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  1. So, the PHP website runs a lot of queries How do you tell which ones are specifically slowing down the server? (stats/analysis?)
  2. Instead of doing this: if($action=="1" || $action=="2" || $action=="6" || $action=="99").. Can I do a shortcut? if($action==[2,6,3])) something like this?
  3. For example. In my index.php, I have a simple text box. I put in a word, and click Submit. I want to have my C++ script analyze this word, and do some calculations. Then, I want to pass this back to my PHP, and spit out the length, etc. to the audience. The question is: How can I use both PHP and C++ to do things?? Thank you!
  4. Hi, is there anyway to set limits within ONE select query? SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE (date = '123') <<< SET A LIMIT of 4 here. OR (name = 'sun') << SET A LIMIT of 3 here. I know that it's possible to break this into 2 SELECTS and UNION them. But is there a way to keep 1 query, and set limits between the "ORs"? thank you!
  5. Hello, Does anybody know how to find the GET variable? www.domain.com?UNKOWN=255 Is there a way to figure out what Unknown is (using some method?) and also get the value? Thanks!
  6. Well, even with this it doesn't really work: RewriteRule ^/([0-9a-z])$ /index.php?code=$1 [L]
  7. Hello there, I have a mod rewrite that doesn't seem to work Options +FollowSymLinks (optional) Options +Indexes (optional) RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/([0-9a-z])$ /?code=$1 [L] Basically, I would like www.domain.com/stuff123 ------> www.domain.com/?code=stuff123 Can someone find anything wrong with my code? Thanks!
  8. What is the maximum size of php sessions? For example, this has been a really weird problem lately. I have a form which a user types a Question. This question is then stored in a Session. Then I Header("Location: ") To redirect to another page, then echo the Session. The weird thing is, sometimes, it works, sometimes it doesn't!! It's really really weird. If I click around my site (logged into my site), then it works. If I just enter my site and post the Question (logged in), it won't work.
  9. What is that? I'm total noob about it. Can u explain more about it please? Thanks!
  10. Hi, I'd like to know if anyone knows how to do this: Suppose I have a form where people submit stuff through a textbox. Each time they submit something, their score +1. Their timestamp is recorded. How can I make a list of "This week's top submitters"?
  11. what? I don't get it. SELECT * FROM table WHERE MATCH(...) AGAINST(...) ORDER BY RELEVANCE BUt I cannot use the word "relevance" , of course
  12. Nevermind, i got it! preg_replace( "#[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]#", "", $input);
  13. Hi, Let's say I have a string: abc = "The fox's tail & legs were big!!!@"; How do make abc so that it removes EVERY symbol but the alphabets and the spaces? to "The foxs tail legs were big" Thanks!
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