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Everything posted by BlueSkyIS

  1. we need DETAILS. what is the ERROR MESSAGE? also, this line does nothing: mysql_real_escape_string($user); i think you want we need DETAILS. what is the ERROR MESSAGE? also, this line does nothing: $user = mysql_real_escape_string($user); also, wherever you have @ in the code, delete it.
  2. there are many tutorials on this subject. i would start at google.com http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=php+classes+tutorial&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8
  3. use session to store the info for uploaded files until the form is posted. when the form is posted, the list of uploaded files will be in session vars.
  4. in case it is an alternative: when i use image magick, i exec() the image magick binaries installed on the system instead of using php extensions. <?php exec("/path/to/convert /path/to/somefile.ai -thumbnail 250x250 -unsharp 0x.5 /path/to/thumbnail2.png"); ?>
  5. any errors reported in javascript console? maybe try body.onload instead of window.onload
  6. deprecated - In computer software or authoring programs standards and documentation, the term deprecation is applied to software features that are superseded and should be avoided. depreciated - refers to two very different but related concepts: 1. decline in value of assets, and 2. allocation of the cost of assets to periods in which the assets are used.
  7. is there a form with id/name myform? <form id='myform' name='myform' action='' method='get'>
  8. $errors['abc'] must not be set since isset($errors['abc']) is not true.
  9. you only set $image once. it's not going to change unless you set it to something else.
  10. a path to a file is like: /usr/http/localhost/images/somefile.jpg
  11. yeah, without seeing output it's anyone's guess. what are the values being compared on this line? echo "deposit: $deposit <br />"; echo "user->money: ".$user->money."<br />"; if ($desposit > $user->money) i'd also check your SQL and verify that the queries are actually executing, for example: $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE crew = '$user->crew'"; echo "sql: $sql <br />"; $themembers = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
  12. because each thing inside $_SESSION['cart'] is an array. when you loop over them and echo them, you get array because that's what they are.
  13. i was thinking more like: $a=array('id1','id2','id3','id4','id5','id6','id7','id8','id9','id10','id11','id12'); $a_cnt = count($a); $sorted_vals = array() for ($i=0;$i<$a_cnt;$i++) { $sorted_vals[] = $a[$i + 1]; $sorted_vals[] = $a[$i]; } ...but if you have an odd number of values in the array, you'll need to account for that.
  14. it looks like you're saving the image to disk first, in which case you DO NOT want to send header() of any kind before saving the file. it looks like you want to send the image to the browser after the file is saved. Then it is necessary to send the headers like you've done. long store short: remove the first header( "Content-type: image/gif" );
  15. yes. you can use SQL to get the column names of each table, then look for spaces in those column names. if spaces are found, remove or replace the space in the field name, then MODIFY TABLE to change the field name from the old name to the new name.
  16. one problem. if $_SESSION['logged'] isn't set, you'll get an undefined index error. i would modify one line as follows: if (isset($_SESSION['logged']) && $_SESSION['logged'] == 1) {
  17. yes, use a cron job. will it bother 1and1? ask them.
  18. $_SESSION['cart'][$nextnum]['name'][] = $_POST['name']; or $_SESSION['cart'][$nextnum]['name'][$nextnum] = $_POST['name'];
  19. if i understand, you want each pair to be in reverse order: 21436587 if so, i would use a for loop, incrementing by i + 2, then take array[i + 1] followed by array on each loop.
  20. it looks like you're attempting to save the PNG to $path AND expecting it to get sent to the browser. it's one or the other unless you add a separate line to send image to browser. http://php.net/manual/en/function.imagepng.php
  21. you must ensure an index is defined before referencing it, for example: if (isset($_POST['ch1'])) { // the index ch1 is defined } else { // the index ch1 is NOT defined }
  22. if you set a cookie in the script, that cookie will not be visible until the next page load. therefore, if you check for the cookie right after setting it, you won't see it because it isn't there.
  23. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/php-coding-help/help-please-324640/msg1528975/#msg1528975
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