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Posts posted by f1r3fl3x

  1. Y'know, I would like to know this too, I have always wondered why people do this, AIK is that it is meant to make the page loads quicker as it is an output buffer, but if someone out there could explain it a little more eloquently it would be much appreciated.  It's something that I should read up on but never had the need to; kinda like regexp, which I REALLY had ought to sit down for an afternoon and LEARN.





    I read some stuff about this last week because I saw some people around here using it, but the stuff I read didnt convince me really to use it. Nor was it extremely clear why to and why not.

    Can you give us a link to that article :)

  2. Hi all,

    the topic title says it all. I have some really stupid questions and i'd like to ask them here :)

    The first is, are .cgi files (in the folder /cgi-bin/) written in C?

    And can they be run on a Linux platform ?


    I'm asking these questions, becouse i need to make a web thumb service on my website and i saw http://iecapt.sourceforge.net/. It has an open source, but it uses IE to capture screens.

    Do you know any other way to do this?

  3. Google can follow javascript links now. It is evolving guys keep up :)

    OK, but if i make all the links with an id, and then when the page loads i add the onClick event dynamically would google follow that link?

    I think it wont, becouse google can't read javascript, or i'm wrong ?

  4. Hey, i've covered all the basics in PHP OOP. I know the syntax and what it's capable of. Now i need some books to read about creating complex OOP Scripts.

    If you can recommend something it'll be great. Thanks!  :)

  5. Thanks for the replies guys!

    But i think you didn't understand me :/

    I really can't describe my idea very good becouse i'm not english :D

    But code is universal and i'll show you what i tried to describe in my previous post :)


    article108.html //using mod_rewrite to make urls more friendly


     //Design and stuff
    <div id="content">
    This article is about bla bla bla bla ...
    There's an artical that's related to this one. Here's the LINK.
    //design and stuff


    And the link is this


    <a href="article1123.html" onClick="loadArticle(1123);">


    The bots, as you said ignore javascript. So they will follow the link article1123.html,

    which is a page of the site like any other with design, navigation and the content of the article.




    //design and stuff
    <div id="content">
    this is the content of article 1123....
    //design and stuff

    On the other hand the users, when they click on the link the js event will be fired,

    the next article will be dinamycally loaded in the content div

    So in theory this will work. The users will quickly load the articles via ajax+json calls, and

    the bots will index pages normaly, without knowing that there's a dynamic content on the page.

    I hope you understood what my idea is this time and i'll be glad to discuss the issues in this method  :)

  6. Hi,

    I'm really new at seo, so i wonder if my idea will be friendly or not.

    Here's my idea:

    I have a webpage that loads content dynamically via ajax calls.

    The part i wonder is this. I'm going to make the href of the link like this: http://site.com/articles/article1.html

    and a onClick event that loads the content into the div container (getcontent.php?article=article1).

    The ajax response will have the same content as the href link, but without the design just the text.

    This will make the user experience much better, but will it affect seo :confused:

  7. I looked at some examples in the net, but here isn't a good example on how to create an accurate fulltext search. Will anyone show me how to do it. I wrote this code

    SELECT * FROM lyrics WHERE MATCH (search_key) AGAINST ('"+search* +words*"' IN BOOLEAN MODE) LIMIT 10

    My MySQL version is 5.0.67-community-log.


  8. Hi all, i have a problem. I have a very big database (with small row data). I use fulltext for the search. But i'm trying to do a top 50 page :), and there is my  problem. When i use a normal query, the result loads about 15-20 seconds. How can i speed it up ?


    Mysql Version: 5.1.30



    SELECTid, artist, title FROM lyrics ORDER BY viewed DESC LIMIT 50


    Table Structure:

      `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `artist` varchar(255) DEFAULT 'no_artist_name',
      `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT 'no_song_name',
      `lyrics` text,
      `letter` varchar(255) DEFAULT 'no',
      `time` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
      `search_key` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
      `viewed` int(30) DEFAULT '0',
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
      UNIQUE KEY `b` (`search_key`),
      FULLTEXT KEY `artist` (`artist`),
      FULLTEXT KEY `title` (`title`),
      FULLTEXT KEY `artist,title` (`artist`,`title`),
      FULLTEXT KEY `search_key` (`search_key`)


    I've tried:

    SELECT artist, title, id FROM lyrics WHERE MATCH(artist)AGAINST('a* b* c* d* e* f* g* h* i* j* k* l* m* n* o* p* q* r* s* t* u* v* w* x* y* z*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND viewed >= 1 LIMIT 50

    (for now 1 is the biggest view number :D )

  9. Hi all, is it possible to use the '%' in a match .. against statement?

    I keep getting resultsets with only whole-word matches, for example


    the statement


    select * from table_x where match(field_y) against ("%multi%");


    does not give back the rows where field_y

    (which is a TEXT field with a FULLTEXT index)

    contains the word "multitasking"


    AND how can i make it search for more than one word at a time ???

  10. Ok, no matter, i found some lessons, and it isn't so hard. My final question is what would be faster to search in a database with artist and songs, where each songs is in a diffrent row, or each artist is in a diffrent row, and the songs are listed in a field separated by a comma ? An can VIEWS speed up the SELECT queries ?

  11. thanks @kickstart. I can't test it right now, but as soon as i do, i'll tell you the result :)

    BTW, is LIKE faster or REGEXP, becouse like i said the database is large and it takes a great amount of time to execute the query. And is there a way with regexp, to get only a part of a text in a row?

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