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Everything posted by hguy

  1. Dear guys, I have created the venn diagram using the php image create with below code <?php //$diameter = $_REQUEST["diameter"]; $diameter = 150; if ($im = imagecreate(255, 255)) $white = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255); $black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0); imagefill($im, 0, 0, $white); imageString($im, 30, 60, 18, "safasfd", $white); //imagearc(image, x, y, width,height,start,end , color); imagearc($im, $diameter/2, $diameter/2, $diameter, $diameter, 0, 360, $black); imagearc($im, 175, 75,$diameter, 150, 0, 360, $black); imagearc($im, 125, 160,$diameter, 150, 0, 360, $black); header("content-type:image/png"); //This tells the web browser to expect a PNG image. imagepng($im); imagecolordeallocate($im, $white); imagecolordeallocate($im, $black); imagedestroy($im); ?> I gives me the venn diagram... but what i need is, the venn diagram should be placed in new php page like a thumb nail... The venn should be changed dynamically as per the user input values.. How is it possible with javascript DOM
  2. Hi, Im long back here for this forum. I like to clarify my doubts on venn diagrams. I need to create circle with values based on the values given in the text area. I can create the venn diagram image using php imagecreate but cant go with the inputs given. Is it possible to do with the javascript dom. I want to create three circles with the given values in the textarea. The placement of values should change dynamically on the fly. Also the there should be colour variation between circles Reply me ASAP Regards Hguy
  3. Hi, I think you had sorted out the problem. http://www.hscripts.com/tools/drop-down-menu/ But even now have a look out of this link for any better idea. Hguy
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