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Posts posted by priti

  1. select i.*,u.username

    from items t,users u

    where t.item_title ='parameter' or u.username='parameter'


    you can try something like this according to you need it will solve your purpose . still you can wait for some mysql guru to drop in here and give you the most optimised way of doing this .




  2. Hi,


    If understanding you right then make a guess that the code here is doing update or insert where as when you would be showing you comment in user control panel you would be using "select..." statment to pull the comments from table.


    i amnot too clear with you view which code exactly you trying to reuse?



  3. Hi,


    i think what you have thought is also a good option mostly it is keep like it for eas of use.just take care of some points like


    when you click that delete icon it should prompt message to user 'Are you sure to delete this reocrd'


    on yes delete the records else remain on the same page.



    name age description Action

    priti   10  sdfsdf        delete icon which will be a <a href='?act=delete&id=recid'>



  4. in checklogin.php print $_SESSION['logged_in'] after you do $_SESSION['logged_in'] and in test.php simply handle a case what is $_SESSION is empty.


    so like



    echo 'session not yet assigned';



    try this

  5. So is that solves your problem or not.???


    Actually in your code you have not set the $_SESSION['logged_in'] anywhere hence when you run that test script you find nothing no error and no output.what i told you is to set the $session['logged_in'] and check so in if() condition it finds the condition to be true and displays the message to you.

  6. I'm submitting an AJAX request to my server (I'm running a WAMP stack). I can see the server process the request in XDebug and set the return string (an HTML <form>...</form>) correctly. Here's the kicker - when I look at the the responseText from the Ajax request in Firebug, it's not the data that was sent, it's a copy of the entire web page! At the moment I'm stumped. For one, this AJAX request is kicked off as the result of a previously successful AJAX request (a login), but that one works perfectly??


    Any idea where to look?


    Steve G.


    Are you using some template like smarty???

  7. Hi,


    Referring you test script .I would suggest that in your test.php do


    and then make a call to your test() function and see if the session is working or not.



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