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moon 111

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Everything posted by moon 111

  1. OK, the nav is less "flat" now. I think the footer needs a subtle gradient. What do you think?
  2. I've noticed that such sites have ridiculously low rates as the competition is very high.
  3. Well, as eventually happens to all people, the need for cash has arrived. Unfortuantely, my freelance routine is a bit rusty and I'm not sure where to look for jobs. So, I was wondering, where do you people find them? Any help would be greatly approeciated . Thanks, - Moshe
  4. OK, I added a good banner. I think this makes a world of difference. What do you guys think?
  5. Daniel0, how did you get the deep understanding of web programming/design you seem to have? I mean, I know it comes with experience, but there must be some other source. Any books you'd recommend? Please fill me in, as I don't seem to be getting there. I am not a novice, and I believe I have a better understanding then most, but I often encounter problems - in the applicaiton design, good practice, patterns, etc. department mostly - of the sort I know you would answer "easily" on this forum. - Moshe
  6. I like it, but there are some minor fixes that you seriously need: Change the font to something smaller in the main content box, and make several short paragraphs, instead of one big blob. The navigaiton is too squished. Have smaller fonts here, too, and make a clear seperation between the items. Also, make a hover effect. A 1-2-3 type box would look nice above the form. Get these things done and it should look nice and crisp, ready too be served along with a big mac and a diet cola. - Moshe
  7. I don't know how you came to this "fact", but I call BS. The hash extension, which is part of the php core and enabled since PHP 5.1.2, gives you all the algorithms you need. I wouldn't use MD5 or SHA-0, but this extension provides you with plenty of secure alternatives. I personally have been using the SHA-256 algorithm for a long time. SHA-256 has not been compromised. Nor has ripemd160, another algorithm supported by the hash extension. Even algorithms supposedly compromised/insecure are not all unsafe to use. No one has even been able to produce hash collisions using SHA-1, even after 2^63 attacks. Assuming that 200,000 attacks/s is correct, even with 100,000x that processing power, it would take ~14.6 years (2^63/(200000*100000*60*60*24*365)) to execute that number of attacks. Even though federal US agencies are advised to abandon SHA-1 before 2010, clearly this is a precautionary measure. Only TRULY MASSIVE supercomputers would be able to crack SHA-1 any time soon. Other supposedly "insecure" algorithms (also supported by the hash extension) like Snefru are even more impossible to crack: That's why I'm not so sure about studying Cryptography. With that kind of security already in place, what's the point? Back on topic, though, assuming you use SHA-1 or MD5 or one of the others out there you should be sage. It is ridiculous to try to make an attack take 3 years instead of 5 months (as you mentioned earlier) if you have a regular website. When your in charge of security at a bank or hospital, give us a call. Although this research is fascinating (no sarcasm), if you're so worried it would probably make more sense just to force a password change every 3 months (or have a random one) every three months, and change the hashing algorithm, too. I'm pretty sure this would work, and it would save you a lot of hassle.
  8. Thanks, everyone, for all the great feedback! Re: Maq 1. I don't agree with moving the navigation, but I do think centering the footer would be nice. 2. Yes, the middle content is quite dull. I really need to work on that. 3. I personally think the color scheme work, but if more people disagree, I guess I'll change it. 4. I don't see what you mean about the sponsors column. I haven't tried it with very many screen sizes, though, and mine is quite large, so it might just be that. 5. And, yes, I'm not posting any content until everything works, including the forum which hasn't been put up yet. Conclusion: The design needs some work, and livening up, but first I'll get everything running. Thanks everyone!
  9. Well, this is the first design. Once I get it going I'll redesign it. I really suck when it comes to banners/logos so I've been avoiding it. Anyone know someone who would be willing to make it in exchange for PHP work or advertising space, or a place I can find one? I'd really appreciate help with this. Thanks, - Moshe P.S. I'd say this is technically my first "full" design, so I wasn't exactly expecting sighs of awe.
  10. The website isn't completely finished, so some of the links won't work. Please report any bugs you may find. http://www.fightingchess.com I'd also appreciate help with choosing a spot for a banner or logo, or someone who is willing to design it. Thanks! - Moshe
  11. Try a more 'open' design. Also, get rid of the google ads. I loved how 0% of the dreams were spiritual .
  12. This is one of my first real css websites. What do you think? http://www.kingdavidwebdesign.com/layout.html Also, can you please post what browser your using, and, if there's something very wrong, a screenshot? Thanks, -Moshe
  13. I have started using ZF and I was wondering: do you usually have a class for each of your tables, or do you use the built in classes (Zend_Db_Select etc.) in your controllers? Also, I've found it very difficult to have Table relationships in the classes and Zend's documentation has been no help. Thanks, - Moshe P.S. If anyone farmiliar with ZF can help me out over E-mail, or MSN when I need help, it would be greatly appreciated.
  14. The design is beautiful. Did you make it? I think the website really has potential. EDIT: The design is beautiful. Did you make it?
  15. I will be adding a 'featured babysitter' on the left side of the page, soon...
  16. OK, here's the basic website design. Not done at all yet. http://www.kingdavidwebdesign.com
  17. What kind of nav do you think would go with this? What kind of style? Any help would really be appreciated. - Moshe
  18. So if I understand this correctly... you're header claims to be in Beta, and you only have that header? I mean no offense, but wouldn't it be better to hammer out an entire design first, then present that here and see what can collectively be critiqued as opposed to starting with a header graphic? Sorta feels like trying to put the carriage in front of the horse. Keep in mind that a single graphic may look out of place on its own, but in place within its surroundings, it may look better. Cheers, NRG I'm actually getting someone to "hammer out" a design while I do this. You can critique it as soon as he's done
  19. Well, I haven't made the rest of my design. I'll just resize it accordingly once I do.
  20. Oh, really? If you paid attention you would probably notice that I like water, am probably under 30, and, obviously, don't speak greek, because at this stage it should say alpha not beta. Lol. But anyway, he's right. There has to be some visual "eye-candy" you could add (like a really nice icon or something). My graphics skills extend as far as making gradients, adding text, and following a tutorial. I really can't see myself making (or buying) a nice icon. By the way, do you think the last one I posted is good enough to make do as is?
  21. Oh, really? If you paid attention you would probably notice that I like water, am probably under 30, and, obviously, don't speak greek, because at this stage it should say alpha not beta.
  22. By the way, this is for a Babysitting website, meaning that most of my audience is not the kind of person who can really appreciate web 2.0, so I don't know how much more I can risk adding. And, anyway, I'm out of ideas...
  23. I don't think it's any good but here it is: http://www.kingdavidwebdesign.com/header1_reflect_fade_lines.png
  24. The horizontal tiling sounds interesting, but I wouldn't know how to do that. Any tutorials etc.? (using GIMP prefferably)
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