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  1. Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Compilation failed: nothing to repeat at offset 29 in /path/to/file.php on line 47 Line 46: $ext_search = '/<table class="bidhistory">(.?*)<\/table>/'; Line 47: preg_match($ext_search,$ext_html,$ext_matches);
  2. Alright i asked whether it would work if you gave it an image filetype, not a php filetype
  3. I am wondering if it is in any way possible to upload a php (or any other programming language) file with an image filetype and have it executed by the server.
  4. Alright well in apache regex the ? means that the character preceding it is optional. For example if you were to do colou?r you would match both colour and color. Now what i want to be able to do is use the question mark as a literal character instead of letting it have the function i previously stated. I tried escaping it as you would any other character but to my dismay this did not work. When i wrote www.example.com/fakeuri.php\? in the mod rewrite it thought that i told it to look for www.example.com/fakeuri.php and www.example.com/fakeuri.php\ which is not what i want.
  5. This is not really a PHP question as much as an Apache question but regex is the same in both applications so here goes. I have this line of code in a .htaccess file # To redirect everything to the index file to be loaded RewriteRule ^s/(.+).php$ /new/index.php?uri=$1 # I added this in to fix query strings so we dont get stuff like # http://www.example.com/new/index.php?uri=news?show=all # Which would not be fun RewriteRule ^s/(.+).php\?(.+)$ /new/index.php?uri=$1&$2 # But currently the "\?" is not sufficient because in this instance it is searching # it looks for http://www.example.com/new/s/file.php # and http://www.example.com/new/s/file.php\ # # What i want to do is # http://www.example.com/new/s/news.php?show=all # but that does not work. Though this does # http://www.example.com/new/s/news.php\show=all
  6. You're thinking a wee bit beyond yourself right now, i would suggest just sitting down and writing a basic open commenting system and then moving from there, thats the way i did, and people requested something and i added it.
  7. never mind, i fixed it. i just removed the action to make it post to itself and now it works
  8. Because of the i have set up my code dynamically $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] will point to the index and not the login page, and yes i have tried to use the actual php file and it doesnt work properly
  9. to the last two posters, yes i have done that and said that i have done that. i am not getting any post data AT ALL to the page and i know that the uri is being put together correctly. The page is posting to itself if you couldnt already tell and there is no post data whatsoever
  10. yes i have checked that it is the case, it is not a problem with the location it is posting to, the problem is that its not posting correctly. i tried ecching all of the post values but there arent any
  11. 1). you do not need doublequotes, i have been doing HTML for over 8 years now 2). if you look at the show_site function in the functions file you will see that the default is set to uri and show 2). even if you dont have it post anywhere it will post to itself
  12. if you look, its at the top of the posting file
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