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  1. Of course: Database: ndsg_brawl Table: tourneys_brackets -> userid -> userid2 -> round -> winner I believe that it all though, unless, you need me to post the query for the user IDs (to grab usernames from the forum database). Anything else you need?
  2. Yes; I have been meaning to fix that. Apologies: SELECT * FROM ndsg_brawl.tourneys_brackets WHERE tourney = 'brawlan'
  3. Bump, I think? I wish I can edit my post to fix out issues I have left within it, though. For some reason I cannot edit it.
  4. $players = $mysql->select( "ndsg_brawl.tourneys_brackets", "*", "WHERE tourney = '{$title}'" ); if ($players) { while ($pairings = @mysql_fetch_assoc($players)) { echo ' <h2>Round '.$pairings['round'].'</h2> <table class="list"> <thead> <tr> <td>User #1</td> <td>User #2</td> <td>Round</td> </tr> </thead><tbody>'; $username1 = $mysql->select( "ndsg_vbulletin.vb_user", "username", "WHERE userid = '{$pairings['userid']}'" ); $username2 = $mysql->select( "ndsg_vbulletin.vb_user", "username", "WHERE userid = '{$pairings['userid2']}'" ); $username1 = @mysql_fetch_assoc($username1); $username2 = @mysql_fetch_assoc($username2); echo '<tr> <td>'.$username1['username'].'</td> <td>'.$username2['username'].'</td> <td>'.$pairings['round'].'</td> </tr>'; echo '</tbody></table>'; } } else { echo '<p>There are no standings up yet.</p>'; } I am not sure how to have it only display 1 table for each round. I tried using GROUP BY `round`, but it only displays 1 pairing instead of all. :/
  5. Thanks very much. I changed the count() to a sum() for the 2nd one and it works splendidly. Again, thanks.
  6. I've tried searching through the documentation of MySQL but the right words on how this is done exactly is just is not successful.. Basically here is my schema: Table: sprites --id --title --sheet_file --game --console --amount --author I want to do two things, though. For one, I want to have a MySQL query count the total amount in the Database. I have tried: SELECT amount FROM `sprites` AS COUNT Although I don't think that it displays the total 'amount' added... Next is the table displaying the submitters. I want to be able to display the submitters, though I want it to display the respectful amount of sprites that user has submitted, while ordering by the greatest amount first. Thanking in advance, and sorry if it sounded a bit..odd.
  7. Hi, I'm trying to set-up a tournament, though I want the system to be automated. I'm not sure how to approach this, since I thought the process would be confusing. I want to setup random pairing, but how can that be done and then stored in a row? Plus, I'm not sure how I would display the pairings correctly for [x] round. Can anybody help out this confused user? My basic layout for a bracket is: *removed by request of op* If that is required to help out..
  8. My auto_increment value is no longer incrementing after it reaches 127. I'm not sure what's happening exactly, and after Googling documentation or anything related to it, no results. =/; I don't know what to provide exactly, although when I attempt altering the auto_increment in 'Operations' to 128, it says it successfully incremented it although it does NOT as changes revert. In addition when I insert it returns a message regarding a truncated value in the field 'id'.
  9. In addition to blackcell's code, attempt using switch() before you create a plethora of messy if statements. if statements still run even if one of the if's conditions are matched.
  10. Seems to be that there was a syntax error in my post. I have changed it.
  11. I'm having so many headaches building a function for selecting data from a Database easier in mySQL, so I tried a simple function out: function select($table, $fields, $options = null, $loop = false) { if (!defined('MYSQL_NOCONNECT')) { if (isset($table) && isset($fields)) { $sql = "SELECT ".$this->escape($fields)." FROM ".$this->escape($table)." ".$options.""; $result = mysql_query($sql); if ($result) { if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { return $result; } else { return false; } } } else { echo "Wrong number of parameters supplied for select(). Try again, buddy boy."; exit; } } else { return null; } } Usage if (is_numeric($_GET['view'])) { $view = $_GET['view']; $sub = $mysql->select("submissions", "*", "WHERE sub_id=".$mysql->escape($view).""); if ($sub) { while ($subview = mysql_fetch_array($sub)) { //Define Variables for template $sub_id = $view; $sub_name = $subview['sub_title']; $sub_author = $subview['sub_author']; $sub_description = $subview['sub_description']; //Load Template $tpl->load('submission/submission_view'); } } else { echo "The requested submission was not found. Are you sure it exists?"; } } else { echo 'Numerical values only.'; } But then, all it returns is: Resource id #15 I'd really appreciate if anybody could help me out with this headache..
  12. Ah, I see. Thank you very much. It seems that the $detect_numeric return value was causing this. Thanks again. ^^; EDIT: Uh, what happened to the [sOLVED] button? o_O
  13. Escape Function /* Escapes illegal characters within a variable */ function escape($value,$allow_wildcards = true, $detect_numeric = true) { $return_value = $value; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { if(ini_get('magic_quotes_sybase')) { $return_value = str_replace("''", "'", $return_value); } else { $return_value = stripslashes($return_value); } } //Escape wildcards for SQL injection protection on LIKE, GRANT, and REVOKE commands. if (!$allow_wildcards) { $return_value = str_replace('%','\%',$return_value); $return_value = str_replace('_','\_',$return_value); } // Quote if $value is a string and detection enabled. if ($detect_numeric) { if (!is_numeric($return_value)) { return "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($return_value) . "'"; } } //Finally, return the end result with the addition of mysql string escaping. return mysql_real_escape_string($return_value); } MySQL Query: if (empty($_POST['nick']) or $_POST['nick'] == " ") { $nick = "Anonymous"; } else { $nick = escape($_POST['nick']); } $msg = escape($_POST['msg']); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $date = date('M j, y'); //SQL $sql = "INSERT INTO msgs (`nick`, `message`, `date`, `ip`) VALUES('$nick', '$msg', '$date', '$ip');"; Error Returned: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'nick'', ''nick'', 'Apr 5, 08', '')' at line 1 It seems like it's adding a single-quote to a single-quote, thus contradicting the escape function itself. =/; Can anybody help out?
  14. Well, I have run into a problem, but not with with the provided code. It works great, though the problem is, my comic has a built-in comics system. I would like to, for example, grab the comments that apply to the newest comic. How would I go to doing this?
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