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Posts posted by Clinton

  1. I would recommend checking the file size in your PHP file before accepting the upload.


    I just read that and am looking for an example on how to accomplish. But just in case someone beats me does n-e-one know where I might find one on how to do that?

  2. I've used the code here to upload my image and everything works just fine. http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.post-method.php



    <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="imageup.php" method="POST">
        		    <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="60000" />
        			Send this file: <input name="userfile" type="file" /><br />
        			<input type="submit" value="Save Logo" />




    $uploaddir = 'C:/xampp/htdocs/project/clogos/';
    $uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['userfile']['name']);
    echo '<pre>';
    if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) {
        echo "File is valid, and was successfully uploaded.\n";
    } else {
        echo "Possible file upload attack!\n";
    echo 'Here is some more debugging info:';
    print "</pre>";
    My question is this... I could save the location and name of the uploaded file to a database but chances are that more than one individual has their logo named 'logo'. I don't want to check the db to see if that name already exists and then tell the user if it does to rename their logo simply because i'm sure some users will not know how to do that. Instead, I would rather change the name of the image that they uploaded to their username, which is stored as a session variable. What's the best way to go about this? 

  3. Hey folks,


        I've read plenty of information on uploading images into MYSQL but I also ran into an article that said storing images into MySQL can result in headaches down the road if you have tons of people who all have logos. From what I gathered there is a way that one could upload the image onto the actual server and just save the location with MySQL. If this is possible which option do you recommend? And if you recommend saving it on the server and recalling the location do you know where there's any tutorials on how to do such a thing? I've been looking but no joy.



  4. Have I got this written wrong or does it not like the ***?


    if ((!empty($_POST['dtype']) OR ($_POST['dtype'] == "***SELECT***")) { $dtype = $_POST['dtype']; }
              else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not enter a degree type.</font>'; }


    phpDesigner is saying unexpected {.

  5. Ok, so it does a/b or in this case $i/2. $i starts off as 0 so 0/2 = 0 and it's the first style. Then it adds one $i++ so then it's 1/2, which is different then 0. But then we add one more, right??? Which then becomes 2/2... which equals 1... which is not 0... so how does the script work (and it does work, thank you.)???

  6. How do I get every other result to highlight its background a different color?


    Here's me code:


    <table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" class="boxtitle">
    				$sql = "SELECT * FROM thelist WHERE username = '$uid' ORDER BY jpted";
    				$rs = mysql_query($sql);
            			while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs))
    				<a href="editaj.php?jid=<?php echo $id; ?>"> <?php echo $jtitle; ?> </a></td> <td> <?php echo $city; ?>, <?php echo $state; ?> </td>     <td><a href="editaj.php?jid=<?php echo $id; ?>"> Edit </a></td>     <td><a href="editaj.php?jid=<?php echo $id; ?>&del=yes"> Delete </a></td>
    				<?php } ?>



  7. Ok, it was the $clogo. Each organization within our office has their own logo and I was trying to take it from the users table and stick it in with the information table. It was reading the binary logo and echoing that so when it went to insert it into the db it was erroring out. I'll just recall the logo from the users table and go about it that way I guess.

  8. Everything works up until it goes to insert it in the db and then it errors out. If the form is submitted, which submits to itself, and there is an error it echos out just fine. It's just when it goes to insert and, like I said, this is brand new. :-/


    include 'connect/project.htm';
    if(($_SESSION['logged_in'] == 1) && ($_SESSION['access_type'] == e))
    $uid = mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['user_id']);
    $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM employers WHERE username = '$uid'");
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
    <title>Welcome back <?php echo $prefix;?> <?php echo $lname;?></title>
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    if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
            $errors = array();
    ///Checks for Errors///
    if (!empty($_POST['jtitle'])) { $jtitle = $_POST['jtitle']; }
              else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }
    if (!empty($_POST['dtype'])) { $dtype = $_POST['dtype']; }
              else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }
        if (!empty($_POST['dmajorp'])) { $dmajorp = $_POST['dmajorp']; }
              else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }
        if (!empty($_POST['cinfo'])) { $cinfo = $_POST['cinfo']; }
              else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }
        if (!empty($_POST['city'])) { $city = $_POST['city']; }
              else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }
        if (!empty($_POST['state'])) { $state = $_POST['state']; }
              else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }
    if (!empty($_POST['status'])) { $status = $_POST['status']; }
              else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }
        if (!empty($_POST['wexperience'])) { $wexperience = $_POST['wexperience']; }
              else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }
        if (!empty($_POST['poverview'])) { $poverview = $_POST['poverview']; }
              else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }
        if (!empty($_POST['pduties'])) { $pduties = $_POST['pduties']; }
              else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }
        if (!empty($_POST['pqual'])) { $pqual = $_POST['pqual']; }
              else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }
        if (!empty($_POST['salary'])) { $salary = $_POST['salary']; }
              else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }
        if (!empty($_POST['benefits'])) { $benefits = $_POST['benefits']; }
              else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }
        if (!empty($_POST['reloassist'])) { $reloassist = $_POST['reloassist']; }
              else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }
        if (!empty($_POST['jobdecisiondate'])) { $jobdecisiondate = $_POST['jobdecisiondate']; }
              else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }
        if (!empty($_POST['contactname'])) { $contactname = $_POST['contactname']; }
              else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }
    if (!empty($_POST['contactnumber'])) { $contactnumber = $_POST['contactnumber']; }
              else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }
        if (!empty($_POST['contactemail'])) { $contactemail = $_POST['contactemail']; }
              else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }
    if (empty($errors)) {
    	$query = "INSERT INTO thelist (username, jtitle, dtype, dtypewc, dmajorp, dmajorc1, dmajorc2, dmajorc3, cname, cinfo, clogo, city, state, status, wexperience, wexperiencewc, careerlevel, contactname, contactnumber, contactemail, poverview, pduties, pqual, salary, benefits, reloassist, jobdecisiondate, extra, applyat) VALUES ('$username', '$jtitle', '$dtype', '$dtypewc', '$dmajorp', '$dmajorc1', '$dmajorc2', '$dmajorc3', '$cname', '$cinfo', '$clogo', '$city', '$state', '$status', '$wexperience', '$wexperiencewc', '$careerlevel', '$contactname', '$contactnumber', '$contactemail', '$poverview', '$pduties', '$pqual', '$salary', '$benefits', '$reloassist', '$jobdecisiondate', '$extra', '$applyat')";
    <div id="breadcrumb">
    <div class="module_breadcrumb">
        				<span class="breadcrumbs pathway">
    $result = @mysql_query($query);  ///IF I VIEW PAGE SOURCE THIS IS WHERE THE ERROR IS SHOWING///
    if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) 	{
    					Congratulations <?php echo $prefix;?> <?php echo $lname;?>.
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  9. My scripts been working just fine and all of a sudden this popped up:


    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '9‡Nßoñ P»>XožžbRé:hárP¢ñýýý^5˜Éd' at line 1


    I couldn't figure it out so I reverted back to a previously saved page that I know worked but I'm still getting the same error. I'm not sure why since the page is submitting to itself.  ???


    ANy ideas?

  10. db connect include then an sql statement...



    $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE (dtype = '$dtype' OR dtypewc = '$dtype') AND (dmajorp = '$smajor' OR dmajorc1 = '$smajor' OR dmajorc2 = '$smajor' OR dmajorc3 = '$smajor') $state_where $city_where ORDER BY jpted LIMIT $start, $limit";

    $result = mysql_query($sql);


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