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Everything posted by atticus

  1. You want to include everything you want indexed. Keep in mind that Google will only index about 80% of your site, so it is a good idea to simply include everything.
  2. Very true. Recently, and I can not find the blog write now on Google Blogs, but Google basically said that a small percentage of duplicate content is ok. I mean after all, what if you are reviewing an article or quoting a famous quote, does that mean that Google is going to ban you. Definitely not.
  3. Hi, very interesting question? It is the basics of SEO Here are five steps to optimizing your site: 1. Use this keyword tool to get some suggestions about what keywords to focus on: http://www.google.com/sktool/# 2. Write content for people, focusing on the keywords you have found 3. Make sure every page has a unique title tag in the head section with the keyword 4. Make sure the h1 tag on your site closely matches your title tag and is unique on every page. 5. Use links on and off your site to pass authority to your keywords. For example: Title Tag = Web Design Forum H1 Tag = Web Design Forum Anchor Text On Your Site = Web Design Forum Anchor Text On Digg To Your Site = Web Design Forum Do this for every one of your pages and try to get 10 inbound links per page from other sites. Then go get ten more, and before you know it, you will have TONS of traffic.
  4. Hi, have you researched "Link Diversity". I was recently hit with this for one of my client's sites. Google changed some of its algorithms. Link Diversity: 50/50 rule: The max percentage of inbound links should only total 50% of your total inbound links. The other 50% of the links should go to other pages on your site. When submitting to directories, it is easy to violate this rule. Anchor Text: Since Google's filters are trying to weed out unnatural links, it will filter out sites that are obviously link building for a specific keyword phrase. My course of action would be to get inbound links deep into my site and focus on keywords you would not normally use to improve your diversity. Make sure you have an HTML sitemap with a link in the footer of every page. This way, you can pass the link juice from the links you get deep into your site to the anchor text you want.
  5. You may want to check out this keyword resource: http://www.google.com/sktool/#
  6. This is the wrong way to use the h1 tag. The technical definition of the h1 tag is "the most important header on the page". Google abides by this definition. Your h1 tag should match your title tag and should be unique on every page. http://www.mywebtronics.com/atlanta-seo/seo-header-tags/
  7. Pagerank is not really a good determiner of success anymore because Google doesn't update it very often. Are you coming up under your target keywords? That is how I would measure the success of your SEO.
  8. Social bookmarking: List your site on digg and Sphinn and one of the many other sites out there like that. Secondly, do you have an RSS feed? If you don't, get one and submit the RSS feed to Google blogs and the other blog sites out there. Also, generate an XML sitemap and submit it to Google through there webmaster tools. They will know about all of your pages than and index some of them.
  9. Great article: http://pdxtc.com/seo101/scotts-articles/organic-search/top-ten-seo-factors.html Video Reviews of Websites (you could submit your for free as well) http://www.pdxtc.com/wpblog/seo-101/5-minute-seo-review-sociatropincom/
  10. Hi all, Maybe someone has run into this issue before and can give me some direction. I built a website using PHP. The website was finished several months ago and was being hosted on a linux hosting account. I switched the site to a virtual server with Godaddy. IE6 users are now getting a white page for the website. It worked with lE6 originally. It is viewable in IE7 and firefox. Anyone have any suggestions?
  11. can't believe I missed it either and than posted for help on this forum! Oh well, thanks everybody.
  12. I am having a problem with the syntax of the where clause in this sql statment in mysql. Error, insert query failedYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE id = '$id'' at line 5 $query = "INSERT INTO user SET website = '$website', url = '$url', business = '$business' WHERE id = '$id';"; mysql_query($query) or die('Error, insert query failed' . mysql_error());
  13. Original: $headers .= "From: " . $name . "<" . $email . ">\r\n"; Fixed: $headers = "From: " . $name . "<" . $email . ">\r\n"; I removed the period before the "=" Thanks for all your help! Cheers
  14. thanks! I am still getting an error for this line of code: $headers .= "From: " . $name . "<" . $email . ">\r\n";
  15. This script generates an email when a user registers (there is not db connection). I am getting an error and I am not sure what it means. Error: Notice: Undefined variable: headers in /var/www/../confirm.php on line 43 Notice: Use of undefined constant sendmail_from - assumed 'sendmail_from' in /var/www/..project/confirm.php on line 45 Notice: Use of undefined constant sendmail_from - assumed 'sendmail_from' in /var/www/../confirm.php on line 47 Notice: Use of undefined constant sendmail_from - assumed 'sendmail_from' in /var/www/..confirm.php on line 50 Notice: Use of undefined constant sendmail_from - assumed 'sendmail_from' in /var/www/..confirm.php on line 52 <?php foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { $_POST[$key] = stripslashes($val); } $to = "an email address"; // me $name = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; $password = $_POST['password']; $subject2 = "A new FTP Account Registration!"; email body... $headers .= "From: " . $name . "<" . $email . ">\r\n"; ini_set(sendmail_from, $email); mail($to, $subject2, $msg, $headers); ini_restore(sendmail_from); $to2 = 'email address 2'; ini_set(sendmail_from, $email); mail($to2, $subject2, $msg, $headers); ini_restore(sendmail_from); Thanks in advance!
  16. SELECT SUM(tender_price) FROM tenders WHERE job_id = (SELECT id FROM jobs WHERE status = 1 AND MONTH(reg_date) = '$months_timeline[$i]')
  17. Have you tried running the sub query in parenthesis?
  18. Hi all, I want my child pages on wordpress to only show when the parent or child page is clicked on. The problem is that when the parent page is clicked on, wordpress adds the child page under the whole list instead of directly under the parent page. <h2>Pages</h2> <ul> <?php wp_list_pages('depth=1&sort_column=menu_order&title_li='); ?> <?php if($post->post_parent) $children = wp_list_pages("title_li=&child_of=".$post->post_parent."&echo=0"); else $children = wp_list_pages("title_li=&child_of=".$post->ID."&echo=0"); if ($children) { ?> <ul> <?php echo $children; ?> </ul> <?php } ?> </ul>
  19. If you want a good framework to start with, try http://csstinderbox.raykonline.com/ You can download a basic template there and see how it is built. It validates nicely.
  20. I am having a problem with a web design in IE. www.insulationatlanta.com At the bottom of the design, I have added three boxes to give the perception of a reflection, however they are not aligning correctly. The design works great in Firefox, any help would be appreciated.
  21. MySQL is installed on an apache webserver. I am trying to get it working: I get the following error after running: mysqladmin create dbname Cannot connect to server at localhost and make sure mysqld is running. I pinged it and it said cannot connect. It is installed though I verified that. How do I initialize mysql (4.1)
  22. It may be possible, I have not had much success with it though. I do have one theory that may work, I have seen it done with java. If the file can be sliced up into smaller packets under 2 mgs, and sent to the server than reconstructed at the other end you could get around the file transfer limitations.
  23. thanks, works great. You really cleared up the way it works. php.net's explanation on mail() has very little information. Thanks again.
  24. thanks for the script, however I am still having a problem. How do I include multiple fields into the message section. For example, I would like to include info from the input fields of the form such as address and phone. This is how I tried it, but for some reason its just not working. <?php foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { $_POST[$key] = stripslashes($val); } $to = "jcapshaw@gmail.com"; // me $subject = $_POST['subject']; $name = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $message = $_POST['message']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; [color=red]$msg = $message . $phone;[/color] // make it look like it's coming from you so it's easier to reply $headers .= "From: " . $name . "<" . $email . ">\r\n"; ini_set(sendmail_from, $email); mail($to, $subject, $msg, $headers); ini_restore(sendmail_from);
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