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Everything posted by haku

  1. To the OP - it's always best to explain both exactly what you are trying to do (this does NOT mean how you are trying to do it), an what is happening now that is different to what you want. When you run into errors, you should copy and paste the entire error, as these often help us help you diagnose the issue. Be as descriptive as possible. The surest way to ensure you get a specific answer is to be as clear as possible about what is happening. The more vague the initial post, the less specific our responses will be.
  2. Sorry, but this is not only wrong, it is often bad practice. Scripts can go anywhere on the page, and often it's best to have them as the last thing on the page for faster page loads. Usually it is best not to include them until they are necessary.
  3. It sounds like your javascript may not well formed. Run it through a validator, it will make it more compatible: http://www.jslint.com/
  4. haku


    Please use code tags around your code. You can do this with the <> button in the editor.
  5. This: foreach ($tel as $_POST['CTL_TEL']) { Should most likely be this: foreach ($_POST['CTL_TEL'] as $tel) {
  6. What's the error.
  7. What kind of answer are/were you hoping to get? Your question was extremely broad, so you can't really expect more than an extremely broad answer.
  8. Nothing wrong with divs - until HTML5 kicked in (and after tables went out) they were the primary generic HTML building block. Fortunately HTML5 has given us a number of new tags we can use instead of divs. The problem I was more referring to however is divitis - using divs for absolutely everything, when other tags are more appropriate.
  9. Time to start a new thread mate
  10. You see this: #<files *.ini> The # sign comments out hte line - meaning it's not read by the system. This means you have a closing files tag (that comes below this line), but no opening files tag (which is what the error is telling you)
  11. 500 errors are generally (maybe always, though I'm not confident enough to say for sure) at the server level, not the PHP level. Check your server (Apache if you are using it) error logs for more information.
  12. You're a good man. When people can't be bothered to explain things in detail, particularly when they are even prodded with the questions they should answer to explain it in detail, I usually don't even look at their code (and didn't this time).
  13. And the answers to PaulRyan's questions are? None of his questions referred to code.
  14. You are trying to insert data into a database column called 'ip' which doesn't exist.
  15. We cannot teach you web design in a thread. Most of us studied for months/years before being able to take a design from photoshop and turn it into HTML. Putting that into an e-commerce system takes months of learning that ecommerce system first as well. Imagine if you found a car forum, and said 'I've drawn a picture of a car, how do I build this? Should I use aluminum or steel?', you can imagine you wouldn't get that much help. Basically you are in the same position here. To answer your question though, only use tables for tabular elements, and only use divs when they should be used, and not other elements instead. Confusing answer right? A few months of studying web design should clear the answer up for you.
  16. That sure clears things up! I think we were all a little lost as to what he was talking about.
  17. Sorry I couldn't actually help, but glad you got it worked out.
  18. Assuming this is line 33 (you didn't say): $rec=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select name,top from add_category where id=$cat")); Change it to this: $rec = mysql_query("select name,top from add_category where id=$cat") OR die(mysql_error()); Then run it and let us know what the error is.
  19. Thanks Barand. If I'm reading that right, it confirms what I believed.
  20. Ok, so is the output of this code visible when you view the source: foreach($ini[$file] as $f){ //echo '<style type="text/css">'; include $f; //echo '</style>'; } ?
  21. I'll be honest, you've lost me on what you are trying to do.
  22. Does the file /min/general.css exist?
  23. If the path to the file is correct, then there is no reason it should not be working. CSS files can be added at any point, even dynamically after page load (using JavaScript). Are you sure that the CSS in question is using the correct selectors? For proper bug testing purposes, try hardcoding your <link> tag directly into the document and see what happens. That will at least tell you if it's a problem with the CSS file itself, or the method you are using to include it.
  24. When you view the HTML source of the page, do you see the CSS file in the head of the document?
  25. Always give the full error including the line number. And make sure to tell us which line that number refers to. Right now you've given us an error and a whack of code, with no way to identify where in that code the error is coming from.
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