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  1. not certain that "streaming" is the right word, I am trying to use a flash player that is designed to access mp3 files through a common directory, given that these files are restricted I want to verify access before playing... guess I'll keep tinkering
  2. Lookup Paypal IPN - user independent verification and/or Paypal PDT - user based submission with independent verification
  3. would be easiest to do with a custom css file, otherwise your looking at a couple lines of preg_replace to match the existing table definitions and replace them with what you want to use
  4. might I recommend a javascript forum? http://www.google.com/search?q=javascript+forum&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official
  5. think your missing adding A-Z in the brackets gave me a match, I see the case insensitive setting though this still is what was needed for it to work for me with your example, might want to try asking in the Regex section
  6. has anyone here done this? I have setup a program to validate that a user has access to a given mp3 file, from there they have the options of downloading it or listening to it through a flash player. The download part works well using: <?php header("Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: hack"); // WTF? oh well, it works... header("Content-Type: " . $mm_type); header("Content-Length: " .(string)(filesize($file_path)) ); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$file_name.'"'); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\n"); readfile($file_path); ?> however I have had one hell of a time getting it to load into a mp3 player, I figure it has something to do with the "Content-Transfer-Encoding" though I'm honestly in a bit over my head at this point. any thoughts / advice / help / examples / etc... thank you
  7. it's setup through config files, it has an excellently documented user guide and introductory screencasts on the site, give it a shot, the footprint on this framework is rather small and designed for customizability
  8. I do a print_r($_POST); and get settings back for the text input and other standard form fields, file fields don't show anything, tried this on a couple different computers and multiple browsers.
  9. Hello, I'm having trouble getting a form to submit multiple files, they are named differently and I'm rather certain I'm missing an obvious setting or something. Been looking at it so long I'm not seeing it. any help is greatly appreciated <form action="http://localhost/Heritage Web Design/Erik Ohanessian/draft/admin/media/upload.html" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div><span>Recording Name:</span> <input name="name" type="text" value="" /></div><br /> <div><span>Streaming MP3 File:</span> <input name="mp3" type="file" /></div> <div><span>Public sample?</span> <input name="sample" type="checkbox" value="1" ></div><br /> <div><span>High Quality (Downloadable) MP3 File:</span> <input name="mp3_hq" type="file" /></div><br /> <div><span>Workshop Document:</span> <input name="document" type="file" /></div><br /> <div><span>Recording active and available?</span> <select name="status"> <option value="1" selected="selected">Yes</option> <option value="0" >No</option> </select> <div align="center"><input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Submit"></div> </form>
  10. thank you, I managed to solve it had a lingering duplicate field with the same name well below this one that was not set to an array, and thus overwriting what I had took me a couple fresh looks
  11. what framework is this in? might get a better response looking to a framework specfic forum / section in the mean time debug in steps, verify the data is in the right place at each function, if you can echo the SQL query that is being generated you'd be in good shape
  12. looks like you could use an array $x = array( 'f' => "/([a-z])\^([\d]+)/", 'r' => pow('\$1','\$2'), 'f2' => "/([\d]+)([x])/", etc... foreach ($x as $val => $var) { echo $val . ' = ' . $var . "\n<br>\n"; }
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