST['email']; if ( eregi ('^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z.]{2,5}$', $email) ) {} else { die("$email is not a valid email address... Please try again"); } $phone = $_POST['phone']; $refer = $_POST['refer']; $com = $_POST['com']; $date = date(n."-".j); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $headers = "From:" . $email . "\r\n" . "Reply-To:" . $email . "\r\n" . "X-Mailer: The Soggy Mailer Version 1.0p "; $message = "Date: ".$date."\r\n"."Name: ".$name."\r\n"."Phone: ".$phone."\r\n"."Email: ".$email."\r\n"."Reffered By: ".$refer."\r\n"."Sent From IP: ".$ip."\r\n"."\r\n"."$com"; $eray = array(); $dray = array(); $iray = array(); $cray = array(); // check ip $xmlstr=file_get_contents("mail.xml"); $xml=new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr); foreach ($xml->id as $id) { array_push($eray,$id->email); array_push($dray,$id->day); array_push($iray,$id->ip); array_push($cray,$id->counter); $i++; } $eloc = getloc($eray, $email); $iloc = getloc($iray, $ip); echo "$eloc $iloc "; #should be working - prerecorded email if ($iloc == "moo") { if ($eloc != "moo") { if ($dray[$eloc] == $date) { if ($cray[$eloc] == 2) { //date and count is wrong die ("You have exceeded the sending limits, you may only send 2 emails every day"); } else { echo "two"; //date is wrong count is right $counternum = $cray[$eloc]+1; $xml->id[$eloc]->ip = $ip; $xml->id[$eloc]->email = $email; $xml->id[$eloc]->day = $date; $xml->id[$eloc]->counter = $counternum; write($xml->asXML()); //sendmail #mail($toemail,$subject,$message,$headers); } } else { echo "two"; //reset count and date $counternum = 0; $xml->id[$eloc]->ip = $ip; $xml->id[$eloc]->email = $email; $xml->id[$eloc]->day = $date; $xml->id[$eloc]->counter = $counternum; write($xml->asXML()); //sendmail #mail($toemail,$subject,$message,$headers); } } } #should also be working - prerecorded ip if ($eloc == "moo") { if ($iloc != "moo") { if ($dray[$iloc] == $date) { if ($cray[$iloc] == 2){ //date and count is wrong die ("You have exceeded the sending limits, you may only send 2 emails every day"); } else { echo "three"; //date is wrong count is right $counternum = $cray[$iloc]+1; $xml->id[$iloc]->ip = $ip; $xml->id[$iloc]->email = $email; $xml->id[$iloc]->day = $date; $xml->id[$iloc]->counter = $counternum; write($xml->asXML()); //sendmail #mail($toemail,$subject,$message,$headers); } } else { echo "three"; //reset count and date $counternum = 0; $xml->id[$iloc]->ip = $ip; $xml->id[$iloc]->email = $email; $xml->id[$iloc]->day = $date; $xml->id[$iloc]->counter = $counternum; write($xml->asXML()); //sendmail mail($toemail,$subject,$message,$headers); } } } #not working - not yet recorded if ($eloc == "moo") { if ($iloc == "moo") { /*//an unknown sender $idr = $xml->sent->addchild(id); $idr->addChild(ip,$ip); $idr->addChild(email,$email); $idr->addChild(day,$date); $idr->addChild(counter, 0); write($xml->asXML()); //sendmail mail($toemail,$subject,$message,$headers); echo "unknown sender";*/ } } #working - prerecorded sender and ip if ($eloc == $iloc) { if ($dray[$eloc] == $date) { if ($cray[$eloc] == 2) { //date and count is wrong die ("You have exceeded the sending limits, you may only send 2 emails every day"); } else { echo "one"; //date is wrong count is right $counternum = $cray[$eloc]+1; $xml->id[$eloc]->ip = $ip; $xml->id[$eloc]->email = $email; $xml->id[$eloc]->day = $date; $xml->id[$eloc]->counter = $counternum; write($xml->asXML()); //sendmail #mail($toemail,$subject,$message,$headers); } } else { echo "one laaa"; //reset count and date $counternum = 0; $xml->id[$eloc]->ip = $ip; $xml->id[$eloc]->email = $email; $xml->id[$eloc]->day = $date; $xml->id[$eloc]->counter = $counternum; write($xml->asXML()); //sendmail #mail($toemail,$subject,$message,$headers); } } else { die ("Some Error Occured!"); } ?> Basically its a code to check IP's and Emails against an XML file and send or not send and email accordingly. I know my mail functions are commented off thats not my problem. I also know that my addChild stuff is wrong but thats okay. I can't figure it out but for some reason no matter what the XML file says my script always executes the section that echo's "one laa". What am I doing wrong! I'm really confused my conditional statements seem all right... Maybe I'm just blind. HELP!
  10. Hey Thanks! Thats what it was... Multiple servers=confusion.... So its official... I am stupid! Keaton
  11. So here is my script... <? $number = $_GET['number']; $length = strlen($number); $prearray = chunk_split($number,1,"."); $number = explode(".", $prearray); $omg = 0; $i = 0; while ($i < $length){ if ($omg == 2){ $moo = $length - $i; $tempfinalnumber = $finalnumber; $finalnumber = $tempfinalnumber.",".$number['$moo']; $omg = 0; } else{ $moo = $length - $i; $tempfinalnumber = $finalnumber; $finalnumber = $tempfinalnumber.$number['$moo']; $omg = $omg+1; } $i++; } echo $finalnumber; ?> I get the error, PHP Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_LNUMBER, expecting T_VARIABLE or '$' in /comma.php on line 6 I don't see any variables starting with numbers... I gotta be blind... or am I just stupid? Keaton
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