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Everything posted by LiamProductions

  1. If PHP can't fetch any infomation from your machine how do those PHP port checkers work?
  2. Im very new to PHP Try: if ( PA::$login_uid || (!isset($configure['show_splash_page'])) || (!isset($configure['show_splash_page'] == 'INACTIVE') {
  3. I was wondering through PHP can it check your computer for a file like can you make a PHP script to look for a file in C:\My Documents\Pictures\xxx.gif ? and if there is a file there it says something like File found or if there isnt says something like No file in directory.
  4. Deffinately... By the way... you have no </body> or </html> tags.
  5. Hey. Just post the code. Don't back chat
  6. Your HTML code is wrong first of all: mehtod=post Thats in your Form tags. Turn it to method=post
  7. You guys have 2 moderators that have'nt logged on since september 2006.
  8. Not that important but your logo does'nt work
  9. Yes, Look at your Logo the screen goes up in the corner Don't know if thats how they have them in your country but in the UK they fit in the screen
  10. Thats what we are here for! And yes it will continue because we will learn more into PHP so we can help even quicker
  11. How can they contribute to the community? Well... They help advertise companys don't they. And yeah do your own assignment
  12. Yes, i've got it too. The localhost button is great
  13. Eating an apple Just answer the poll
  14. Sometimes IE won't remove just remove the buttons... The program will still be in your PC somewhere maybe even a local button to it.
  15. Is this some sort of American celebration?
  16. I'd say Windows seen as thats the only OS i've used in the last 7 years
  17. I found an error <?php $to = 'ampm@hotmail.com'; $subject = "Scanwest Mailing List Reply"; $content = "FIRST NAME: $f_name" . "\r\n" . "LAST NAME: $l_name"; $mail_from = "$email"; $header="From: $name <$mail_from>"; $send_contact = mail($to,$subject,$content,$header); if($send_contact) { echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT=\"0; URL=\'.\"thankYou.html\".\'\">'; } else { echo "ERROR"; } ?> Try that. The last bit of code may be wrong, Im not sure. but i fixed the missing ;
  18. Hey. I've not got time to test i'll just paste the code here tell me if it works: <?php $name['Tara'] = "Tara Something"; $name['Liam'] = "Liam Productions"; $name['Andy'] = "Andy harris"; echo "Your name is:" . $name['Liam']; ?> Does it print out "Your name is: Liam Productions ?
  19. Those are variables. You need to echo them out with echo. Watch the videos at http://www.phpvideotutorials.com you'll find it easy to learn PHP basics.
  20. What would you rather be doing?
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