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Everything posted by premiso

  1. Yes, you can. Because they are logged in on the code side (via php). MySQL sees it all as the database user setup for the account. That is how this site works, and countless others.
  2. You can always set a session variable that is like "recently_submitted" which has some identifying information, IE the products or the total end cost. If they submit the same thing within x minutes, deny it. But if you do a proper redirect via header, this "should" wipe out the POST data if I recall.
  3. Why would they get sued for only having one voice option? They provide a means for text-to-speech, no one said they had to make 100 different voices depending on your country of origin / gender etc.
  4. $string = implode(", ", $array); $string = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), "", $string); Should take care of the jumpy ness, unless it is being caused by whitespaces.
  5. MySQL.Users is for database access. You should only create users in there you want to give access to the database. You will want to setup your own users table for your php script.
  6. If the column they are being entered into is a DATE column you just have to combine them to be in the form of: YYYY-MM-DD And they will go in just fine.
  7. Well you have to know the number of questions, so you just simply do a for loop of the number of questions, or if the data is being stored in a database, while loop from the DB of the number of questions.
  8. If you want to output all three at the same time, collect them in a string or look into output buffering via ob_start and ob_get_clean. And then just echo that one string and viola. If you are wanting it to run all 3 simultaneously, I know of no way to do it other then opening 3 different pages which have 3 different whiles "at the same time".
  9. Frameworks are great for projects like this. They keep coding standards consistent and allow for others to come on and code just by learning the construct of the framework. My suggestion is Zend Framework, although it takes a bit of leg work to learn, it is a very nice and well designed framework. Others are Code Igniter, Symfony, Cake...etc. A google search for "php frameworks" will show a bit more. But yea.
  10. $data2 = $db->select("SELECT * FROM database"); foreach ($data2 as $key => $value) { if ($key == "Name") { $value['Name'][] = $value; } } print_r($value); Not sure why you are taking them from one array and making another, but there you have it.
  11. You should check out this tutorial: http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial/defining-a-php-function-only-once
  12. You may be interested in Pagination. http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial/basic-pagination
  13. I do not think email addresses count as an "at" and count as grammar. But I could be wrong as it has been 7 years since I last took english.
  14. Google is an excellent source to find the information you need. It is often a good thing to do your own research for your own job / school assignments. I sure hope no one helps you.
  15. You can probably use htmlentities, if you want to remove the html completely, strip_tags. Unless I mis-read what you were asking.
  16. *premiso slaps snowdrop1 Show some respect. You come in here, post 1 post, which is shotty at best then, when someone asks you to simply clarify, you call them annoying and tell them not to reply if they do not understand you because you are unable to ask questions in an understandable manner? Seriously? Grow up, learn to communicate better, and maybe you will get proper help.
  17. <?php $mystring = "This Is My Manufacturer Name That Can Be Long"; $strs = explode("\n", wordwrap($mystring, 25, "\n")); echo "1: " . $strs[0] . "\n2: " . $strs[1]; Returns: 1: This Is My Manufacturer 2: Name That Can Be Long Which, I believe, met your criteria.
  18. Are you sure on that? In fact, PHP parses through code first, means it loads functions no matter where they are in the code with the exception that they are not in an include file. You can place function calls anywhere you want to, as long as that function is in the current context of the code somewhere (again with the exception of being in an include).
  19. You need to either echo $replyres or return it and assign it. $replyres = send($reply); function send($text) { // this is not needed global $text; $url = "http://www.example.com"; $text = nl2br($text); $text = str_replace("<br />","%0A",$text); $text = rawurlencode($text); return file_get_contents($url . "&text=" . $text); } Should be somewhat of what you are looking to do.
  20. Just because you are incompetent at Google, does not mean they need to make a "smarter" engine. What you really mean is they need to make a "dumbed" down version for people who do not understand how to search for what they want. As for what you are trying to do, I have no clue, your first statement says you just want to "echo" php to the page. Which has been shown to you. But now you say, when it echo's I want it to execute. Is this by change what you are wanting to do (Given that I have no clue what that twit_connect function does or returns this could be wrong as it is just guess work): EDIT: Content removed, given Ken posted what I was going to.
  21. You may want to group it by u.alliance instead of a.allianceno and see if that works.
  22. gethostbyname I believe that function will do what you want. For other ways / more information: http://www.electrictoolbox.com/get-domain-name-ip-address-php/
  23. header( "Content-type: image/jpeg"); echo $Image; It expects the raw data of the image, not an html tag. Try that. (And you do not need the while loop since you are only pulling 1 record)
  24. Freelancing you need to PM the user, you cannot reply to them to keep the thread clean and to the point. Simple as that
  25. oscommerce, drupal, joomla.......etc etc Many sites have been made using this code and that code is all open source. So yea. Take your pick.
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