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Everything posted by evillair

  1. It may be in the way you are using the $valid_user? I use $_SESSION's for things like this... $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_name"); $userinfo = mysql_fetch_array($sql); $_SESSION['user_id'] = $userinfo['user_id']; $test = '001'; // if this works then use an array if ($_SESSION['user_id'] == $test) {...} echo out $valid_user and see shows up too.
  2. You could try: $valid_user_id = array('000','001','002'); if ($valid_user == $valid_user_id) {...}
  3. Have you tried == instead of = ? ($valid_user == array('000','001','002')
  4. From the readme.txt: "Then, point your browser to the /install folder to begin the installation process." The install directory is empty.
  5. I had this problem, this is probably not the best way to do it but... Something like... <?php if (isset($_POST['submited'])) { // Thank you once it IS submitted ?> <h1>Thank you for posting...</h1> blah blah... <?php // If it's not submitted I show the form } else { ?> <!-- Your Form --> <?php } ?> This worked for me.
  6. Have you tried adding a hidden field on your form and check it if was submitted? <input name="is_submitted" type="hidden" value="1"> Then just check if it was submitted or not. $submitted = $_POST['is_submitted']; if ($submitted){ //do your code insert stuff } That might work...
  7. You can try one of these: http://giombetti.com/snippets/5 http://www.codango.com/php/fnc/content/?tree=phpin/codesnips/usermana&id=7278310
  8. I'm also working on displaying a 'new' icon on my forum project. Please note I am new and this is probably wrong. I did it a bit different though... I'm working off the "last post" msg id of a topic to see if it's new or not. I made a table 'sbb_log_topics'. This table gets inserted 3 values: - user_id (I insert the $_SESSION['user_id'] that I made at login) - topic_id (the id of the topic) - msg_id (the last post message id) I insert those values when a user views a message. Then when he views the topics page, I check to see if the values match with the "last post" msg id on that page. If they match he doesn't get a 'new' icon. Here are the functions I am using: // Get the last msg id from a topic function get_last_post($topic_id){ $sql="SELECT MAX(msg_id) AS lastpost FROM sbb_posts WHERE topic_id='$topic_id'"; $sqlresult=mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); $result=mysql_fetch_row($sqlresult); return($result); } // Add the msg id a seen function log_topic($userid, $topic_id, $last_post_id) { // Check if we added it or not $sql = "SELECT * FROM sbb_log_topics WHERE user_id='$userid' AND topic_id='$topic_id' AND msg_id='$last_post_id'"; $sqlresult = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); $result=mysql_num_rows($sqlresult); if ($result < 1){ // We didn't add it, then let's add it... $sql1 = "INSERT INTO sbb_log_topics (user_id, topic_id, msg_id) VALUES('$userid', '$topic_id', '$last_post_id')"; $result1 = mysql_query($sql1) or die(mysql_error()); } } // Check to see if the user has seen the last posted messsage function check_topic($userid, $topic_id, $last_post_id) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM sbb_log_topics WHERE topic_id='$topic_id' AND user_id='$userid' AND msg_id='$last_post_id'"; $sqlresult=mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); $result=mysql_num_rows($sqlresult); return($result); } To display the new icon I do this: // Get the last msg id $topic_id = $topic['topic_id']; $lastpost = get_last_post($topic_id); $last_post = $lastpost[0]; if ($logged_in){ // get the last post $last_post_id = $last_post; // log topic seen vars $topic_id = $topic['topic_id']; $userid = $_SESSION['user_id']; $checktopic = check_topic($userid, $topic_id, $last_post_id); if ($checktopic < 1){ echo'<span class="smalltext"><strong>new</strong></span>'; } } And on my messages page I use this to add the values when a user views the message: // log topic seen vars $topic_id = $post['topic_id']; $userid = $_SESSION['user_id']; // Get the last post $lastpost = get_last_post($topic_id); $last_post = $lastpost[0]; // add the msg as seen log_topic($userid, $topic_id, $last_post); It's seems to be working for now. Like I said I am new so this might not be the best way to do it. The problem I can see is that the "sbb_log_topics" table will get very big.
  9. I'll be working on that soon. - Added flood protection on replies.
  10. I think it looks good. The horizontal shift is a bit annoying though. Good job.
  11. Thanks It's something I designed and coded myself. I took some of the design elements from vbulletin since I really liked those and couldn't think of a better way to do them I'll be working on the tables soon, If you have the Web Developer plugin for firefox you'll see some are tables and some aren't. I haven't converted them all to divs yet. Thanks for looking.
  12. I started a little forum project trying to learn php and this is what I have so far. It's not live, this is a test site right now. I'd like to get some critiques on the design. Although pretty standard for forums. http://www.sentry.dreamhosters.com/ You can switch to different style with the colored cubes on the right of the main menu. Thanks in advance.
  13. I found this, works great: http://www.zend.com/code/codex.php?id=731&single=1 Just change the "Dauer: " to "Page created in ".
  14. Odd, it should work anywhere. I just added it to the footer because of the way my site is. Have you tried what thorpe posted?
  15. Thanks It's going to be Open Source if it's ever released. edit: - added the ability to change your password in the 'edit profile' page.
  16. This is the code I am using... I have this in the header: // Load time stuff $time = microtime(); $time = explode(" ", $time); $time = $time[1] + $time[0]; $start = $time; Then in my footer I have: $time = microtime(); $time = explode(" ", $time); $time = $time[1] + $time[0]; $finish = $time; $totaltime = ($finish - $start); //printf ("Page created in %f seconds with %g queries.", $totaltime, $num_queries); if ($show_footertime == '1') { printf ("Page created in %f seconds.", $totaltime); It works for me. ???
  17. Try adding this to where you want it to display <?php printf ("Page created in %f seconds.", $totaltime); ?>
  18. ~ 5 seconds http://www.daily-sudoku.org/ ~3 seconds http://www.daily-sudoku.org/sudoku/tournament.php?t_id=6 ~3 seconds http://www.daily-sudoku.org/sudoku/monster.php?t_id=2 Canada, Quebec The content loaded quickly, the images took the longest.
  19. Ohhhh, yeah, but you just break it for yourself since only you view your stats there. That user info will change, no point in showing your own location etc. I just wanted it working for now. Fixed that, oops.
  20. I fixed it for now, I still haven't decided what to show on the memberlist, just added the basic stuff. I'll be working on some sort of spam filter soon. Stuff I have updated since last time are: - Added basic reputation system (spam not detected yet, will add a time between adding new rep. Images arn't in yet, just shows the text rep for now) - "Modify Post" is in (with text showing the last edited time and the username) - Post group is working - Style selection is working now also. (the little colored squares on the top right changes the style, got 4 of them now) - 'Almost' decided on a name. Sentry is just a working title for it. Thanks again
  21. Got the registering double password fixed. Other fixes/additions - Fixed the avatar showing up in the profile when none was set. - Added pagination to the memberlist. Thanks
  22. Fixed, I copied some code from another page, missed that one.
  23. Perfect thanks. I updated the "edit profile" page. The fields that are checked are: Real name (needs to be none numeric) Avatar URL (needs to be a valid url) Birthdate (needs to only numbers and -) Location (needs to be none numeric) Website (needs to be a valid url) E-mail address (needs to be a email) MSN Messenger (needs to be a valid url) ICQ (needs to be only numbers)
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