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Everything posted by Kyrislian

  1. PFMaBiSmAd, thank you so much for your time and your explainations, but it seems to be far from what I am able to do. I'll head over to the FreeLancing section and hope someone there can do this for me. Again, thanks so much for your time; I really do appreciate it!
  2. I found it! ...yes. I'm such a noob with php that even finding the right function is cause for celebration. <? if (!defined('SYSPATH')) header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden');//no direct access /** * Author: Andrew Judd */ class Functions { /** * This function is used in order to generate the encrypted password for any * given user. */ static function encryptPassword ( $pass, $encKey = "lupine-salt@1234" ) { return ( md5 ( $pass.$encKey ) ); } /** * This function is used in order to provide a common looking error message. * @param error The error message that will be displayed. */ static function error ( $error ) { echo ( "<span class = 'error'>ERROR</span>: $error<br />" ); } static function generateDDLValue ( $current, $value, $text ) { $str = "<option value = \"$value\" "; if ( $current == $value ) { $str .= " selected = 'selected' "; } $str .= ">$text</option>"; return ( $str ); } static function calculateAge ( $birthday ) { return ( datediff ( "yyyy", $birthday, time (), TRUE ) ); } static function datediff ( $interval, $datefrom, $dateto, $using_timestamps = false ) { /* * $interval can be: * yyyy - Number of full years * q - Number of full quarters * m - Number of full months * y - Difference between day numbers * (eg 1st Jan 2004 is "1", the first day. 2nd Feb 2003 is "33". The datediff is "-32".) * d - Number of full days * w - Number of full weekdays * ww - Number of full weeks * h - Number of full hours * n - Number of full minutes * s - Number of full seconds (default) */ if (!$using_timestamps) { $datefrom = strtotime($datefrom, 0); $dateto = strtotime($dateto, 0); } $difference = $dateto - $datefrom; // Difference in seconds switch($interval) { case 'yyyy': // Number of full years $years_difference = floor($difference / 31536000); if (mktime(date("H", $datefrom), date("i", $datefrom), date("s", $datefrom), date("n", $datefrom), date("j", $datefrom), date("Y", $datefrom)+$years_difference) > $dateto) { $years_difference--; } if (mktime(date("H", $dateto), date("i", $dateto), date("s", $dateto), date("n", $dateto), date("j", $dateto), date("Y", $dateto)-($years_difference+1)) > $datefrom) { $years_difference++; } $datediff = $years_difference; break; case "q": // Number of full quarters $quarters_difference = floor($difference / 8035200); while (mktime(date("H", $datefrom), date("i", $datefrom), date("s", $datefrom), date("n", $datefrom)+($quarters_difference*3), date("j", $dateto), date("Y", $datefrom)) < $dateto) { $months_difference++; } $quarters_difference--; $datediff = $quarters_difference; break; case "m": // Number of full months $months_difference = floor($difference / 2678400); while (mktime(date("H", $datefrom), date("i", $datefrom), date("s", $datefrom), date("n", $datefrom)+($months_difference), date("j", $dateto), date("Y", $datefrom)) < $dateto) { $months_difference++; } $months_difference--; $datediff = $months_difference; break; case 'y': // Difference between day numbers $datediff = date("z", $dateto) - date("z", $datefrom); break; case "d": // Number of full days $datediff = floor($difference / 86400); break; case "w": // Number of full weekdays $days_difference = floor($difference / 86400); $weeks_difference = floor($days_difference / 7); // Complete weeks $first_day = date("w", $datefrom); $days_remainder = floor($days_difference % 7); $odd_days = $first_day + $days_remainder; // Do we have a Saturday or Sunday in the remainder? if ($odd_days > 7) { // Sunday $days_remainder--; } if ($odd_days > 6) { // Saturday $days_remainder--; } $datediff = ($weeks_difference * 5) + $days_remainder; break; case "ww": // Number of full weeks $datediff = floor($difference / 604800); break; case "h": // Number of full hours $datediff = floor($difference / 3600); break; case "n": // Number of full minutes $datediff = floor($difference / 60); break; default: // Number of full seconds (default) $datediff = $difference; break; } return ( $datediff ); } } ?>
  3. Hopefully this is correct; checking all the files and these seem to be the ones. This is to update the password, along with the user info and such. I've looked through all the other files, so I think this one is a combination of creating users and editing users.; <? if (!defined('SYSPATH')) header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden');//no direct access /** * Author: Andrew Judd */ class User extends Base { private $db; private $userInfo = NULL; private $purify = NULL; public function __construct ( $db ) { parent::__construct (); $this -> db = $db; } public static function createUser ( $username, $password, $email, $db ) { Base::_loadLib ( 'Functions' ); $password = Functions::encryptPassword ( $password ); $query = 'INSERT INTO `users` ( `username`, `password`, `email` ) VALUES ( %s, %s, %s )'; $res = $db -> query ( $query, $username, $password, $email ); $db -> freeResults ( $res ); } public function loadFromId ( $id ) { $query = 'SELECT `username`, `password`, `email`, `beans`, `den_text`,' . '`lastmix`, `admin` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = %u'; $res = $this -> db -> query ( $query, $id ); if ( $res != NULL ) { $this -> userInfo = $this -> db -> getArray ( $res ); $this -> userInfo [ 'id' ] = $id; return ( TRUE ); } return ( FALSE ); } public function loadFromUsername ( $username ) { $query = 'SELECT `id`, `password`, `email`, `beans`, `den_text`,' . '`lastmix`, `admin` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = %s'; $res = $this -> db -> query ( $query, $username ); if ( $res != NULL ) { $this -> userInfo = $this -> db -> getArray ( $res ); $this -> userInfo [ 'username' ] = $username; if ( count ( $this -> userInfo ) == 1 ) { return ( FALSE ); } return ( TRUE ); } return ( FALSE ); } public function getInfoField ( $field ) { return ( $this -> userInfo [ $field ] ); } public function loadFromSession () { /* Check the IPs to see if they match */ if ( $_SESSION [ 'IP' ] != $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ] ) { /* IPs don't match, so session stealing? */ $userInfo = NULL; return; } /* Otherwise load in the information */ $this -> loadFromId ( $_SESSION [ 'userid' ] ); return ( TRUE ); } public function getAllPets () { $query = 'SELECT `id`, `lupine_name`, `lupine_text` FROM `lupines`' . ' WHERE `userId` = %u'; $res = $this -> db -> query ( $query, $this -> userInfo [ 'id' ] ); if ( $res == NULL ) { return ( NULL ); } $array = $this -> db -> retrieveAllRows ( $res ); $this -> db -> freeResults ( $res ); return ( $array ); } public function getAllItems () { $query = 'SELECT `itemsowned`.`id`, `itemid`, `name` FROM `itemsowned` JOIN `item` ON `itemid` = `item`.`id` WHERE `userid` = %u AND `lupineid` = 0'; $res = $this -> db -> query ( $query, $this -> userInfo [ 'id' ] ); if ( $res == NULL ) { return ( NULL ); } $array = $this -> db -> retrieveAllRows ( $res ); $this -> db -> freeResults ( $res ); return ( $array ); } public function getUserInformation () { return ( $this -> userInfo ); } public function addMoney ( $amount ) { $query = 'UPDATE `users` SET `beans` = `beans` + %d WHERE `id` = %u'; $this -> db -> query ( $query, $amount, $this -> userInfo [ 'id' ] ); $this -> userInfo [ 'beans' ] = $this -> userInfo [ 'beans' ] + $amount; } public function updateAdmin ( $isAdmin ) { $query = 'UPDATE `users` SET `admin` = %u WHERE `id` = %u'; $this -> db -> query ( $query, $isAdmin == TRUE ? 1 : 0, $this -> userInfo [ 'id' ] ); $this -> userInfo [ 'admin' ] = $isAdmin; } public function updateProfile ( $text ) { /* Different, so update it, firstly include HTML Purifier */ $this -> _loadLib ( 'HTMLPurifierWrapper' ); $this -> purify = HTMLPurifierWrapper::getInstance (); /* Clean the input */ $this -> userInfo [ 'den_text' ] = $this -> purify -> purify ( trim ( $text ) ); $query = 'UPDATE `users` SET `den_text` = %h WHERE `id` = %u'; $this -> db -> query ( $query, $this -> userInfo [ 'den_text' ], $this -> userInfo [ 'id' ] ); } public function updateEmail ( $email ) { $this -> _loadLib ( 'HTMLPurifierWrapper' ); $this -> purify = HTMLPurifierWrapper::getInstance (); $this -> userInfo [ 'email' ] = $this -> purify -> purify ( trim ( $email ) ); $query = 'UPDATE `users` SET `email` = %s WHERE `id` = %u'; $this -> db -> query ( $query, $this -> userInfo [ 'email' ], $this -> userInfo [ 'id' ] ); } public function updatePassword ( $password ) { $this -> _loadLib ( 'Functions' ); $this -> userInfo [ 'password' ] = trim ( Functions::encryptPassword ( $password ) ); $query = 'UPDATE `users` SET `password` = %s WHERE `id` = %u'; $this -> db -> query ( $query, $this -> userInfo [ 'password' ], $this -> userInfo [ 'id' ] ); } public function updateImage ( $file ) { global $config; /* They uploaded an image */ $fileCheck = $config [ 'imagesDirect' ] . 'owners/' ; $ext = substr ( $file [ 'name' ], strrpos ( $file [ 'name' ], '.' ) ); $dest = $fileCheck . $this -> userInfo [ 'id' ] . $ext; if ( move_uploaded_file ( $file [ 'tmp_name' ], $dest ) == TRUE ) { /* Success, now try to resize */ $this -> _loadLib ( 'SimpleImage' ); $image = new SimpleImage (); $image -> load ( $dest ); $image -> resize ( 100, 100 ); $image -> save ( $dest ); return ( TRUE ); } else { return ( FALSE ); } } public function remove () { global $config; /* Remove all items */ $query = 'DELETE FROM `itemsowned` WHERE `userid` = %u'; $this -> db -> query ( $query, $this -> userInfo [ 'id' ] ); $query = 'DELETE FROM `users` WHERE `id` = %u'; $this -> db -> query ( $query, $this -> userInfo [ 'id' ] ); /* Remove all lupines */ $query = 'UPDATE `lupines` SET `userid` = 0 WHERE `userid` = %u'; $this -> db -> query ( $query, $this -> userInfo [ 'id' ] ); $file = $config [ 'imagesDirect' ] . 'owners/'; if ( file_exists ( $file . $this -> userInfo [ 'id' ] . '.jpg' ) == TRUE ) { unlink ( $file . $this -> userInfo [ 'id' ] . '.jpg' ); } if ( file_exists ( $file . $this -> userInfo [ 'id' ] . '_2.jpg' ) == TRUE ) { unlink ( $file . $this -> userInfo [ 'id' ] . '_2.jpg' ); } } } ?> This code is to check the password <? if (!defined('SYSPATH')) header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden');//no direct access /** * Author: Andrew Judd */ class LoginModel extends Base { private $db; private $functions; public function __construct ( $db ) { parent::__construct (); $this -> _loadLib ( 'Functions' ); $this -> db = $db; } /* * Called with the controller as follows: * LOAD: $this->_loadModel('MODELNAME'); * INSTANTIATE: $this->model = new MODELNAME(); * USE: Use the function as you normally would use a function */ public function login ( ) { $error = array (); if ( trim ( $_POST [ 'txtUsername' ] ) == "" ) { $error [] = "Username is required to login."; } if ( trim ( $_POST [ 'txtPassword' ] ) == "" ) { $error [] = "Password is required to login."; } if ( count ( $error ) > 0 ) { return ( $error ); } /* Otherwise look further */ $query = "SELECT `password` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = %s"; $res = $this -> db -> query ( $query, $_POST [ 'txtUsername' ] ); /* Check if the username exists */ if ( $this -> db -> numRows ( $res ) == 0 ) { $error [] = "Username does not exist."; } else { /* Username existed...so check for the password */ $pw = Functions::encryptPassword ( $_POST [ 'txtPassword' ] ); $userInfo = $this -> db -> getArray ( $res ); if ( $userInfo [ 'password' ] != $pw ) { $error [] = "Password is invalid."; } $this -> db -> freeResults ( $res ); } return ( $error ); } /** * This function is used strictly for locating the data and saving it to a * session. */ public function createSession () { $query = "SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = %s"; $res = $this -> db -> query ( $query, $_POST [ 'txtUsername' ] ); $userId = $this -> db -> getArray ( $res ); /* Perfect...correct username and password */ $_SESSION [ 'userid' ] = $userId [ 'id' ]; $_SESSION [ 'IP' ] = $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ]; $_SESSION [ 'access' ] = md5 ( $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ] ); $this -> db -> freeResults ( $res ); } } ?> Regarding the user record, I'm not entirely sure what you mean? I have looked into the database tables though and they do have a field for passwords, which are encrypted.
  4. I apologize for the vague description; I'm rather panicky right now. What information can I supply for help?
  5. Hi there. I've got two problems with my site's password. Firstly, it seems that I cannot change the passwords for the users for them. Whatever I type it, and they try to log in, they still receive the error of "password is invalid." My second problem is, I tried to use my account as a guinea pig (upon reflection, very stupid of me, I know). Now I can't access my account using my old password and the new password I set myself to. Please do help with this! I have a lot of things to update in my site and I can't access it right now! Any help at all will be invaluable to me, so please, any advice you can give I will appreciate it so much.
  6. Ah, it doesn't work either. Thanks very much for your help though!
  7. Is there any way then for me to use it? I know that some code you can circumvent them by using special combinations of text/character but I'm unsure if there's anything like this for php. Also, if there's no way of using it, how about ( )? Thanks much for all the helpful advice!
  8. The funny thing is that when I do use those, the data isn't saved so their respective checkboxes don't remain checked. All options from then on down continue to behave as if nothing had been checked.
  9. I will state right here that I've never really delved into PHP before, but I'm prying apart the code on my site (a programmer made it for me). I've figured out how to add more checkboxes onto the page, but I've run into a problem. 'Artist' => array ( 'Cassiadawn', 'Cryptic', 'Diction', 'Glorfindel', 'Kyrislian', 'Russa', 'Ntkufreak', 'Taliba', 'Thunderbun', 'Velg', 'Lostdollie', 'Pookawitch') What I'm trying to do is replace 'Lostdollie', 'Pookawitch' with 'Lostdollie [R]', 'Pookawitch[R]'. How can I do this? I'd really appreciate any help anyone can give me!
  10. Thanks very much for pointing me in that direction! I'll be able to pass this on to the programmer, so again, thanks!
  11. First off! Please be warned that I have very little knowledge of PHP, and that the scripts were written by a hired programmer. Ok, now that that's over with, I was hoping someone could possible answer this for me (And maybe even provide me with a solution which would be *incredible*). I run an online pet website. These pets are created as signatures and consists of a generic background, a picture of the pet, the owner and pet's names, hearts which represents their moods and so on. You just dump in the names and what have you, and the sig will be generated. I was wondering if it is possible to make these animated. The pets can be uploaded as .gif, and the outcome is in .gif. So yes. Is it possible to actually make the signatures display animated pets? [attachment deleted by admin]
  12. Thanks for your reply. The problem was that the tips file wasn't printed out. But... it was a facepalm moment. The reason it didn't show was that it was in HTML and not php. Sorry for taking up your time.
  13. Hi there. I've been wanting to learn php, and I've gone and gotten myself a couple books on the subject. I'm working through the examples shown, but there's this one bit that completely baffles me. It's a very simple piece of code, so I'm getting pretty frustrated with it. Here's the code: <html> <head> <title>Tip of the day</title> </head> <body> <center> <h1>Tip of the day</h1> <div style="border-color: green; border-style:groove; border-width: 2px"> <? readfile("tips.txt"); ?> </div> </center> </body> </html> I would really, really appreciate any help.
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