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  1. Thanks for that mjdamato. I knew there had to be a more elegant way to do that
  2. Sorry about that. But I figured it out, when I quickly coded the trimming function I forgot to use the reference &. It now works, thanks so much guys!!
  3. Pikachu, you were right about the whitespace issue. However my problem is now getting rid of whatever the extra character may be. PFMaBiSmAd, I have tried both using trim() with array_map() and using a custom function to use with array_walk(). However, the extra character remains. Here is the output from var_dump for the same 3 arrays: $numbers array(16) { [0]=> string(11) "3042476001 " [1]=> string(11) "3042476002 " [2]=> string(11) "3042476003 " [3]=> string(11) "3042476004 " [4]=> string(11) "3042476005 " [5]=> string(11) "3042476006 " [6]=> string(11) "3042476007 " [7]=> string(11) "3042476008 " [8]=> string(11) "3042476009 " [9]=> string(11) "3042476010 " [10]=> string(11) "3042476011 " [11]=> string(11) "3042476012 " [12]=> string(11) "3042476013 " [13]=> string(11) "3042476014 " [14]=> string(11) "3047281328 " [15]=> string(11) "3047655291 " } $dnc array(10) { [0]=> string(10) "3042476068" [1]=> string(10) "3047281328" [2]=> string(10) "3047652846" [3]=> string(10) "3047652982" [4]=> string(10) "3047655291" [5]=> string(10) "3047655398" [6]=> string(10) "3047655458" [7]=> string(10) "3047655719" [8]=> string(10) "3047657562" [9]=> string(10) "3047657747" } $scrubbed array(16) { [0]=> string(11) "3042476001 " [1]=> string(11) "3042476002 " [2]=> string(11) "3042476003 " [3]=> string(11) "3042476004 " [4]=> string(11) "3042476005 " [5]=> string(11) "3042476006 " [6]=> string(11) "3042476007 " [7]=> string(11) "3042476008 " [8]=> string(11) "3042476009 " [9]=> string(11) "3042476010 " [10]=> string(11) "3042476011 " [11]=> string(11) "3042476012 " [12]=> string(11) "3042476013 " [13]=> string(11) "3042476014 " [14]=> string(11) "3047281328 " [15]=> string(11) "3047655291 " } The file was exported from Excel. Is there perhaps a character left by M$ that trim() does not normally remove?
  4. Here it is if (isset($_GET['csv_scrub'])){ /* check extension && security etc get array of numbers to be scrubbed */ if(is_uploaded_file($_FILES['csv_file']['tmp_name']) && end(explode(".", $_FILES['csv_file']['name'])) == 'csv'){ $filename = "./" . $_FILES['csv_file']['name']; if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['csv_file']['tmp_name'], $filename)){ chmod($filename, 0777)or die('Could not chmod'); if ($handle = fopen($filename, 'r')){ $contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename)); $numbers = explode("\n", $contents); fclose($handle); } } } // $numbers = what we get from CSV file $numbers = array_filter($numbers, "check_phone"); $numbers = array_unique($numbers); $numbers = array_values($numbers); array_walk($numbers, 'trim'); array_walk($numbers, 'intval'); $cnumbers = count($numbers); // Get an array of each present phone prefix $prefixes = array(); foreach ($numbers as $value){ $prefix = substr($value, 3, 3); if(!in_array($prefix, $prefixes)){ $prefixes[] = $prefix; } } // figure out area code - we assume that there will not be multiple area codes in a .csv here $area_code = substr($numbers[0], 0, 3); // get an array of all dnc numbers $dnc = retrieve_dnc($area_code, $prefixes); array_walk($dnc, 'trim'); array_walk($numbers, 'intval'); // for some reason array_diff fails. see functions above that have also failed $scrubbed = array_diff($numbers, $dnc); // write to new file -- overwrite any previously existing file for this area code $handle = fopen("$area_code Scrubbed.csv", 'w'); $file = ''; foreach ($scrubbed as $skey => $svalue){ $file .= $svalue . "\n"; } // If $filename isset, will show up as a link (anchor) on page. if (fwrite($handle, $file)){ $filename = $area_code . ' Scrubbed.csv'; } fclose($handle); // Calculate how many numbers were removed from the csv file echo $cscrubbed = count($scrubbed) . '<br /><pre style="color: white;">'; //Debug echo "numbers<br>" . print_r($numbers); echo "dnc<br>" . print_r($dnc); echo "scrubbed<br>" . print_r($scrubbed); echo '</pre>'; $entries_removed = $cnumbers - $cscrubbed; } And relevant functions: function check_phone($x){ if (empty($x) || preg_match('/[0-9]/', $x) < 1 || strlen($x) < 10){ return false; } else { return true; } } function retrieve_dnc($area_code, $prefix){ // we now grab all DNC entries, add them to an array, and remove dupes $all_dnc = array(); //If $prefix is an array, we need to create OR statements for every prefix if (is_array($prefix)){ if (@$_POST['dnc'] == 'on') { $like = ''; $or = ''; foreach ($prefix as $value){ $like .= "$or number LIKE '$area_code$value%' "; $or = ' OR'; } $dnc = do_query("SELECT number FROM `dnc` WHERE $like"); while ($rez = mysql_fetch_assoc($dnc)) { $all_dnc[] = $rez['number']; } } else { $dnc = array(); } if (@$_POST['dnc_fed'] == 'on') { $in = '('; $or = ''; foreach ($prefix as $value){ $in .= "$or number LIKE $value%"; $or = ' OR'; } $in .= ')'; $dnc_fed = do_query("SELECT area, number FROM `dnc_fed` WHERE area = $area_code AND $in"); while ($rez = mysql_fetch_assoc($dnc_fed)) { $all_dnc[] = $rez['area'] . $rez['number']; } } else { $dnc_fed = array(); } if (@$_POST['dnc_state'] == 'on') { $like = ''; $or = ''; foreach ($prefix as $value){ $like .= "$or number LIKE '$area_code$value%' "; $or = ' OR'; } $dnc_state = do_query("SELECT number FROM `dnc_state` WHERE $like"); while ($rez = mysql_fetch_assoc($dnc_state)) { $all_dnc[] = $rez['number']; } } else { $dnc_state = array(); } } else { if (@$_POST['dnc'] == 'on') { $dnc = do_query("SELECT number FROM `dnc` WHERE number LIKE '$area_code$prefix%'"); while ($rez = mysql_fetch_assoc($dnc)) { $all_dnc[] = $rez['number']; } } else { $dnc = array(); } if (@$_POST['dnc_fed'] == 'on') { $dnc_fed = do_query("SELECT area, number FROM `dnc_fed` WHERE area = '$area_code' AND number LIKE '$prefix%'"); while ($rez = mysql_fetch_assoc($dnc_fed)) { $all_dnc[] = $rez['area'] . $rez['number']; } } else { $dnc_fed = array(); } if (@$_POST['dnc_state'] == 'on') { $dnc_state = do_query("SELECT number FROM `dnc_state` WHERE number LIKE '$area_code$prefix%'"); while ($rez = mysql_fetch_assoc($dnc_state)) { $all_dnc[] = $rez['number']; } } else { $dnc_state = array(); } } $all_dnc = array_unique($all_dnc); return $all_dnc; }
  5. I have a very simple script which should be working with no problems. I have 2 arrays, and I'm simply trying to array_diff them to get the results from array1 which are not present in array2. $scrubbed = array_diff($numbers, $dnc); print_r($numbers); print_r($dnc); print_r($scrubbed); The results: Array ( [0] => 3042476001 [1] => 3042476002 [2] => 3042476003 [3] => 3042476004 [4] => 3042476005 [5] => 3042476006 [6] => 3042476007 [7] => 3042476008 [8] => 3042476009 [9] => 3042476010 [10] => 3042476011 [11] => 3042476012 [12] => 3042476013 [13] => 3042476014 [14] => 3047655291 [15] => 3047281328 ) Array ( [0] => 3042476068 [1] => 3047281328 [2] => 3047652846 [3] => 3047652982 [4] => 3047655291 [5] => 3047655398 [6] => 3047655458 [7] => 3047655719 [8] => 3047657562 [9] => 3047657747 ) Array ( [0] => 3042476001 [1] => 3042476002 [2] => 3042476003 [3] => 3042476004 [4] => 3042476005 [5] => 3042476006 [6] => 3042476007 [7] => 3042476008 [8] => 3042476009 [9] => 3042476010 [10] => 3042476011 [11] => 3042476012 [12] => 3042476013 [13] => 3042476014 [14] => 3047655291 [15] => 3047281328 ) Now, $numbers is drawn from a single column .csv file, and $dnc is concatenated from anywhere between 1 and 3 mysql database queries (there are 3 seperate Do Not Call lists). There are 2 numbers from $numbers which should have been removed, but are not. I have tried intval() to make sure all types are the same using array_walk(), and I have also tried to trim() with array_walk() in case there were any extra characters not showing up on the print_r. I am at quite a loss here Someone help? EDIT: I have also tried to use the following work around functions function array_diff_alt($array1, $array2){ $result = array(); foreach ($array1 as $value){ if (!in_array($value, $array2)){ $result[] = $value; } } return $result; } function array_diff_alt($a, $b) { $map = $out = array(); foreach($a as $val) $map[$val] = 1; foreach($b as $val) unset($map[$val]); return array_keys($map); } function array_diff_alt($a, $b) { $result = array(); foreach ($a as $avalue){ foreach ($b as $bvalue){ if ($avalue != $bvalue){ $result[] = $avalue; break; } } } return $result; }
  6. Can i do multiple curl_exec()'s with one curl_init() handler? Like... <?php $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://google.com'); curl_exec(); //Will this code work or do I have to make a new handler? curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://yahoo.com'); curl_exec(); curl_close($ch); ?>
  7. You forgot to close that "if" statement.
  8. Where exactly is the "" located? At the very top of the page? Or in the middle somewhere? Try converting all of your files to ANSI format.
  9. Looks like UTF-8 start-of-file code in a non UTF-8 document to me. ^^Listen to this man!
  10. Perhaps not all of them should begin with a slash. Because if I understand correctly, you are combining some of these values later on in the script. So you might end up with something like: /htdocs/bible//statementoffaith.org/bible/themes/ So, either take the slash off of the end of //Where the script lives on the disk or take the slash off the beginning of //The directory that the bible data is in. Oh, and you should put that code in tags
  11. [quote author=Daniel0 link=topic=118552.msg669683#msg669683 date=1187038396] [quote author=Gho§t link=topic=118552.msg669671#msg669671 date=1187037708] [quote author=obsidian link=topic=118552.msg484797#msg484797 date=1166106097] On choosing from only [b]paid[/b], I'd have to say vBulletin; however, I would also jump on the OS bandwagon on this one. From my playing, I've found SMF to be the best overall so far for ease of use and customization. I definitely recommend people to go that way if they have a choice to use an OS one. [/quote] Every one of the choices in this poll is Open Source software.  Free as in free speech, however, [b]not[/b] free as in free beer.  It is possible to do that ;) [/quote] I don't know about WoltLab Burning Board (and I didn't care to check it), but IPB and vB is definitely not open source. You are not allowed to redistribute the source when you've bought it thus making it "not free" (as in both free speech and free beer). [/quote] But you are able to see, modify, and reuse the code (to an extent).  But you're right, it doesn't fulfill all the requirements, actually, in all honesty, I forgot about the redistributing part of Open Source philosophy. xD Must've been a brain fart on my part.  Sorry about that ;) (I feel sooo stupid right now lol)
  12. Neither. I tend to use a template engine in most of my projects. In very small projects though, I would be in the "echo small, heredoc big" group.
  13. Invision hands down.  I find it to be extremely secure; I have never seen any up-to-date IPB powered forum attacked, not even by spam bots.  SMF on the other hand, I've seen that spammed, hacked, sessions hijacked, and all sorts of other things. vBulletin is too slow for me, and WotLab is basically a POS compared to most forums.  Also, IPB has an extensive amount of addons, modifications, skins, etc. I daresay it is even comparable to phpBB in that respect. But I don't use IPB for most things, only on projects that I think may become popular, need the extra security, etc.  On most of my sites, I use SMF or phpBB, depending on which one has the themes and mods I need. [quote author=obsidian link=topic=118552.msg484797#msg484797 date=1166106097] On choosing from only [b]paid[/b], I'd have to say vBulletin; however, I would also jump on the OS bandwagon on this one. From my playing, I've found SMF to be the best overall so far for ease of use and customization. I definitely recommend people to go that way if they have a choice to use an OS one. [/quote] Every one of the choices in this poll is Open Source software.  Free as in free speech, however, [b]not[/b] free as in free beer.  It is possible to do that ;) [b]EDITED BY akitchin:  i don't think people like having to copy/paste text into another program just to read it.[/b]
  14. You could simply have a MySQL column holding the thread view number, and then do a query every time the page loads to update that column, and add 1 to its value. Use a session, cookie, or maybe GET variable to identify a thread ID. if (isset($_GET['tid'])){ /*Post to topic where*/ }else{ /*Post new topic*/ }
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