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Everything posted by anu123

  1. I tried changing the save_path.Still my session is getting expired off. Is there anything i left out.This is what i did. $cookie_path = "/"; $cookie_timeout = 16 * 60 * 60; // in seconds $garbage_timeout = $cookie_timeout + 600; ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $garbage_timeout); strstr(strtoupper(substr($_SERVER["OS"], 0, 3)), "WIN") ? $sep = "\\" : $sep = "/"; $sessdir = ini_get('session.save_path').$sep."new_sessions"; if (!is_dir($sessdir)) { mkdir($sessdir, 0777); } ini_set('session.save_path', $sessdir); session_start(); Any idea?
  2. I set the session duration as mentioned, but it is still taking the default 24 mins as the session expiration time. Help please
  3. Hii Can anyone tell me how to override the default session duration and set a session time duration of our own? Any idea? Thank you in advance
  4. Thank you for your reply, i was actually using the BINARY in my queries, so it overwrote the default case insensitivity...Thanks to correct me with the clue.
  5. Hi I need to make a field, for example the 'username' field in my 'users' table to be case insensitive. Is there any function or something of that sort to make the field case insensitive.Can anyone help me with a solution. Thank you in advance
  6. Hi I am using CDSEO Pro for my XCart Pro and it isn’t working as it should be. The urls aren’t showing the rewrited one on mouseover but the page loaded is with the rewrited one. That is when I do mouse over on the product name or product image , the url showing is the original one for example http://mysite.com/product.php?productid=100&cat=0&page=1 . But when I click on the image or product name, the page loaded will be the one with the rewrited url ie http://mysite.com/product-name.html. Can anyone help me fix the issue, why the url isn’t showing properly on mouse over.
  7. Hi Can anyone help me with putting javascripts in xsl? Tutorials or reference site? Thanks in advance
  8. Hi All I need to develop a site using Joomla 1.5. The site contains product categories, subcategories, sub sub...categories and the product list under each category. A product mangemnt area to mange products and their categories. The site list the product catalog, according to the category selected. An important feature i need while adding the product , is the swatch selector(easy selection of product colors) . I do not need payment integration in the site. Can anyone suggest me with a suitable tool or joomla extension with these requirements. Thanks in advance
  9. Hi I have a query SELECT * FROM table1 AS a WHERE a.user_id NOT IN (SELECT c.user_id FROM table2 AS c) and (a.sentby = ‘S’ or a. sentby =’B’ or a. sentby = ‘R’) This was running fine when the number of users in the site was less, but as the user number increased, the the query is taking too much time to run. Can anyone help me with how to optimize this query so that, the site wont get slow Thanks in advance
  10. <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { $("#frndview").click(function(){ $("#frnd_dialog").show(); $("#frnd_dialog").dialog({ modal: true, resize:function(){ $("#frnd_dialog").height($(this).height()-78); $("#frnd_dialog").width($(this).width()-12); }, overlay: { opacity: 0.5, background: "black" }, resizable:false, draggable:false, close: function() {}, title : "View All Friends", autoOpen: true, height: 350, width: 600 }); }); }); <div id="frnd_dialog"> My databse data here </div>
  11. Hi I am working with jquery-1.2.6.min.js. Every thing works fine, like the popup is generated using Jquery and some data are fetched from database are filled into it. What i need is, i need a scrollbar inside the jquery pop up , in case the data fetched from database, exceeds the size of the popup which i set. Anybody have any idea regarding this Thanks in advance
  12. Hi I am working with jquery-1.2.6.min.js. Every thing works fine, like the popup is generated using Jquery and some data are fetched from database are filled into it. What i need is, i need a scrollbar inside the jquery pop up , in case the data fetched from database, exceeds the size of the popup which i set. Anybody have any idea regarding this Thanks in advance
  13. Hi If I type http://mysite.com/blog/xyz (xyz can be anything) I need to go to blog.php page. How can I do that? Any help? Thanks in advance
  14. Sorry, that isnt working. Any other link?
  15. Hi I need WYSWYG editor in my page, how to implement that.Any Idea? Thanks in advance
  16. Can anyone help me with hwo to implement maps with driving route in it Thanks in advance
  17. Hi, Can anyone tell what is wordpress and how to use that?
  18. Yes, that is what i want.But one thing more, the page url should be displayed as www.abc.com/xyz and not as www.abc.com/broker/index.php
  19. My issue is when the user types the url www.abc.com/xyz the page should be redirected to www.abc.com/broker/index.php?url=xyz.The subdmain name 'xyz' is dynamic which is passed as argument in the redirection page ie here index.php. How will i write the htaccess rewriting for this need.can anyone help?
  20. I need to use Paypal in my site for deducing amount from my customers on a monthly subscription basis. That is a fixed amount of money should be transferred automatically from customers account to my account every month. Will anyone suggest me a solution?
  21. Can anyone tell me how to find the current status of the an uploading file?
  22. My site should do money transactions.For that i am going to user american express.Please tell me how i can implement american express in my site
  23. Please tell me the steps to implement american express.
  24. How to implement american express in my site?
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