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Everything posted by MasterACE14

  1. google is the answer to many problems
  2. I highly reccommend the following 2 PHP Tutorials. http://www.tizag.com/phpT/arrays.php http://www.w3schools.com/php/default.asp Regards ACE
  3. could you show us the install.php code please? Regards ACE
  4. certainly set yourself an interesting task go here http://wiz.homelinux.net/php.php and download Wiz MySQL Admin , and have a look at the coding of it, its similar to PHPmyAdmin but with less files, and I personally think it is better. you could do alot of copy and pasting from it for your admin control panel. That should be a nice head start for you. Regards ACE
  5. Online PHP Tutorials http://www.w3schools.com/php/default.asp http://www.tizag.com/phpT/ PHP Books PHP 5 in Easy Steps http://www.ineasysteps.com/ SAMs - PHP 5 UNLEASHED Regards ACE
  6. sorry, I'm at a loss ??? , Can't see what would be causing the problem. I'm sure sooner or later someone will come along and spot the problem for you Regards ACE
  7. I highly reccomend going to http://www.w3schools.com/php/default.asp and learning PHP, its not a difficult language, and what you are asking can be found on google. either find it on google, or learn PHP and make it yourself. Regards ACE
  8. What error is it giving you? and please copy and paste the error here. don't try and summarise it, as it can make it difficult for others to understand ^^ Regards ACE
  9. that won't/ or shouldn't make a difference with Apache at all.
  10. I think this would be an easier task to do in Visual Basic but if you really want to do it in PHP, go for it Regards ACE
  11. lol, also i've told you notepad++ in your other thread Regards ACE
  12. no idea lol, I hear their is also something called IPN, which builds a bridge between paypal and PHP. google it, and see if it helps. Regards ACE
  13. you could also try. <?php $_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; echo "<b>Enter the IP or the domain name of the server that you are trying to ping.</b><br>"; echo "<form method='post' action='ping.php?do=ping'><input type='text' name='domain' class='input_login' value='$_ip'> <input type='submit' value='Ping' class='input_login'></form>"; if($_GET['do'] == 'ping') { $_domain = $_POST['domain']; echo "<pre>"; system ("ping -w 10 -c 5 $_domain"); echo "</pre>"; } echo "<br>"; ?> Regards ACE
  14. I agree with Daniel0 , its all a matter of opinion, I personally use Notepad++ , you can download it here http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm Regards ACE
  15. Take a look at the Pinging Scripts here http://www.hotscripts.com/PHP/Scripts_and_Programs/Networking_Tools/Ping/index.html Regards ACE
  16. If the folder is actually on your PC you can use this. http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/ If its on your webhost, then I don't know lol, sorry Regards ACE
  17. I think thats something you would have to do in Javascript. ACE
  18. no problem mate , feel free to add me on MSN so we can chat some time npoultney@hotmail.com
  19. ah ok, I see what you mean. well i'm not exactly sure why it won't put in nothing when its suppose to. but I reccomend you download Turbo Database Admin, its much better then PHPMyAdmin. http://www.turbodbadmin.com/ see if that helps, PHPMyAdmin might not of set that field to NULL even though it says it has, install turbo database admin and have a look if it says the same. Regards ACE
  20. first, save mypage.html as .php, not .html ^^ , and have a look at this site for your array problem/question http://www.tizag.com/phpT/arrays.php also, to display the info on the other frame/page you need to include mypage.php put include ("mypage.php"); put that on the other page, and make sure the other page is saved as .php as well. And if none of that works, just wait here for the pro's Regards ACE
  21. I'm a New/n00b coder myself, and I'll try and explain what the statements mean exactly. *grabs PHP text book* the "if" statement practically means, if a requirement is met, your block of coding will execute. the "else" statement practically means, if a requirement isn't met and your coding can't be done , else use the other code(in the curly braces of the else statement) Format of the Statements(in General) if statement if ( test-expression ) statement-to-execute-when-true ; if else statement if ( test-expression ) do-this ; else do-this ; Examples if statement if ( 10 == 10 ) { //Meaning, if 10 is equal to 10 (which is true in this example) print 1 + 1; //if 10 == 10 is true (meaning 10 really does equal 10) it will execute the code in the curly } //braces if else statement if ( 10 == 11 ) { //Meaning, if 10 is equal to 11 (which is false in this example) print 1 + 1; // if 10 == 11 is true it will execute the code under the if statement(in the curly braces) } else if ( 11 == 11 ) { //Meaning if 11 is equal to 11 (which is true in the else part of the statement but false in print 2 + 2; //the above if statement) } // it will execute the code in this if statement(in the curly braces) and as for your coding, I'm not completely sure lol. But that should help you I hope this helps, that was my 3rd PHP lesson lol, I just realised its alittle muddled up, sorry about that. but I think its still understandable. ACE
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