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Posts posted by MasterACE14

  1. Out of curiosity is there anything this time around that you ended up asking for clarification on which you may have previously done based on an assumption?  Would your assumption have been correct or would you have gotten marks off again for doing it "wrong."

    I asked for clarification on whether one part of my code was correct in regards to what the assignment question said, part of the question was a bit unclear as to what exactly was required. After checking with my lecturer turns out I did it correctly anyway.


    Congrats,  glad to hear you did well.

    I don't think I contributed but good job!


  2. Good Afternoon Everyone!


    A few weeks ago I received my marks for my first programming assignment at uni, and as many of you know I was not happy with my final mark. Full story here... http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=350188.0


    Today I received my marks for my second programming assignment and thanks to everyone's input in my previous post, I got 100% ! I can not thank you all enough for your help and support in my last thread, I made sure I had clear and precise guidelines for this assignment, spoke with my lecturer on a few occasions regarding questions I had about the assignment and thankfully this time it has paid off.


    So thank you again, I appreciate the help and support like always.




  3. $the_blab_form = ' 
    	  <textarea id="add-status"class="status" onkeyup="limitText(this,350,'.character-count');detect_url(this.value);" onclick="limitText(this,350,'.character-count');detect_url(this.value);"></textarea><div><input class="button post" type="button" value="Post" id="'. $session .'" onClick="add_post(this.id)"/><div class="character-count">350</div>

  4. Australia doesn't make the list? We invented the boomerang! makes hunting so much easier while riding our kangaroos.



    Didn't you guys invent the rotary washing line too? Where would we be without those, eh?


    That we did, but I think our contributions to medicine are probably the most significant.


    - Penicillin

    - Bionic Ear

    - Aspro

    - Spray on Skin

    - Zinc Cream

    - Ultrasound

    - Latex Gloves

    - Flu Vaccine

    - Night and Day contact lenses

    - Heart Pacemaker

    - Anthrax Vaccine


    to name a few, and we pioneered microsurgery.


    Some of other inventions/discoveries/innovations include...


    - Combine Harvester

    - The Sarich Engine

    - Wave Piercing Catamaran

    - Differential Gears

    - The 'Ute' (which is different to the 'pickup truck' developed in the USA)

    - Black Box Flight Recorder

    - Variable Ratio Rack and Pinion Steering

    - Hyshot Scramjet Engine

    - Electric Drill

    - Two Stroke Lawn Mower

    - Notepad

    - Telephane (yes Telephane, not Telephone)

    - Garage Roller Door

    - Salt Water Chlorination of Swimming Pools

    - Pre-paid Postage

    - Xerox Photocopying

    - Polymer Bank Notes

    - Blast Glass

    - Refrigeration

    - Vegemite (controversial topic as of late since the iSnack 2.0 incident)

    - Wine Cask

    - CETO Wave Energy System

    - Calyx Drill

    - Uniloc Software Protection (which after Microsoft copied, lost approx half a billion for stealing the technology)

    - Wireless LAN IEEE 802.11

    - Samba Software

    - Google Maps (developed by a couple of Danish-Australian brothers in Sydney, believe it or not)

    - Feature Films (The Story of the Kelly Gang, 1906, ran for more than an hour)

    - The Australian Crawl

    - Race Cam

    - Speedo Swimwear

    - The Mills Cross

    - Gene Shears

    - SILEX

    - Synroc

    - The Stobie Pole



    we all invented our own language individually, with the exceptions of USA and Australia which stole ours.  :o  lol

    I can't speak for the USA, but we improved it :P

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