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Posts posted by hcdarkmage

  1. I, as many of you probably do, get these little "order catalogs" through the mail for the "seasonal shopping".  You know the ones I'm talking about.  The ones that have the cakes, candies, gift baskets, meats and cheeses.


    Well, I got one just before I moved that had some great gifts in it that I was looking into getting.  The problem is it got boxed up and I probably won't be able to find it before the mail system gets over run with all the packages and holiday cards that flood the postal service every year at this time.


    There was one thing in particular that caught my eye, and I was wondering if anybody knows what store carries it.  It is a jar that has candy cane sticks (either fruit flavored or peppermint) that looks like the kind you could get in the old candy shops.  There is about 10 canes (or sticks) in the jar and it sells for about $9.99.


    I have tried Google, and it doesn't help.  Has any one seen this magazine or know the store?

  2. Mobermk makes a few good points.  If your going to put black spaces in the website, they should be consistent.  The Activity Sheets on the left hand side can be moved or shrunk so that you have more room to capture your audience.  The navigation at the top can be reduced to a one-line nav with a little creativity and tweaking.


    The main area should be about 50% of your web pages.  This shows people where the main content is and what you are trying to convey.  Ads and side bars should not be more than the main are because it causes confusion and chaos.


    The colors are well thought out.

  3. I'm not here to start a fight or anything but the OP said:

    I'm pretty sure that we've all played some form of online game, so why not share what you've played, what you liked, what you hated, and what you're currently playing now, if anything?


    Not specifying what was meant by "online game", one may assume that Xbox Live games (or games playable through the Xbox Live network) may be included into the category.


    Also seeing that he didn't specify console or PC, then any game you can play online can be considered a MMO especially if the first example he uses is a text-based game.

  4. I mean, to me, that would refer to a massive number of concurrent users


    Well . . . thousands of Halo 3 players are online at the same time, so by definition of "Massively", it can be considered a MMO.


    WoW is considered a MMO, and you can only have so many players in your clan playing a campaign, so the definition sticks to both games.


    As of this posting there are  227,905 players on-line playing Halo 3.


    Stupid computer acronyms.  Where did I put that Dictionary . . .

  5. If my understanding of the acronym is correct, you are asking for Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) games and not the Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG).  In that case, since Halo 3 CAN be played as a 4-player co-op, and you CAN pit yourself against or team up with others (up to 16 players at a time), then I guess it qualifies for MMO.  I fit into this area.


    My brother on the other hand fits into both categories.  He plays WoW and Halo 3.

  6. I can't remember who originally said it, but "A gentleman is someone who can play the bagpipes but doesn't"

    Vienne, VeroniqueThe Art of Doing Nothing.  New York: 1998


    At least according to Google.  There were others about drums, trumpets and guitars.


    I have always loved the sounds of bagpipes.  My mother told me that her father would rather jump in front of a train then listen to "that noise".  It's a good thing I don't have to worry about that now.

  7. I've been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years and some months (sinse i was 12) and he doesn't try to rush me into anything.. actually it's always him that says "not yet" which is odd


    Odd is not the word I would have selected.  Unique is a good word.  It is very rare that the male is the one that wants to wait.  When I was in High School, my (ex)girlfriend thought that it would please me if she could get me alone and let me "go all the way".  Well . . . I was brought up in a (some what) morally manor and I decided to say "no".  That is just my upbringing.  I waited until I was married before my first time.


    When I was dating her, midway through our Senior year, she had an "problem" with an older guy that caused us to break up.  I regretted it for a while, but after school let out fro the summer, we got together and talked and I decided to take it to the next level and asked her to marry me.  I went off to college (tech school to be more precise) and she sends me a letter 3 months after I left saying she will make all the arrangements for our marriage.


    One week before I graduated (it was a one-year course), She sends me a letter and calls the whole thing off, never explaining why.  Depression is something I would not suggest.  It took me 2 years to recover from that blow.  I found someone new and . . . wallah . . . I am happily married with two little boys.


    I have seen her twice since our breakup, and each time she tells me she regrets it.  I don't.  I went through the pain and worked past all that.  And I am glad that I said no.  I don't think I could have handled the disappointment that I would have felt if I had gone all the way with her.

  8. Nightslyr and neylitalo have a point.  The age of consent is set up by society and what they deem as morally ethical.  It's like the voting age.  Society believes that age restrictions should be enforced because "younger people" think they know the consequences, but are only seeing the short-term effects of their actions.


    When I was a teen (some years ago) my friends and I  lived by farmers and went to school with some of them.  The "Driving Age" for people who worked on farms is a lot lower than the "Legal Driving Age".  Society has deemed that farm children are more responsible than city children.  I think it has something to do with their chores. Any way, it is the effective amount of "maturity" that society deems "worthy" of these privileges.


    Rambling aside . . . where I'm from: the legal driving age is 16, the voting age is 18, the smoking age is 19 and the drinking age is 21, but you can get married at 16 (or was it 14 with consenting permission from the parents or gaurdians?).


    I have seen many accidents from the 16-year-old drivers, mostly around noon, and society is thinking of raising the driving age to 18 because they don't believe that the 16-year-olds have enough maturity.  I think that is stupid because I see more accidents from the older folks (the elderly between the ages of 60 and 90) and society is not worried about them.  Then again there was one accident from a teen that decided to over load his 4-passenger car with 6 people (4 in front, 2 in the trunk).  That shows a level of immaturity that makes me want to vote for the change in the driving age.


    That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

  9. I would like to interject the fact that this is WAY too true.  It comes down to the "design by committee" that happens all too often where I work.


    Even if he got a general idea of what the user wanted, there will always be something wrong.

  10. I tend to like the comedy sections of music.  "Weird Al" Yankovic, Dr. Demento and Spike Jones.


    I have others that are a must to drown out the insessant typing in the office: Linkin Park, Blue Man Group, Saliva, Bosco, H.I.M., Black Eyed Peas, Darude, Scooter, SR-71, Trapt, Oakenfold, Elissa, Cold, Papa Roach, Garbage, Three Days Grace, Hellogoodbye, Disturbed, O-ZONE and a few others that I am not sure who the artists are, but have really good songs.


    Usually it is only one or two songs from particular artists that I like, not the whole albums.

  11. Since you currently have no content, here is a suggestion.  Take the Search function and put it where you currently have the login.  Move the Login to the left, just under your banner and create it as a separate box.  Since after you login it should disappear, that would be a logical place to put it.


    Those are a few suggestions.  Another would be to put the search in the main navigation.


    Try them out and see what fits best.

  12. I have to tend to agree.  The search shouldn't have to be put in two places.  In the top menu is good, but the bottom people will just look over.


    Try placing the search on the left hand side, away from the login.  Or set the login on the left hand side, just below the banner.


    The site looks good, though.

  13. Where to start . . .


    The layout works well with the content. On the left, where it says SHO UP CLOSE, you may want to change that to UP CLOSE.


    In the Upcoming Events, the "tag" font is annoying.  I couldn't tell what it said when I first entered the site.  You may want to tone it down to a more readable font.


    the banner is a bit busy, but works.


    The dark green that you use when you first mention "Grizzly" is a little too dark.  It almost blends in with the background.

  14. Are these dealers paying your company for advertising space or exposure?

    I wish.


    The random "thing" (dealer Buy It Now) is a courtesy service to those that buy x amount of product a month.  They are "allowed" to be put in as a quick access to their website pages that have our stuff.  It drives consumers (since we don't sell the product directly) to the few dealers that have websites so they may purchase with convenience.


    They don't pay for it.  They don't sponsor it.  They just get put in.


    They figure that if they spend x amount, that should put them to the top of the list.  Our company does not like to show favoritism.  So, if they spend x amount, they are put into the proverbial hat, selected at random and placed in the list.


    The "hat" seams to get larger every month, now that "dealers" know about how much is needed to get put into the top slots, but the slots don't get any larger.  Ten slots is the maximum.  Depending on the month x gets you into the top 8-9 slots while y gets you into the bottom 1-2 slots.


    This month it is 9:1.  Who knows what next month brings.


    Where did I put those ads???

  15. Apparently whoever the OP is working for or with disagrees.

    That, there, in itself is the point.  They don't listen to logic or reason, when the fate of the company is bent on complaints from "dealers" who don't believe that random is random.


    I have not heard any complaints about this for a while (couple of days since original post), but I know that at the start of the next month, it will happen all over again.  Every month we evaluate which "dealers" belong in the generator, and which ones are to be removed.


    As you can imagine, at the beginning of the month, some "dealer" gets miffed because his company doesn't show up as often and thinks that our company is playing favorites, thus I am handed another chunk of my ***.  This keeps up, I won't be able to sit, but at least I will be a few pounds lighter.  Makes me wish it was metal!


    I am tired of explaining to my superiors that I cannot control the outcome of random.  They wanted random, they got random.  'Nuff said.


    Now where did I put those want ads . . .

  16. Log every generation of the random output that's allegedly not random.  Do your own analysis of the algorithm you were given.


    Sounds like a TRUE engineer.  The problem I have is simple enough . . . The people complaining are just tight *** fuss buckets that don't want to listen to the very answer that was placed before them in the explanation of random.  'Nuff said.


    I told them that "Random only generates random."  It works exactly like how they did it before the script was written.  All the names get thrown into a hat and pulled out one-by-one until the slots are filled.  The next time you go into it (or hit refresh) the SAME thing happens - all names are thrown back into the hat, and you are likely to get the same names picked.


    Using this as my arguing front, I basically told them to take it up the tailpipe.  I am still happily working in the same place, with less hassles on the random generator.  Now if only the "Dealers" could here this explanation, my life would be that much simpler.


    Ah!  Heres to dreaming of a hassle free future . . .

  17. And they're off!


    Manager has taken the lead, being hounded by Dealer.  Complaints has taken third, followed by Judgement and Logistics.  And taking up the rear is Programmer.


    As much as I would love to carry on this way (horse races are . . . ~insert adjective here~), I don't see why the programmer gets blamed for algorithms that he did not create.  Once again, I am being dragged down by complaints of "not showing up often enough in your randomized ~insert program~."


    Among other little tidbits, its bad enough when the company "Web Guru" (phah) decides that everything must be double-done.  Double databases, double sites, double work.  I'm not getting paid double, so why should I work double?


    Ranting is a great way to make you feel better.  I just wish that this company would get their collective heads out of their *** (edited for the youngerly), and realize that I can only fix so many of the "Web Guru's" repetitive mistakes at this pay rate before its time to find a better offer.


    Any one else have this issue . . . or is it just me?

  18. Well, for one thing, the banner is a little annoying.  You have to wait forever to figure out what ESHO is.  I agree about the sansarif font.  Even Ariel would be a good friendly font to use.


    The first design was fairly pleasant.  This new design can get annoying.

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