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Everything posted by ClassicNancy

  1. I think it is pulling from here. foreach ($birthdays as $birthday => $birthday_list) $events["$birthday 00:00|$birthday"] = array( "event_id" => $birthday, "event_title" => count($birthday_list), "event_start" => "YYYY-MM-DD 00:00", "event_end" => "YYYY-MM-DD 00:00", "event_recurrence" => 1, "event_recurrence_settings" => "1|y|||", "event_public" => 1, "event_note" => $birthday_list); return $events;
  2. Yes...what this mod does is show todays birthdays and the next 7 days...I just want it to pull by month and day and ignore the year. It already displays that way but it reads the year also and makes anyone who has the year in their birthday be December 31 because that year is over.
  3. Hi...I don't want it to read the year in the profile code.
  4. Hi...by it I mean this coding. I didn't write it a friend did and it works great except he didn't know how to get it to ignore the year in the birthday in the profile. He fixed so it does not display the year but if the profile states a year it says oh that year is over and it makes them all December 31st. Right now it looks for todays birthdays +7 days.
  5. I have this mod for my forum and it calls the birthdate from the database. I would like to have it not see the year. What is happening if a person puts a year in the box in their profile it makes it Dec 31st because that year is already over. There is no way to remove that box from the code according to the forum tech people. I've added the two pieces that refer to date. It already is written where it only shows the month and day in the view. Thank you to anyone that can help. $birthdays = get_birthdays(); if(!$birthdays) { $text = 'No birthdays yet'; } else { $num = count($birthdays); $i = 1; foreach($birthdays as $b) { $date = explode("-", $b["user_birthday"]); $user = get_user($b["user_id"]); $user_menus[] = create_user_popup($user); if($date[2] == date('j')) { $text.= "<img src='" . BASE_DIR . "/birthday.gif' title=\"User's birthday today!\"/>"; $dateprint = '<span style=\'color:red\'><strong>TODAY!</strong></span>'; } else { $dateprint = date('F jS', mktime(0, 0, 0, $date[1], $date[2], $date[0])); } $text .= user_link_code($b["user_id"], $b["user_name"]); $text .= " (" . $dateprint . ")"; if($num > $i) { $text .= ', '; } $i++; } } /**** BEGIN BIRTHDAYS TODAY ****/ function get_birthdays() { $result = db_query("SELECT user_id, user_name, user_birthday FROM wowbb_users WHERE DAYOFMONTH(user_birthday) >= DAYOFMONTH(NOW()) AND MONTH(user_birthday) = MONTH(CURRENT_DATE) AND DAYOFMONTH(user_birthday) < DAYOFMONTH(CURRENT_DATE)+7 ORDER BY DAYOFMONTH(user_birthday) ASC;"); while($row = db_fetch_row($result)) { $birthdays[] = $row; } return $birthdays; } /**** END BIRTHDAYS TODAY ****/
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