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Everything posted by premiso

  1. I think it looks nice. But man, I have not seen the <marquee> tag used in a long time!
  2. It really seems...1995 ish to me. Its not really a "clean" layout and it started to hurt my eyes after a bit. If you like that bold deal, I would perhaps make it apart of your logo or make it apart of a side menu (left or right) or the header, but having it blown up like that...I dunno something off putting about it.
  3. All I can do is laugh.
  4. Can you write that in English? Thanks!
  5. Dude you should just stop now, you obviously have no clue how sessions work. So until you can take the time to understand them, stop acting like you know, which you obviously are ill-informed on how sessions work.
  6. Why would you not want to use sessions? Just curious as to your logic behind that statement. You do realize that is what session data does...stores information on the server right?
  7. Chances are your session is using cookies, you need to unset the session cookie. See the example 1 from the session_destroy man page. $params = session_get_cookie_params(); setcookie(session_name(), '', time() - 42000, $params["path"], $params["domain"], $params["secure"], $params["httponly"] ); You call that and then the session_destroy function and this should wipe the slate clean. It may take a page reload for it to be completely removed as an FYI.
  8. Sounds right, but why would you want to store so much data in a cookie? Surely sessions would be a better utility to use.
  9. Why not just pull out the url and then build your own <a href statement. This would surely be easier and then you do not have to worry about having a complex regex to attempt to do it.
  10. mail look at Example #4: Sometimes reading the manual helps.
  11. Since you solved it, but never replied here is a response. There is no "clear" way to say the correct version as it depends on the needs. But here is a basic setup of a form in HTML: <form action="somepage.php" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="user" value="<?php echo $player; ?>"> </form> You want to use the quotes as if the $player value has weird characters in it it will mess up the form code. You should also make sure that $player does not have literal double quotes " in it, as that will break the form as well. Either or, hope that helps.
  12. If you want an example that works there is a tutorial called Simple SQL Search that will be a good read. But most of your errors seemed like you learned PHP from a bad source (surpressing $_GET errors and register_globals assuming to be on). I would highly suggest reading through that tutorial above.
  13. The page where you are displaying the data also has to have the correct charset. Given that is all the code you have given I am not sure exactly what the problem is. Can you elaborate on "doesnt work at all". Thanks.
  14. Without much more information all I can do is take a guess. You can set the certifcate ID from GET data if that is what you want: $certificateID = isset($_GET['certifcateid'])?$_GET['certificateid']:null; Then the url to that script would be http://www.yoursite.com/script.php?certificateid=8EKzn601lkXH7ip4z But I doubt that is what you want. You need to write a clearer explanation with how you plan on getting the certificate ID (where it is coming from). And if you have examples all the better.
  15. You want pagination. A tutorial can be found on this site called Basic Pagination. I would suggest reading up on it. If you have issues, post your questions here with code so we can further help you.
  16. If you look at the syntax highlight you will see that you have double quotes inside of double quotes. This is syntax basics, which I would suggest you to look up. echo '<br><br><b>Passwords do not match</b> <p> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Back" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;">'; You do not need the form tags for an input tag to work. You only need the form tags if you want to pass POST or GET data to the page, in this case you are trying to do neither. But making the echo's quotes the single quotes this should display and work correctly. As stated you should look into syntax and namely the quotes and how to properly use them to understand this.
  17. I will help if you remove that stupid ass image out of your signature.... a text link is 10times better and 1000000times LESS annoying.
  18. Not really anything helpful but a note on this: That is correct, which is why you should use trigger_error then on your production system make sure display_errors is set to off. So just replace the or die with or trigger_error then it is an easy switch between testing and production. Oh and I failed to get the question out of that TLDR;
  19. T.T
  20. premiso


    Hmm interesting point of view.
  21. premiso


    Who says I know it all? No need to troll me. Gosh I have feelings ya know? Jerk. ;(
  22. premiso


    I think this rates in one of the top 10 most un-efficient code of all times. ++;
  23. I prefer Redmine www.redmine.org the only downside is it can be a pain to setup and requires Ruby + Rails. Trac is another good one, but a pain to setup as well, built with Python I believe. I currently use WebIssues (php built and trivial to setup) which has a desktop client, it is nice, but lacks a lot of features.
  24. function randstr($length) { $characters = '0123456789QWERTYUIOPLKJHGFDSAZXCVBNM<>?:@~}{+_)(*&^%\$£!¬`-=[\'],./¦'; $characters = join($characters); $string = ""; while (strlen($string) < $length) { $string .= $characters[array_rand($characters, 1)]; } return $string; } Not really sure why your way was not working, but the above should work.
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