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Everything posted by shlumph

  1. I wish the content wasn't fixed width and would stretch across my screen. Also, the top menu (Downloads, Documentation, Community, Help) is kind of annoying; I wish I didn't have to click to see the sub menu items. Other than that, it looks much more modern and overall better looking. And I'm sure there will be a continuous improvements. Edit: It looks like the documentation pages stretch across the screen. So there is some inconsistency in how the content is displayed across the site (as far as layout widths go).
  2. I'm unclear on what you would like, but using GET as the form's method type would place all of it's form variables into the URL. <form action="index.php" method="get"> ... </form>
  3. Instead of searching the font name "spy agency", browse the fonts and look for a similar looking font. It could be named something completely different.
  4. You could try finding a google web font that looks similar to it: http://www.google.com/fonts/ Or, use CSS3 to embed the font, however, this only works with browsers which support embedding fonts. http://www.w3schools.com/css3/css3_fonts.asp
  5. In my opinion, unless there's a strong reason to be storing the files in the DB, you should store them on the file system. That's what the file system was made for. The discussion here goes over pros/cons of storing files in the DB: http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/150669/is-it-a-bad-practice-to-store-large-files-10-mb-in-a-database
  6. I hope you've removed it from your server. I would also look for other base_64 encoded strings on your system(s), analyze all your logs, and find what, if any, files have been uploaded.
  7. Yes, it is a malicious script. It's sending email notifications to them to let them know the script made it onto your site. And then they are using the form to upload files into your server, which are probably malicious. If it was encrypted with base_64, that should be a huge red flag.
  8. I'm guessing because, last time I checked, double <br>'s don't have a standard height across browsers. This can be modified with CSS... but I think that's why he did it that way. The style attribute should be quoted. Better yet, give it a class name like "break", then move the styling into a stylesheet.
  9. This would be something like: echo str_replace("\r\n", "<br>", $property_description); Or echo str_replace("<br>", "\r\n", $property_description); Depending on the definition of the replace function in ASP.
  10. I'm not sure about your function. I usually just check $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']. Note that he could be using an anonymous proxy, which would allow him to keep changing his IP address. Do you have a CAPTCHA in your registration process? If you think he is registering via a script he wrote, I would suggest having one in place to prevent this.
  11. You should probably add a CAPTCHA element on your form: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAPTCHA http://www.google.com/recaptcha/captcha
  12. Ahh, you are right. I retract that statement, for some reason I read it as $date=>posts. Like OP was trying to access an object variable.
  13. Not to mention $date=>$posts is not valid syntax.
  14. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=mysql+set+unique+index
  15. Why not just put a unique index on other fields?
  16. I do not see how your code detects this. It is your DB table definition, with a UNIQUE index on the username column?
  17. The first thing I would do is remove the cross join on the SUB CATEGORY and CATEGORY tables. ... INNER JOIN fm_product_sub_category AS sub ON ct.sub_cat_id = sub.sub_cat_id INNER JOIN fm_product_main_category AS mc ON mc.category_id = sub.category_id GROUP BY sub.category_id Then you can create indexes on ct.sub_cat_id, sub.sub_cat_id, sub.category_id, and mc.category_id.
  18. You can set an onchange event on your select element, that triggers an AJAX request which sends you the data you need to populate the other fields in the form. I would recommend a JS framework to help you with this, such as JQuery or Dojo Toolkit.
  19. At the top right, just to the left of "Sign Out" click on your name, then My Settings. http://forums.phpfreaks.com/index.php?app=core&module=usercp
  20. shlumph


    1) Not always. It is what I personally prefer, though. 2) They are usually useful, but more so depends on which one you choose for your project, and if it suites your project well. They are not necessary, but can speed up development time and give your project a solid foundation to work on. 3) Not always. It is what i personally prefer, though. 4) Yes. But, I would recommend learn OO with a tighter language, first. Like Java. Learn the concepts there, then come back to PHP. You can make a mess real quick learning OO with PHP because of how loose everything is. This is my humble opinion, though.
  21. If an attacker can access the values in RAM, you're already compromised. As Jessica has stated, them dumping out your RAM is the least of your worries. They have access to your machine and file system. But to answer your question, I'm almost certain your code is not stored in RAM as cleartext. It's all hexadecimal. Before it gets converted into hexadecimal, i'm not sure, probably C, assembly, then machine code. I'm just guessing though, google How does the PHP interpreter work for better information.
  22. Just the relevant tables. If you could post the queries, that would be good as well. You can also do EXPLAIN SELECT... (rest of query) in your MySQL editor to see what could be causing an issue. There may be cross joining going on, which is really taxing on resources.
  23. I'd imagine there would be two tables: items and stock. items: - id - name - description stock: - id - item_id - size - quantity
  24. Ok, then if they have ID3 data on them, you can look that information up with the ID3 functions I linked to above.
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