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  1. ok, so how would i do this? What i want is that when the user inputs the correct password i want to make the left side bar disappear and extend the container div.
  2. i don't understand what you mean so here is my code: <div style=" margin:auto; width:800px;"> <div style="float:left; width:800px; text-align:center; background:#000; color:#FFF;"> <h1>HEADER</h1> </div> <div style="float:left; width:200px; text-align:center; background:#333; color:#FFF; clear:right;"> <h1>Left</h1> </div> I want to call funtion HERE <div style="float:right; width:100%; text-align:center; background:#666; color:#FFF; clear:righ;"> <?php // Beginning of password script $password = "admin"; // Change Password to your need ?> <?php // If the password is valid user gets access if (isset($_POST["password"]) && ($_POST["password"]=="$password")) { function funtTest1(){ $hide1 = "hi 1"; echo $hide1; } function funtTest(){ $hide2 = "hi 2"; echo $hide2; } ?> <!-- Start of hidden content --> <br /> <span class="entry_title">title</span> <!-- End of hidden content --> <?php } else { // If wrong password or no password if (isset($_POST['password']) || $password == "") { print "<p align=\"center\"><font color=\"red\"><b>Incorrect Password</b><br>Please enter the correct password</font></p>";} print "<form method=\"post\"><p align=\"center\">Please enter your password for access<br>"; print "<input name=\"password\" type=\"password\" size=\"25\" maxlength=\"10\"><input value=\"Login\" type=\"submit\"></p></form>"; } ?> </div> <div style="float:left; width:100%; clear:both; text-align:center; background:#999; color:#FFF;"> <h1>FOTTER</h1> </div> </div>
  3. Hello every one I just wanted to know how to call a function that is nested inside an if statement. Thanks in advance
  4. thanks for you're help guys any suggestions on where i can learn php?
  5. Hello there i'm new to php so i dont dont anything about it. I just created a website and i want it to have a place to sign up to become a member of the website. Also i want to have a part of the webstie to be members ONLY. I was metion that php is the best when it comes to this kind of stuft so could anyone help me? PLEASE!!! tanks
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