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Everything posted by clanstyles

  1. I can't edit my above post. My best option I see is use Google, Yahoo and Bing's API to grab lat and long then store them in our database. I think this is against their TOS though. I'd like a more "proper" way to do this even if we have to pay.
  2. I was going to do like Cities, just by location.
  3. I don't think that's the full path of the bot. Also ./bigbrotherbot
  4. Thank you guys! So assuming I want to do a radius search based on Address OR City or Zip, i felt that a longitude & latitude search would be best. The reasons I came up with were: Most accurate MySQL can handle doing all the math. I'm not completely sure about this if it's the best way, but.. what do you guys think? Thank you!
  5. I've been developing an application for some time now. It's come to the point to populate the database with accurate information. I've been searching for a list of City, State, Zip, Long & Lat for each. How can I find something like this? I see tons of them for sale, 79 bucks or so, but I don't want to pay. How do most of these people get their data? Thank you
  6. Sorry, you lost me lol.. I tried: a img .purchase a:hover{ background-image: url(images/nav_purchase_roll.gif); } doesn't work.
  7. Hey, I have <a href="#"><img class="purchase" src="images/nav_purchase.gif" alt="Purchase" /></a> .purchase { width: 142px; height: 28px; margin-left: 285px; position: absolute; border: 0px; } .purchase a:hover { background-image: url(images/nav_purchase_roll.gif); } now I need to roll over that img and have it work fine. It doesn't work... heh (img does exist).
  8. Where can I learn to use the template system better? I don't understand how Zen Carts system works. I mean I've seen the lazy tree diagram that they created for the example, but its not enough information... how can I get more? Thanks
  9. well I do c++ so using vmware, I could just create a small linux app to do this.. great...I thought you could.
  10. hey, I don't really want to depend on a shh program. php dcripys plz.
  11. yeah.. so how would I take a screen shot of it? like Alexa.com does for all its sites.
  12. How would you go about taking screenshots of other sites with PHP?
  13. Thanks fixed. I just did all those, I missed a few when converting it o.0. Any SQL Injections you can find?
  14. Hey, http://DebateATopic.com - Beta Test, there were updates and new design looks. Please test it out! Also, if you feel like it contribute and tell your friends. Thanks!
  15. Well my probme is that is not xhtml valid. I want to create my site valid and heh thats wont let me because i guess meta tags hate beging childs or w/e in nods.
  16. How can I check if javascript is enabled then redirect a user? The only way I know of is doing: <noscript> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=http://google.com"> </noscript>
  17. Alright thanks, i'm redoing the design right now. I will take all these things into consideration. I am having a hard time with color but ill try
  18. Thanks, I was actually thinking of taking away the ads too. I know the scheme is to white I was going to add colors but I odn't know what. I was thinking of making different color schemes at letting users chose. Thanks
  19. Hey, I have spent a long time on this site, I just got the time over Christmas to finish up the core parts of the site. I want to get some user feedback on how they would improve it and how they like it. I know its only got a few things right now on the site. If you contribute it will grow faster. The site has been live for about 2-3 days now. We have had over 100 people a day on it so thats not that bad of a turn out. I am planning to add some features such as: Private Messaging Reputation - Some other sneaky unique things I am trying to get some time to finish some of these systems. Please take a look and give me some feedback if possible. http://DebateATopic.com Thank You
  20. wow dang... lol a lot Btw, were going to hear this soon so Ill just say it before the Author, he didn'tr want his domain shown. he wanted xxx instead of the domain name.
  21. Thx Corey, fixed I hate this contact form it has caused me so many problems..
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