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About deth4uall

  • Birthday 01/20/1987

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  • Location
    Austin, TX, USA

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Newbie (1/5)



  1. Oh okay, thanks that is good to know. I appreciate all the help I will get this included and uploaded as soon as I can
  2. Thanks, I have changed that so that it will filter out the tags.
  3. I have edited it so that it should be working right.
  4. Right, thanks! I PMed you with some details until I get that fixed.
  5. I am working on the v2.0 rewrite of my game and I even created a whole microframework for it so that I can quickly get it done. Right now however I am needing more testers because I am looking to get some good reliable feedback since the present players on the main server are too few to give me a wide range of feedback on it. The framework I created is at http://github.com/deth4uall/Obsidian-Moon-Engine/ if you want to check it out, released under BSD license. The link to the application in question is: http://testing.ultimate-battle-online.com/ and below is my phpfreaks.txt http://testing.ultimate-battle-online.com/phpfreaks.txt
  6. Yeah I will be the first to say that I don't know as much as I would like, but even then I am still learning because my profession forces me to expand my knowledge and understand of development.
  7. Don't get me wrong, but OOP in PHP has it's uses and I would love to see PHP expand on it's support of OOP. However, I do not believe that OOP is everything like "Hall of Famer" would like to believe, instead it is useful in some cases and a hinderance in others. It depends on what you are trying to do. I have been using PHP for about 7 years now and I like the ideals behind OOP, but in some of my projects procedural/sequential code just out power the OOP alternatives easily. As someone stated before, you don't need the language to be fully OOP for you to take advantage of the GoF Design Patterns.
  8. Any ideas on how I can either change it or do this from scratch? lol...
  9. I am trying to create a script I can show in the list of directories and images in the folder that I am in. The supported types I am trying to only show are "image/jpg", "image/png" & "directory." I found this script but I am confused about how to implement it, I would like to have it as a index.php which would show the images and directory listings. # image types to display $imagetypes = array("image/jpeg", "image/gif"); # Original PHP code by Chirp Internet: www.chirp.com.au # Please acknowledge use of this code by including this header. function getImages($dir) { global $imagetypes; # array to hold return value $retval = array(); # add trailing slash if missing if(substr($dir, -1) != "/") $dir .= "/"; # full server path to directory $fulldir = "{$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']}/$dir"; $d = @dir($fulldir) or die("getImages: Failed opening directory $dir for reading"); while(false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { # skip hidden files if($entry[0] == ".") continue; # check for image files if(in_array(mime_content_type("$fulldir$entry"), $imagetypes)) { $retval[] = array( "file" => "/$dir$entry", "size" => getimagesize("$fulldir$entry") ); } elseif (is_dir($entry)) { $dirval[] = $entry; } } $d->close(); return $retval; } # display on page foreach($images as $img) { echo "<div class=\"photo\">"; echo "<img src=\"{$img['file']}\" {$img['size'][3]} alt=\"\"><br>\n"; echo "<a href=\"{$img['file']}\">",basename($img['file']),"</a><br>\n"; echo "({$img['size'][0]}x{$img['size'][1]})"; echo "</div>\n"; }
  10. Lack of experience for creating a self updating system that would allow me to update the database when I upload files just by running a simple check...
  11. SELECT * FROM `userinfo` WHERE `id` = '$id';
  12. Ok, I have been working on a game and I am wanting to create a revision system for development and patching to new versions... My game uses a revision like v1.3.4 as you will see if you visit the site, and my testing server uses v1.3.5.x due to it being one revision ahead and having subrevisions based on how far along I get... I want to create a script that updates the server with the SQL queries placed in a file based on the current version. So on testing server it will update the database ONLY for SQL newer than v1.3.5.2 if the next version I uploaded is So far I made the version numbers broken down into arrays but I got stuck there... $version = str_replace("v","",$this->version); $version_array = explode(".",$version); include ("ubo.updates.php"); $versionup = str_replace("v","",$version); $versionup_array = explode(".",$version); if (sizeof($version_array) > 3) { $tot = $version_array['0']; $major = $version_array['1']; $minor = $version_array['2']; $rev = $version_array['3']; } This previous code goes into the user.class.php & the next code is what I have for ubo.updates.php: <?php //Change The Below Number As You Upload the system $version = "1.3.5"; $sqlupdate['1']['3']['5']['1'] = ""; ?> Any help is appreciated and even pointers and hints will help...
  13. ok thanks I will try that and see if it works...
  14. Hi I have these tables roughly that have info in them but I am trying to write a SQL query that will gather them all together in one query... // User table // ------------------------------------- // userid username lastactivity // ------------------------------------- // 1 abc 1244912985 // 2 def 1244912983 // // Friends table // ------------------------------------- // userid relationid friend // ------------------------------------- // 1 2 yes // 2 1 yes I am not versed with the Outer Joins so I would like to see an example of what it would look like to gather info based on your `id` being '1', and both of the above friends table being set to yes. Also I need pretty much all the info in the User table, based on the Friends table (both ids being friends with one another).
  15. I want it to create a user account in the forum DB while creating the account on the game db... savvy? I know there is a script that is used to for doing that just can't remember where I saw it... Also keep in mind I would also like to know the SQL required but if its a script already built that works... Mainly looking for SQL cause I can't seem to find it in the phpBB code itself...
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