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Everything posted by sandy1028

  1. sandy1028

    XPATH help

    <script async="" src="http://www.mar.com/network/abc.js" type="text/javascript"/> <script src="http://www.mar.com/network/abc.js"/> can you please tell me the XPATH where it matches the script which has async and not the other one. I tried with the below script, but it matches both. //script[contains(@src, 'mar.com') and contains(@src, 'abc.js') and contains(@async, '')]
  2. Please help me in answeing this, If we are using same server for same user, if load is high on the server then how the session is managed.
  3. Find more business news at facebook.com and twitter.com. Text BUSINESS to 23456 for breaking business news text alerts on your mobile phone. Text JOBS to 23456 for job alerts. Want your news even faster? Text NEWS to 23456 to sign up for breaking news text alerts. See for a complete list of alerts. SIGN UP FOR MOBILE NEWS ALERTS! Get your news on the go, text NEWS to 23456 How to find out the sentence which contains the string "23456" and remove the entire line.
  4. Yes, trying to valid email id check in URL. Trying to check if email id is present in the URL
  5. Please tell me which is the optimized code and which works faster. Let me know f there is any other way for the faster approach $page_url="http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (preg_match('/\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b/si', $page_url)){ return false; } OR $url_link = "http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"; $email_reg_ex = "/[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})/i"; $render_if_email_id_not_present = preg_match($email_reg_ex, $url_link); if (!empty($render_if_email_id_not_present)){ return false; }
  6. How to make "hints" as dynamic varaible: var myRegExp = /hints\s=\s'(.+?)';/; I am trying to use as var myRegExp = "/"+hints+/\s=\s'(.+?)';/; which doesnt work.
  7. var content = "javascript:(function() {document.open();document.write("<script>abc = '37418';adt = '484';h = '585';w = '111';nel = '12482,100';test = 'on';num = '1';</script><script type='text/javascript' src='http://abc.js'></script>");document.close();})()"; In the variable "content", I want to get the all the values which has aaa = 'xyx' ,etc. When called using a['aaa'] then output should give the proper result as "xyx".
  8. var content = "javascript:(function() {document.open();document.write("<script>abc = '37418';adt = '484';h = '585';w = '111';nel = '12482,100';test = 'on';num = '1';</script><script type='text/javascript' src='http://abc.js'></script>");document.close();})()"; abc = '37418'; adt = '484'; Can you please help in extracting the key and value pairs in the string and print the value of particular value for the key. Please help
  9. same(this.getParams['vb'], ab.fill(), 'vb test'); Please tell me how to fix this problem.
  10. $epocTime = $math.newInt($math.divide("$today.getTime()", "1000"))) $today.getTime() defined as : milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT Can you please explain me the logic and convert the code to php?
  11. http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/ Changed: When changed iframe height to 100%, and div#mod-logo{ height: 100%; position: absolute; z-index: 1;} Nav sub menu works fine. But hyperlink on the images doesn't work due to height provided. Please let me know how can we fix this.
  12. Can you please provide the regex which matches all the domains except, "wt.com". I should use as a regular expression. Something like backreferening technique
  13. https://www.abc.com.wi.pr.com/ https://www.abc.com/ https://www.def.com.wi.pr.com/ https://www.wt.com.wi.pr.com/ There are many URL's but we should not match with the string (wt). Hard coding works but there are many names which is not possible, Trying to use the regex something like this but no luck Can you please tell me regex using something like '?!' as below https?://(www.)?(.*)(?!wt).com[^/]*/?$
  14. @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { headline{margin-top:0px;} } This code should reflect in safari and not in Chrome. Please suggest
  15. sandy1028

    url regex

    ntv.com/very-own/ ntv.com/business/ ntv.com.wid-prl.com/very-own/ ltv.com/very-own/ Please tell me how to write a single regex which matches all the above conditions.
  16. Please tell me how to use styling. When I use css for underline, even the (subtitle) gets underlined. How to avoid that. <div class="headline">For-Profit Businesses<div> (subheadline)</div></div>
  17. Please tell me is there any other way to avoid these ticks,
  18. Hi, I see few url's in which "ticks" are present in the title. But in the <title> tag we have not added any. Please tell me how to get rid of these ticks which appears on the browser title.
  19. 12.10.2012 format Parsing year - ^[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2}\.([0-9]{4}) Parsing Month - \.([0-9]{2})\. parsing day - ^([0-9]{2})\. 2012-11-10 Parsing year ^([0-9]{4})\. Parsing month \.([0-9]{2})\. Parsing day ^[0-9]{4}\.[0-9]{2}\.([0-9]{2}) We have a field on the page, where the page should support both the expression. or condition should be for the year ^[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2}\.([0-9]{4})|^([0-9]{4})\. which doesn't work.
  20. It doesn't take the OR condition. Please help
  21. yes tried. But no luck. Verified in regexteser.com
  22. 2012.10.12 14.11.2013 Please tell me how to write the regular expression which matches both the format. I have tried the regex below but matches only forst format. ([0-9]{4}) \.([0-9]{2})\.[0-9]{2}|^([0-9]{2})\.[0-9]{2}\. \.[0-9]{2}\.([0-9]{2})|^[0-9]{2}\.([0-9]{2})\.
  23. If anyone knows any questions or link, please help me out
  24. Hello, Can you please tell me what are the questions that can be asked to 7-10 yrs experienced guys in php,CSS,jquery and javascript and Ajax.
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