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Posts posted by kewpe20

  1. Hello all,


    I've been trying to a resolve an issue with a parent page not reloading after a child form is submitted.

    The initial problem is that I immediately lose the value of window.opener on the call to the child window.. What am I doing wrong?


    Here is my call to the child window in my php file:


    <a href="notes.php" class="actiontiny" target="_blank" onclick="modalWin('3','4','add' ); return false;">Add Note</a>


    Here is the Javascript for modalWin function:

    The alert statement results in "undefined" when it should result in the name of the parent's php file name....right?


    function modalWin(type, id, func) {


      if (window.showModalDialog) {

        window.showModalDialog("notes.php?type="+type+"&id="+id+"&func="+func+"","Notes", "dialogWidth:600px;dialogHeight:510px");

      } else {


        'height=510,width=600,toolbar=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no ,modal=yes');



  2. I got the results I wanted with this code:


    $pct = 6.1275;

    $mins = $pct*1440/100 ; // 1440 minutes in most days

    $hrs = $pct*24/100; // 24 hours in most days

    $fake_time = intval($hrs). ":". (intval($mins) - 60*intval($hrs));

    echo $pct. "% of a day equals ". $fake_time. " in hh:mm format";;



    The other solution returned 20:28:13


    Thanks to the both of you for helping me out.

  3. Not a gag.


    To see a live example copy 0.0612756581515 into a cell in MSEXCEL.

    Then right click the cell and select Format, then select the time format (hh:mm)


    Excel treats the number as a a percent of a 24 hour day.

    So, 6 hours = .25  12 hours = .5  18 hours = .75 and 24 hours = 1

    That's the logic.


    I just can't get my head around how to convert it the opposite way.  Meaning if someone said what is 6.1275% of a 24 hour day, how would I calculate it and return an answer in a  hour:minute format.


  4. A client provided me with an Excel Doc. with some very complex equations to determine a time period.


    I have been able to duplicate the results using PHP up to the point where Excel converts the decimal value into a period of time using a 24 hour time frame.


    For example I have a decimal value = 0.0612756581515 which equals 1 hour and 28 minutes in Excel.


    How do I convert that decimal value to 1 hour and 28 minutes , or 88 minutes, or 316800 seconds.


    There's got to be a way, but solving it is over my head.


    Thanks in advance

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