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Everything posted by iHack

  1. I don't want to specify a specific song name (so no WHERE, I think). I need to get a list of all song 'name's in order of the must occurring 'name' .
  2. Sort of, somebody opens a song it enters the song 'name' and user 'IP' into 'hits', the user can only do this twice to prevent refreshing and get a song popular. I'm trying to make the popularity table of songs from the hits table. James.
  3. Nope. I want to get 'song' and and order by most occurrences of 'song', from 'hits'.
  4. I don't that will work, its just a SELECT, WHERE. Sorry, the column name I need to ORDER and SELECT by is called 'song', my mistake
  5. Hey, I've got a table 'hits', I need to select 'song' from 'hits' in order of the value of 'song' most appearing (descending). Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, EDIT: Latest MySQL (5)
  6. I realized that shortly after I posted With this, I would like to use this http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,163614.msg717462.html to get whats between the pattern from each URL. How would I do this? Thanks.
  7. foreach(range(1106,12478) as $i) { file_put_contents('file_' . $i, file_get_contents('http://www.site.com/view.php?id=' . $i)) } That causes an error on the last } for some reason
  8. I need to use curl to get every page (in an array) from http://site.com/view.php?id=1106 to ?id=22000 getting each id page. How would I go about doing this? And could you show me a quick example? Thanks, iHack.
  9. Thanks and $the_string is the string that I want to search, correct?
  10. I need to get everything between <textarea name="textarea" rows="5"> and </textarea> I also need the regex for between two <br> 's Thanks, iHack
  11. haha, how exactly would you get a shell on there?
  12. http://ihack.co.uk/ Everything apart from the forums is XHTML Valid. What are your thoughts on the looks etc..? Thanks, iHack.
  13. Thanks, an no there is no purpose You could also check out the main site http://www.ihack.co.uk, see if you can spot anything there.
  14. http://icache.ihack.co.uk/ Could you guys check that out, and tell me about any vulnerabilities/bugs. Thanks, iHack.
  15. How do I stop direct execution of a script? Thanks, iHack.
  16. Yeah, looks like your trying to get some information sent to you without them knowing. Naughty naughty.
  17. Convert ?url=http://www.google.com (or any other URL) into /url/http://www.google.com Thanks, iHack. Ps. Could I have a redirect and a non-redirect
  18. hey, I need to a function converttorelative($page,$url) where $page is HTML code that I want to convert your relative links and $url is the url over the html code page, that the base url needs to be retrieved from. It needs to convert both href= and src=. I'm using this at the moment, but it doesn't convert the url to the base_url (as I don't have a function for that, or can't find one). function absolute_url($page, $url){ $needles = array('href="', 'src="', 'background="'); $new_txt = ''; if(substr($base_url,-1) != '/') $base_url .= '/'; $new_base_url = $base_url; $base_url_parts = parse_url($base_url); foreach($needles as $needle){ while($pos = strpos($txt, $needle)){ $pos += strlen($needle); if(substr($txt,$pos,7) != 'http://' && substr($txt,$pos, != 'https://' && substr($txt,$pos,6) != 'ftp://' && substr($txt,$pos,9) != 'mailto://'){ if(substr($txt,$pos,1) == '/') $new_base_url = $base_url_parts['scheme'].'://'.$base_url_parts['host']; $new_txt .= substr($txt,0,$pos).$new_base_url; } else { $new_txt .= substr($txt,0,$pos); } $txt = substr($txt,$pos); } $txt = $new_txt.$txt; $new_txt = ''; } return $txt; } Thanks. PS. The app that is using this can be found at http://cache.ihack.co.uk, if you find any other bugs (not related to absolute/relative URL's) please post
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