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Everything posted by MasterACE14

  1. if you're trying to serialize the array just to make the filtering process quicker, that's not the way to go about it. You're over complicating a simple problem.
  2. here's the steps you need to backup all your databases http://www.instructables.com/id/Backing-up-your-SQL-database-using-XAMPP-and-phpMy/, the power of google is amazing mate.
  3. you're passing undefined variables $likes and $dislikes to $array. Either give them a default value or don't pass them to the array unless they're set.
  4. in that case you need to make an AJAX request.
  5. really not sure what you want, is it something along these lines? $name = 'stevengoh'; $going = '<span id="'.$name.'">'.$name.'</span>'; echo $going;
  6. is 'Computer_Price' the correct name of the field? EDIT: Noticed you changed the second argument of mysql_fetch_array to MYSQL_NUM. Change your while loop to this and it should work fine: while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) MYSQL_NUM means the fields are numbered with an index. Which you don't want if you're calling a field by it's name rather than an id.
  7. $results = mysql_select_db ("computers"); is not a resource. You need a mysql_query() which will return either a resource, true or false.
  8. You can use javascript to open a new window.
  9. I order online, just another browser tab to add to my sea of browser tabs. Plus some businesses have an ordering tracking time/diagram thing, rather than muting my music so I can hear the front door knock, I can continue to enjoy listening to my music until the order tracker says "have left the shop".
  10. you can't have any output before the header() function. So in your case you can't have that echo() in there.
  11. because the 'value' attribute needs a value.
  12. You're not sending $hours_id to the other file.
  13. [ code ] [ /code ] tags please. <?php include '../php/config_conn.php'; $querysum = "SELECT SUM(total_time) FROM `coop_hours` where user = '".$_SESSION['user_name']."'"; $resultsum = mysql_query($querysum); $arr = mysql_fetch_row($resultsum); $resulthours = $arr[0]; $querytime = "SELECT * FROM `coop_hours` WHERE user = '".$_SESSION['user_name']."' ORDER BY 'date_completed'"; $result = mysql_query($querytime); $num = mysql_num_rows($result); mysql_close(); echo "<table width='800' cellpadding='0'><tr> <td><strong>Coop Job</strong></td> <td align=center><strong>Date Completed</strong></td> <td align=center><strong>Total Time</strong></td> <td><strong>Comments</strong></td><td>Delete Entry</td></tr>"; $i=0; while ($i < $num) { $hours_id = mysql_result($result, $i, "hours_id"); $user = mysql_result($result, $i, "user"); $coop_job = mysql_result($result, $i, "coop_job"); $date_completed = mysql_result($result, $i, "date_completed"); $start_time = mysql_result($result, $i, "start_time"); $end_time = mysql_result($result, $i, "end_time"); $total_time = mysql_result($result, $i, "total_time"); $comments = mysql_result($result, $i, "comments"); echo "<tr><td>$coop_job</td> <td align=center>$date_completed</td> <td align=center>$total_time</td> <td>$comments</td> <td align=center> <a href='php/del.php'><img src='images/del.png'></a></td> </tr>"; $i++; } echo "<tr><td colspan=5><hr></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td></td><td align=right>Total hours:</td><td align=center>$resulthours</td><td></td></tr>"; echo "<table>"; ?> And here is del.php: <?php include '../../php/config_conn.php'; $del_query = ("DELETE FROM coop_hours WHERE hours_id = '".$hours_id."' LIMIT 1"); $result = mysql_query($del_query); header("Location: http://.../myaccount-testing.php"); ?>
  14. you have session_destroy() in your first bit of code, which destroys the entire session, including $_SESSION['start_time'].
  15. you can use strstr() to find the domain in the string.
  16. You don't appear to be calling your function at all.
  17. Your code looks alright to me, with the exception of your $_GET[] variables, they need to be filtered and validated. Other then that, practice makes perfect. This code can be significantly shortened and improved, but you will learn where and how you can improve it the more you dive into PHP. Good luck!
  18. you obviously didn't back up all of it then, in other words human error. Not a collation error.
  19. really have no idea what you're talking about, could you explain in more detail or post a link to a webpage that has this feature?
  20. You have a logic error, look at where your if/else statements are and what they do, then you'll know where you currently have the mysql_fetch_array() does not make any sense.
  21. there's a typo in your connect.php: $connection = mysq1_connect it has a one instead of 'L' $connection = mysql_connect
  22. Shouldn't really have config.php with a heap of includes in it(if that's what you mean?), a config file is usually for variables, arrays or constants that are used in various parts of the website such as database connection details. Relative path references is the way to go, and if you're worried about having to copy/paste includes into multiple files(that's what I think you're talking about?), then you may want to develop some kind of template system.
  23. As far as your code is concerned. In my opinion it would be quicker to recode it differently then to 'tinker' with it. Sometimes you just need to take in the advice, scrap what you have and start over. That way you will avoid hours of some what wasted time and bad headaches.
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