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Everything posted by therealwesfoster

  1. Works beautifully. Thanks Mark. If I could give reps I would
  2. Lets say they page will timeout in 30 seconds (max execution time). If the page has been loading for 25 seconds (about to timeout) I would like to trigger a custom function. Here is some fake code that might explain what I want to do: <?php set_time_limit(30); if (page_load_time() > 25){ // Do Function } ?>
  3. Is there any way I can trigger a function if a page is about to timeout?
  4. Ohh, well I would be building an admin cp page for searching the logs. I just want it to be as fast as possible when searching you know?
  5. Nice reply Thanks So I wouldn't use "ARCHIVE" or anything like that?
  6. What would be the best table type for logs? Thousands are added every day and accessed sometimes as well. What's the best way to store these? Thanks
  7. Nice I don't think I've ever used the button tag. As for your latest reply, I don't think they do either. Thanks bro
  8. The CSS trick worked, although ugly as a goat (because I had to do a lot of ). Any insight on change font sizes or colors while INSIDE of a button?
  9. I'll try the css trick and see what happens. But the code that works for you, doesn't work for me in FF
  10. Let's say I want to have an HTML button have 2 lines of text, for example (neither of the following codes work. they are just examples of what I need to do): <input type="submit" name="button" value="Line1\nLine2" /> <input type="submit" name="button" value="Line1 Line2" /> How can I achieve this?
  11. Thanks, but I'm wondering if there is a way to do it with html or css
  12. Is there a valid way to detect chrome in HTML/CSS? I have either a chrome-only CSS file I need to load, or I need a valid way to target chrome in the css. Thanks!
  13. This is a strange problem.. I'm saving data into the DB from a textarea (example: "this is a new line!"). The data has newlines in it (\n or \r\n). In the DB, the newlines are shown on separate lines, but when I load the data from the DB into the textarea, everything is on one line! What's going on there? I did a quick search on google, and people keep bringing up the nl2br function.. that isn't what I need That makes the data look like "this is a<br />new line!" So the newlines ARE THERE! They just don't show in my textareas.. why so? Wes
  14. You're either an affiliate or you created it.. this topic is old as dirt anyway. I'll take your reply as spam and won't even consider buying it. Wes
  15. Ok, GD is finally installed and working properly. I ran the ./gddemo and it did what it was supposed to do. Now I'm needing to compile my php (php5) to work with GD. So this is where I need help 1. I need to find my php install directory.. The Linux box came with apache, php and mysql already installed, so I didn't do it. Where would the install dir be OR how can I find it? 2. After I find the php install dir. Do I run ./configure --with-gd=/usr/local/gd? /usr/local/gd IS the GD path 3. Is that all I do? Wes
  16. Well I bought the server and it had php, apache and mysql all installed already. I'm not very familiar with Linux but I'm getting the hang of it. How would I recompile php to enable GD? Also, how do I restart apache via shell access? Wes
  17. UPDATE GD IS INSTALLED MOD_REWRITE IS WORKING Now my problem is, getting GD to work. It IS installed correctly. And I've uncommented the 'php_gd2.dll' in php.ini, but it's still not showing in my phpinfo(). The reason I know GD is installed is because I checked it all out in SSH and it looks good. I know there probably could be thousands of reasons for this, but what are some common? I've rebooted the server twice (by the way, is there a way to just reload the php.ini without rebooting the whole server?) It's a Linux box Wes
  18. I'm setting up a server for someone and I'm lost on 2 things. 1. How do I install GD2? I've already downloaded the .tar.gz as well as read various online tutorials. I can't seem to get it working though! Please help 2. Mod_rewrite isn't working. The .htaccess file is correct because right before getting this current server, it was working on another (shared) server). I've looked in httpd.conf and it all looks good (rewrite_module is uncommented) AND when I run phpinfo(), it shows that the mod_rewrite module is loaded. What could be going wrong? Thanks! Wes
  19. That was it.. it was hidden.. sorry, that's what happens when you make yourself work on the weekend. Negative.. it was all the same function. I'm not THAT tired Thanks everyone! Wes
  20. Ok, I'm getting this error: I've gotten this error before, and I know what the main cause is. But this isn't due to declaring a function twice (or atleast I don't see it). Here are lines 2 and 110 of functions.php Line 2 (1-3): <?php function upload($set=array()){ // line 2 global $error; Line 110 (109-111): return (empty($error)) ? true : false; } // line 110 // this is line 111. just a newline What could be the problem? All the braces match up. Wes
  21. Turned out to be a server issue for me. I changed servers and everything then worked perfectly as it should. So if you want to fix this problem, or simply find a better host, click here Wes
  22. Wildcard subdomains are ON. I've done this many times before, but it's not working now.. and it's a hostgator server so I'm unsure why.. here's my code Options +FollowSymlinks Options All -Indexes <IfModule mod_suphp.c> suPHP_ConfigPath /home/sub555 <Files php.ini> order allow,deny deny from all </Files> </IfModule> RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*)\.site\.com$ [NC] RewriteCond %1 !^(www|ftp|mail)$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ ./runner.php?url=%1 [L] It all works EXCEPT for the subdomain part... Wes
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