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Everything posted by SomeGuy242323

  1. moberemk, I'm working on making it all w3c valid, however, as anyone can tell you, it's a pain in the ass to fix something correctly...quick fixes are so much easier to use, lol. 448191, I was thinking of upping the padding as well. As for the body text, it's personal preference and until I get a complaint from my employeer about it, I think it stays. If you increase the text size the layout should work...I hope jellis, I'm pretty sure I made the layout so it fits in 1024 wide. That was my intention. It's >900 pixels wide, and again, that's a design preference of mine. I like sites that have expandable outside backgrounds, and nice little middles. It's a design preference. A liquid design could work, but it would make the site wayyy too short if you have a high resolution. As for spiders....f them, lol. I'm tired of what I can and can't do with them. Can't use id as a variable because Google won't archive it...bleh. So much extra work just to get it working optimized. Same thing with tables. Sure, divs are the wave of the future, but for now, tables are very easy and accessable, and cause the least problems cross-browsers, at least to my knowledge.
  2. I was not aware of the validation errors, although I never really put it through a checker. I'm trying to get the site up and running first the way it needs to look/operate first, then cleaning up the code later. You know, kinda like cleaning up algebra in calculus....wait, scratch that, it's nothing of the same Moberemk, I would like to know what form is inaccessible, and how, if you care to elaborate. This is why I'm a game designer, and not a web designer though, lol.
  3. I like the idea, but you need better fonts. In the images, as text, you just need better fonts.
  4. http://showtime.ewcentral.com I've been web designing for a few years now, and I think this is one of my best layouts. The site is still heavily a WIP, but the layout is staying as is (even if I get bad critiques). I've got many good reviews for the layout, but I always love more opinions (and to stroke my ego, lol). I'm not looking to advertise, because I tried the web designer route before, and it's too much work for what little free time I have in my life. I think it's just after looking at it maybe 100 times a day makes me grow weary of it and makes me think it looks like crap now, lol.
  5. I think I got it. Before the loop, I'll create a temp variable. $end = end($topics); ... if($topic === $end) //Last Array Code I could have figured that out, but I didn't know PHP even had array manipulators like that. Thanks for showing me the next() function, or else I would have never found my way around the PHP Manual to find what I needed, lol.
  6. WOW! I can't believe I'm so stupid! That's the second time I did that with $_GET today...first time I used () instead of []. It's hard having Java as your native language and working in PHP. Also while you're very sick, lol (which is why I'm actually able to work on it, lol).
  7. Before I go into detail with the big question, my itching one is this: how do you call the last instance of a foreach loop? Now, the foreach is meant to be a loop for the physical size of the array, not the actual size. So I have a script that posts the first 5 topics of a forum, but if there aren't enough, it posts as many as it can, with the foreach loop. I want to add a copyright statement to the last topic, is there anyway to do this? Like: foreach($topics as $topic) ... if(isLast($topic)) echo($blah) Is that at all possible? Now for the real question...what is the scope of $_GET? To understand what I mean, let me post code. Index.php: <?php $page = $_GET["page"]; if(!file_exists('content/'.$page.'.php') || $page == null) include("content/news.php"); else include("content/".$page.".php"); ?> This works fine and dandy, no complaints. However, my news.php also needs to be about to $_GET a variable, to know which news item to post (if specified). So I have the code written as so in my news.php file: <?php $id = $GET_["id"]; $topics = $SDK->list_forum_topics ("2", array("limit" => "1", "start" => "0", "order" => "desc", "orderby" => "post_date"), "1"); if(!$id || $id == null) $topic = $topics[0]; else $topic = $SDK->get_topic_info($id); ?> This is supposed to get the $id variable, and assign $topic to it, but if there is none, or it's null, it takes the newest topic from the forum to post (which would be the newest news item). However, I've debugged this so many times, and it never prints out a $id. The links I use are /?id='$id' and I've also tried using /page=news&id='$id'. It just seems like it won't retrieve the $id file from the browser. How can I fix this? Edit: It's nothing to do with the $SDK class either. I tried a flat number for the last line '$topic = $SDK->get_topic_info(4);' and it worked perfectly. The problem deals with retrieving $id from the browser.
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