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Posts posted by zGrassman

  1. htmlentities() mebbe?


    You know what? that is pretty cool...i checked on php.net what it was about and i like this one better. At least with this one if i was to log a page I could tell if someone was trying to put crazyness into my forms. while the other one would just strip it.


    Im sure i could assign a seperate var before i strip the tags and then store it in  a text file or maybe break it somehow...so it wouldnt be dangerous. but would just using strip_tags() be suffice or would i still be open to attacks. i dont want a whole lot of string functions when there is no need..i understand its all based on what you want your form to do or process i just wanted a general idea. thanks for the info on that function tho i really like it

  2. is strip_slashes() good enough to use to stop sql or php or html manipulation entered in to a html form post box?


    I understand there is still JS issues that i haven't looked into yet and url manipulation with mysql. Any short advise on those topics are appreciated but for now im just worried about html forms. Is killing slashes suffice? I know with a comma you can allow certain tags for certain situations.


    the form is username and password login and register for now, i havent used it anywhere else yet just so you have an idea what im working with.


  3. yea, im checking to see if the value is == to 1. im new at this stuff, so i guess i want to check if a user is signed in sorta speak. if they are then it shows stuff, if it isnt it shows something else. i changed the source to isset and it works fine. both work fine, i was just curious. so i guess it doesnt matter?

  4. session_start();
    if($_SESSION[loggedin]) {
    print "bla";


    Or should i use


    if(isset($_SESSION[loggedin])) {
    print "bla";


    or does it really matter

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