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Everything posted by spookykl

  1. Thanks for the quick update. Can the admin not Disable logging from the back-end side? Just curious. Thanks! I'll change my profile then and scribble the pwd.
  2. Hello, I've been trying to find information on how to cancel my account at PHP Freaks. Nothing is wrong with this board or anything, it's just that I'm not in this industry anymore and don't require this account. Appreciate for the advice or if the admin can cancel / close my account. Thank you! All the best!
  3. Ok, after googling around, I came across some code and modified to suit my needs. (Please refer to my code below) Ignoring the "GROUPS" column, I would like to create a table that does the following: - Fixed table header when scrolling vertically (done) - Fixed column when scrolling horizontally (done) - Table header scrolls when scrolling horizontally (done) - Fixed column scrolls when scrolling vertically (done) now, here comes the tricky part that I can't seem to achieve. - Be able to "click" on the checkbox, buttons (and whatever I will add in the future, eg: textbox) that are INSIDE the table. (ie: If I want to edit Amanda's age, I should be able to click on the "edit" button and in the cell of Amanda's age, it will allow me to change her age.) The problem with my implementation is, my DIV "scrollbar" has a z-Index greater than the DIV "container", which allowed me to create the fixed header with horizontal and vertical scroll feature. (but right now, at a cost.....cost of can't click on the buttons, etc.) I am wondering if someone here knows what to do (add or modify), without losing the fixed header with scroll hor. & vert. feature. Thanks for the help in advance! <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <style> #corner { position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; background-color:green; z-index:4; width:28px; height:25px; } #left_column { position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; background-color:#99CCFF; margin-top:25px; width:120px; z-index:3; } #headers{ overflow:hidden; background-color:#00CCFF; position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; height:25px; margin-left:120px; z-index:3; white-space: nowrap; } #data{ position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; margin-left:120px; margin-top:25px; z-index:2; white-space: nowrap; } #container { position:absolute; top:45px; left:120px; width:75%; height:60%; border:1px solid #ffffff; overflow:hidden; } #scrollbar{ position: absolute; overflow: auto; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 0px; z-index: 4; } .wheelheader { padding:5px; font-size:12px; background:#6060B3; color:#ffffff; font-weight:normal; border: 2px solid #000000; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } .column0{width:20px;text-align:center;} .column00{width:100px;text-align:center;} .column1{width:120px;text-align:center;} .column2{width:120px;text-align:center;} .column3{width:120px;text-align:center;} .column4{width:65px;text-align:center;} .column5{width:65px;text-align:center;} .row0{height:25px;background-color:#00CCFF;text-align:center;} .row1{height:22px;text-align:center;} .row2{height:22px;text-align:center;} .row3{height:22px;text-align:center;} .row4{height:22px;text-align:center;} .row5{height:22px;text-align:center;} </style> <script> var data; var top; var left; var scrolled; var scrollbars; var container; var contentwidth; var contentheight; function init(){ data=document.getElementById('data'); top=document.getElementById('headers'); left=document.getElementById('left_column') scrolled=document.getElementById('scrolled'); scrollbars=document.getElementById('scrollbar'); container=document.getElementById('container'); contentheight=container.scrollHeight; contentwidth=container.scrollWidth; scrolled.style.height=contentheight+"px"; scrolled.style.width=contentwidth+"px"; } function scroll(){ var x = scrollbars.scrollLeft; var y = scrollbars.scrollTop; data.style.left = "-"+x+"px"; top.style.left="-"+x+"px"; data.style.top = "-"+y+"px"; left.style.top = "-"+y+"px"; } </script> </head> <body bgcolor="#0066CC" onLoad="init()"> <div id="RTI" name="RTI" style="background-color:#E0E4E7; height:200px; width:599px; visibility:visible; top:40px; left:20px; position:absolute"> <h1 class="wheelheader" style="width:585px; top: -9px; position:absolute">Family Tree</h1> <div style="background-color:#FFFFFF; width:100px; top:45px; left:20px; position:relative"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0"> <tr bgcolor="#00CCFF"><td width="100px">GROUPS</td></tr> <tr bgcolor="#99CCFF"><td>Baby</td></tr> <tr bgcolor="#99CCFF"><td>Children</td></tr> <tr bgcolor="#99CCFF"><td>Adult</td></tr> <tr bgcolor="#99CCFF"><td>Elder</td></tr> </table> </div> <div id="container" > <div id="corner"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr class="row0"> <td><div class="column0"><input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled"/><div></td> <td><div class="column00">Name<div></td> </tr></table> </div> <div id="headers"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr> <td><div class="column1">Age<div></td> <td><div class="column2">Sex<div></td> <td><div class="column3">Height<div></td> <td><div class="column4"><div></td> <td><div class="column5"><div></td> </tr></table> </div> <div id="left_column"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tr class="row1"><td><input type="checkbox" id="chkMe1" value="1"/></td><td>Bill</td></tr> <tr class="row2"><td><input type="checkbox" id="chkMe2" value="1"/></td><td>Mary</td></tr> <tr class="row3"><td><input type="checkbox" id="chkMe3" value="1"/></td><td>Todd</td></tr> <tr class="row4"><td><input type="checkbox" id="chkMe4" value="1"/></td><td>Amanda</td></tr> <tr class="row5"><td><input type="checkbox" id="chkMe5" value="1"/></td><td>Jaime</td></tr> </table> </div> <div id="data"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <TR class="row1"> <td><div class="column1">26</div></td> <td><div class="column2">Male</div></td> <td><div class="column3">6'0"</div></td> <td><div class="column4"><input type="button" value="Edit" /></div></td> <td><div class="column5"><input type="button" value="Delete" /></div></td> </TR> <TR class="row2"> <td><div class="column1">30</div></td> <td><div class="column2">Female</div></td> <td><div class="column3">5'7"</div></td> <td><div class="column4"><input type="button" value="Edit" /></div></td> <td><div class="column5"><input type="button" value="Delete" /></div></td> </TR> <TR class="row3"> <td><div class="column1">22</div></td> <td><div class="column2">Male</div></td> <td><div class="column3">5'8"</div></td> <td><div class="column4"><input type="button" value="Edit" /></div></td> <td><div class="column5"><input type="button" value="Delete" /></div></td> </TR> <TR class="row4"> <td><div class="column1">25</div></td> <td><div class="column2">Female</div></td> <td><div class="column3">5'9"</div></td> <td><div class="column4"><input type="button" value="Edit" /></div></td> <td><div class="column5"><input type="button" value="Delete" /></div></td> </TR> <TR class="row5"> <td><div class="column1">27</div></td> <td><div class="column2">Female</div></td> <td><div class="column3">5'6"</div></td> <td><div class="column4"><input type="button" value="Edit" /></div></td> <td><div class="column5"><input type="button" value="Delete" /></div></td> </TR> </table> </div> <div id="scrollbar" onscroll="scroll();" onClick="document.getElementById('scrollbar').style.zIndex = '0';"> <div id="scrolled" style="z-index:5"></div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
  4. Hello, I've been researching on this for a while, but has anyone come up with a good example of how to create a table with a fixed header (that stays on top), while scrolling vertically or horizontally? That is, it must accomplish the following: 1. HTML table for public viewing - therefore must render sensibly in most (if not all) browsers. 2. Variable data length in the columns means that the table's column widths cannot be fixed - the browser should render the column widths dynamically according to the current data 3. Horizontal and vertical scrollbars should be shown on the table body if the view size is smaller than the table size 4. The table header row(s) should remain fixed and in view for vertical scrolling (MOST IMPORTANT) 5. The table header row(s) should scroll with the body rows for horizontal scrolling (MOST IMPORTANT) Thank you for your help! =) EDIT: I am using HTML, JavaScript, PHP and connecting to a PostgreSQL database for my web development.
  5. whoa, fast reply =) Thank you! It works. Let me read up on php =)
  6. Hi all, I am fairly new with php coding and this may seem like a stupid question, but how do I (using a for loop), loop through each of my variables? (look at the example below). I'm not sure how to explain it, but it goes something like this: $TXT1 = "Hello"; $TXT2 = "My Name Is"; $TXT3 = "PHPFREAKS"; $TXT4 = "ByeBye"; for ($i = 1; $i<=4; $i++) { $output .= $TXT . $i; <-- how can I combine this and make it $TXT1 or $TXT2, etc... } Thank you!
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