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Posts posted by ociugi

  1. i will try and study this example. it's much more easy to understand if you put comments on your code but any way i appreciated your help. thank you very much.


    if anyone would like to add more example please go ahead. i appreciate your help and thank you in advance.

  2. hmm if you know the basic you should know how to use it?

    if you will google mysql class theres tons of good sample you can find


    what i mean is, i understand the basics of OO but the problem is i dont know how to apply in a real application. i tried to code OO but the code is messy thats why i want to see more examples.

  3. after studying the OOP i learned the basics but there is a problem. all example in the tutorials on php that i was read is not applicable to me. some examples are about dogs,cars,bikes,boxes etc. i need a real application examples on how to use php oop on the website. i want to learn how to use oop to control database as well as website. because of no idea on how to do this i need to see example so that i can study and learn oop in the real application.

  4. i am aware of sql injection but I'm lock of knowledge on how to prevent this by increasing the security of the php code. i don't know where and when exactly to use the regular expression, trim, strpos, strsub, urlencode, urldecode functions, etc. because i am a beginner programmer. do i need to use the stripslashes to all input? For example i have a login form with user id and password, i want to know what and how to filter the input before i insert or select into sql? and for the registration form input filtering, is it the same as the login form filtering? please explain to me  on how to prevent the sql injection. thank you in advance.

  5. i understand the differences and functions of float, position(relative/absolute) but i have a problem layouting my design because every internet browsers has a little differences in reading css. may be i dont know the proper way of using float and position.


    after i finish my design i test it and no problem in firefox but IE6 and later version has.


    how do i layout may design using float/position that both browsers will output the expected layout.


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