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Everything posted by wolf

  1. I would use DEFAULT values but I\'m not sure if it\'s the best solution. I could tell you that UNSIGNED will duplicate your number expression f.e. TINYINT -128 to 127. TINYINT UNSIGNED 0 to 255. SAMLLINT -32768 to 32767. SAMLLINT UNSIGNED 0 to 65535. MEDIUMINT -8388608 to 8388607. MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED 0 to 16777215. f.e. TINYINT ---> 1 TINYINT ZEROFILL ---> 001 BINARY works for CHAR OR VARCHAR f. e. Without BINARY hello = HELLO bye = BYE with BINARY hello != HELLO bye != BYE I know only the AUTO_INCREMENT option for extra column. Sorry if my english isn\'t good enough, i speak spanish and i lost a little practice speaking english. Good luck
  2. Hi, i\'ll tell you what i\'ve learnt in my University. I try not to use null fields because it could be a problem with some functions and programs. I don\'t know what is the database for but I would work with \'\' or DEFAULTS values. Good luck. Aahh, sorry if my english wasn\'t good enough, i speak spanish and i loose a little practice speaking english.
  3. thanks, you confirmed my suspects and investigation. i had already solved my sql queries, i just wanted to confirm that my version is not able to run subselects. I replaced old queries with: $strSql = \"SELECT Intervenciones.*\"; $strSql .= \" FROM Intervenciones\"; $strSql .= \" INNER JOIN Respuestas ON (ResResIntId=IntId)\"; $strSql .= \" AND (ResIntId=\" . $intId . \");\"; AND $strSql = \"SELECT Intervenciones.* FROM Intervenciones\"; $strSql .= \" LEFT JOIN\"; $strSql .= \" Respuestas ON Intervenciones.IntId=Respuestas.ResResIntId\"; $strSql .= \" WHERE Respuestas.ResResIntId IS NULL AND IntDocId=\". $docId; Ahh !!!!! Sorry about my english, it could be bad because i speak spanish and i loose a little practice speaking english.
  4. Hi, I\'m having a problem with MySql 3.23.46 :?: I\'m trying to execute a query which has a SUBSELECT. f.e.: $strSql = \"SELECT *\"; $strSql .= \" FROM Intervenciones I\"; $strSql .= \" WHERE IntDocId=\" . $docId . \" AND NOT EXISTS\"; $strSql .= \" (SELECT ResIntId FROM Respuestas R WHERE\"; $strSql .= \" R.ResResIntId=I.IntId)\"; OR $strSql = \"SELECT *\"; $strSql .= \" FROM Intervenciones\"; $strSql .= \" WHERE IntId IN (SELECT ResResIntId FROM Respuestas\"; $strSql .= \" WHERE ResIntId=\" . $intId . \");\"; I read the MySql 4.1 manual and it says that SUBSELECT\'S are available. I would like to know if my MySQL version is not able to run queries with SUBSELECT\'s. ?>[/code]
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