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  1. Wow! This code seems to be too complicated! I cann't test it now because my server is down... but I would know how it works to be able to modify thinks like the units (I want km not milles). Can you explain it a bit?
  2. But I want to use the cities I have, from all the world, there aren't a method to get the nearest with the coordinates?
  3. I have a SQL table with a list of cities and their coordinates x, y (latitude and longitude). city | lat | long .... | ... | ..... I can get the coordinates of the IP of the user, How can I select from the cities table the nearest to the user? Thank you.
  4. No, the images aren't for my site, it is a image host (like imageshack) people uploads the images to my web and I give them a link to use on other sites. This is why I think the load will be high
  5. But with too requests will it have high CPU usage? How many load can support without high CPU usage?
  6. Currently I have a small image host on my web, and the images are showed by giving the real link to the images. But now, I'm thinking about count the times the images are viewed and don't give the real link so I think put a .php receiving all requests and this file will show the images getting them with file_get_contents(). I doubt if this will generate a high CPU usage. What do you think? Thanks.
  7. Yes, but If I don't disable magic quotes I must do the stripslashes() Then without magic quotes, stripslashes() isn't needed neither before and after insert in the DB?
  8. Ehh.. I think you haven't understood it, maybe if I use addslashes(); and mysql_real_escape_string(); and magick quotes on I will get \\\\\\\' adn \\\\\\\". My question was if doing stripslashes() before mysql_real_escape_string() was secure...
  9. I have tried to do stripslashes() before mysql_real_escape_string() and now, I don't need stripslashes() later to show the result because the \ aren't in the DB. Is this because magick quotes are on and without magick quotes people don't need to use stripslashes() never?
  10. Now, I'm ussing this function to escape the variables I use in MySQL queries: function escape($texto) { $texto = trim($texto) ; $texto = htmlspecialchars($texto) ; return $texto ; } And It seems it works well (If it isn't secure, say me, please!). The problem is when I want to insert HTML code in the DB, I have tried with mysql_real_escape_string() but " and ' are \" and \' when I show the html later and I must do something like: $html = str_replace("\\'", "'", $html); $html = str_replace("\\\"", "\"", $html); But I think this shouldn't be the best way to do it. What do you think? any other way to do it?
  11. The SWF is a file which is in a folder of my host and I would like to show a small thumb of the swf in image format to avoid having to load a flash. Thanks
  12. Hi! I'm trying to get thumbnails of SWF files in png or any other image format. I know there are desktop applications that do this but I would like to do this from php or with a linux program. Like I do with images I can't do with SWF because ImageMagick doesn't support SWF. Any idea? Thanks!
  13. Are there any program which can decrypt a SWF encrypted with Amayeta SWF Encript. Sothink SWF decompiler and Action Script Viewer 5 get an actionscript like this: function () { return (2745); } // End of the function var \x01 = -1779 + \x01\x02(); for (\x01 = eval("\x01") - 29; eval("\x01") == 663; \x01 = eval("\x01") - 519) { } // end of for if (eval("\x01") == 223) { \x01 = eval("\x01") - 157; Thanks
  14. I'm trying to do a sql outer join: SELECT ft.id, ft.ult_resp, fl.fecha FROM forotemas ft LEFT OUTER JOIN foroleidos fl ON fl.id_tema = ft.id WHERE fl.id_usu = "2" But sometimes there are a value in foroleidos for each of forotemas and don't works like "outer join" including all results of forotemas although the fl.fecha value were null like this must do, What happens? Thanks
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